2023-11-28 更新

3D-GOI: 3D GAN Omni-Inversion for Multifaceted and Multi-object Editing

Authors:Haoran Li, Long Ma, Yong Liao, Lechao Cheng, Yanbin Hao, Pengyuan Zhou

The current GAN inversion methods typically can only edit the appearance and shape of a single object and background while overlooking spatial information. In this work, we propose a 3D editing framework, 3D-GOI, to enable multifaceted editing of affine information (scale, translation, and rotation) on multiple objects. 3D-GOI realizes the complex editing function by inverting the abundance of attribute codes (object shape/appearance/scale/rotation/translation, background shape/appearance, and camera pose) controlled by GIRAFFE, a renowned 3D GