2023-12-13 更新

Transferring CLIP’s Knowledge into Zero-Shot Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Yuanbin Wang, Shaofei Huang, Yulu Gao, Zhen Wang, Rui Wang, Kehua Sheng, Bo Zhang, Si Liu

Traditional 3D segmentation methods can only recognize a fixed range of classes that appear in the training set, which limits their application in real-world scenarios due to the lack of generalization ability. Large-scale visual-language pre-trained models, such as CLIP, have shown their generalization ability in the zero-shot 2D vision tasks, but are still unable to be applied to 3D semantic segmentation directly. In this work, we focus on zero-shot point cloud semantic segmentation and propose a simple yet effective baseline to transfer the visual-linguistic knowledge implied in CLIP to point cloud encoder at both feature and output levels. Both feature-level and output-level alignments are conducted between 2D and 3D encoders for effective knowledge transfer. Concretely, a Multi-granularity Cross-modal Feature Alignment (MCFA) module is proposed to align 2D and 3D features from global semantic and local position perspectives for feature-level alignment. For the output level, per-pixel pseudo labels of unseen classes are extracted using the pre-trained CLIP model as supervision for the 3D segmentation model to mimic the behavior of the CLIP image encoder. Extensive experiments are conducted on two popular benchmarks of point cloud segmentation. Our method outperforms significantly previous state-of-the-art methods under zero-shot setting (+29.2% mIoU on SemanticKITTI and 31.8% mIoU on nuScenes), and further achieves promising results in the annotation-free point cloud semantic segmentation setting, showing its great potential for label-efficient learning.


ProxyDet: Synthesizing Proxy Novel Classes via Classwise Mixup for Open Vocabulary Object Detection

Authors:Joonhyun Jeong, Geondo Park, Jayeon Yoo, Hyungsik Jung, Heesu Kim

Open-vocabulary object detection (OVOD) aims to recognize novel objects whose categories are not included in training set. In order to classify these unseen classes during training, many OVOD frameworks leverage the zero-shot capability of largely pretrained vision and language models, such as CLIP. To further improve generalization on the unseen novel classes, several approaches proposed to additionally train with pseudo region labeling on the external data sources that contain a substantial number of novel category labels beyond the existing training data. Albeit its simplicity, these pseudo-labeling methods still exhibit limited improvement with regard to the genuine novel classes that were not pseudo-labeled. In this paper, we present a novel, yet simple technique that helps generalization on the overall distribution of novel classes. Inspired by our observation that numerous novel classes reside within the convex hull constructed by the base (seen) classes in the CLIP embedding space, we propose to synthesize proxy-novel classes approximating novel classes via linear mixup between a pair of base classes. By training our detector with these synthetic proxy-novel classes, we effectively explore the embedding space of novel classes. The experimental results on various OVOD benchmarks such as LVIS and COCO demonstrate superior performance on novel classes compared to the other state-of-the-art methods.
PDF Accepted in AAAI24. Preprint


Sequential Planning in Large Partially Observable Environments guided by LLMs

Authors:Swarna Kamal Paul

Sequential planning in large state space and action space quickly becomes intractable due to combinatorial explosion of the search space. Heuristic methods, like monte-carlo tree search, though effective for large state space, but struggle if action space is large. Pure reinforcement learning methods, relying only on reward signals, needs prohibitively large interactions with the environment to device a viable plan. If the state space, observations and actions can be represented in natural language then Large Language models (LLM) can be used to generate action plans. Recently several such goal-directed agents like Reflexion, CLIN, SayCan were able to surpass the performance of other state-of-the-art methods with minimum or no task specific training. But they still struggle with exploration and get stuck in local optima. Their planning capabilities are limited by the limited reasoning capability of the foundational LLMs on text data. We propose a hybrid agent “neoplanner”, that synergizes both state space search with queries to foundational LLM to get the best action plan. The reward signals are quantitatively used to drive the search. A balance of exploration and exploitation is maintained by maximizing upper confidence bounds of values of states. In places where random exploration is needed, the LLM is queried to generate an action plan. Learnings from each trial are stored as entity relationships in text format. Those are used in future queries to the LLM for continual improvement. Experiments in the Scienceworld environment reveals a 124% improvement from the current best method in terms of average reward gained across multiple tasks.
PDF 8 pages, 2 figures, 1 table


LLMEval: A Preliminary Study on How to Evaluate Large Language Models

Authors:Yue Zhang, Ming Zhang, Haipeng Yuan, Shichun Liu, Yongyao Shi, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang

Recently, the evaluation of Large Language Models has emerged as a popular area of research. The three crucial questions for LLM evaluation are ``what, where, and how to evaluate’’. However, the existing research mainly focuses on the first two questions, which are basically what tasks to give the LLM during testing and what kind of knowledge it should deal with. As for the third question, which is about what standards to use, the types of evaluators, how to score, and how to rank, there hasn’t been much discussion. In this paper, we analyze evaluation methods by comparing various criteria with both manual and automatic evaluation, utilizing onsite, crowd-sourcing, public annotators and GPT-4, with different scoring methods and ranking systems. We propose a new dataset, LLMEval and conduct evaluations on 20 LLMs. A total of 2,186 individuals participated, leading to the generation of 243,337 manual annotations and 57,511 automatic evaluation results. We perform comparisons and analyses of different settings and conduct 10 conclusions that can provide some insights for evaluating LLM in the future. The dataset and the results are publicly available at https://github.com/llmeval .


LMDrive: Closed-Loop End-to-End Driving with Large Language Models

Authors:Hao Shao, Yuxuan Hu, Letian Wang, Steven L. Waslander, Yu Liu, Hongsheng Li

Despite significant recent progress in the field of autonomous driving, modern methods still struggle and can incur serious accidents when encountering long-tail unforeseen events and challenging urban scenarios. On the one hand, large language models (LLM) have shown impressive reasoning capabilities that approach “Artificial General Intelligence”. On the other hand, previous autonomous driving methods tend to rely on limited-format inputs (e.g. sensor data and navigation waypoints), restricting the vehicle’s ability to understand language information and interact with humans. To this end, this paper introduces LMDrive, a novel language-guided, end-to-end, closed-loop autonomous driving framework. LMDrive uniquely processes and integrates multi-modal sensor data with natural language instructions, enabling interaction with humans and navigation software in realistic instructional settings. To facilitate further research in language-based closed-loop autonomous driving, we also publicly release the corresponding dataset which includes approximately 64K instruction-following data clips, and the LangAuto benchmark that tests the system’s ability to handle complex instructions and challenging driving scenarios. Extensive closed-loop experiments are conducted to demonstrate LMDrive’s effectiveness. To the best of our knowledge, we’re the very first work to leverage LLMs for closed-loop end-to-end autonomous driving. Codes can be found at https://github.com/opendilab/LMDrive


VILA: On Pre-training for Visual Language Models

Authors:Ji Lin, Hongxu Yin, Wei Ping, Yao Lu, Pavlo Molchanov, Andrew Tao, Huizi Mao, Jan Kautz, Mohammad Shoeybi, Song Han

Visual language models (VLMs) rapidly progressed with the recent success of large language models. There have been growing efforts on visual instruction tuning to extend the LLM with visual inputs, but lacks an in-depth study of the visual language pre-training process, where the model learns to perform joint modeling on both modalities. In this work, we examine the design options for VLM pre-training by augmenting LLM towards VLM through step-by-step controllable comparisons. We introduce three main findings: (1) freezing LLMs during pre-training can achieve decent zero-shot performance, but lack in-context learning capability, which requires unfreezing the LLM; (2) interleaved pre-training data is beneficial whereas image-text pairs alone are not optimal; (3) re-blending text-only instruction data to image-text data during instruction fine-tuning not only remedies the degradation of text-only tasks, but also boosts VLM task accuracy. With an enhanced pre-training recipe we build VILA, a Visual Language model family that consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art models, e.g., LLaVA-1.5, across main benchmarks without bells and whistles. Multi-modal pre-training also helps unveil appealing properties of VILA, including multi-image reasoning, enhanced in-context learning, and better world knowledge.


diff History for Long-Context Language Agents

Authors:Ulyana Piterbarg, Lerrel Pinto, Rob Fergus

Language Models (LMs) offer an exciting solution for general-purpose embodied control. However, a key technical issue arises when using an LM-based controller: environment observations must be converted to text, which coupled with history, leads to prohibitively large textual prompts. As a result, prior work in LM agents is limited to restricted domains with either small observation size or minimal needs for interaction history. In this paper, we introduce a simple and highly effective solution to these issues. We exploit the fact that consecutive text observations have high similarity and propose to compress them via the Unix diff command. We demonstrate our approach in NetHack, a complex rogue-like video game, that requires long-horizon reasoning for decision-making and is far from solved, particularly for neural agents. Diff history offers an average of 4x increase in the length of the text-based interaction history available to the LM. This observational compression along with the benefits of abstraction yields a 7x improvement in game score on held-out environment instances over state-of-the-art baselines. It also outperforms prior agents that use visual observations by over 40%.


文章作者: 木子已
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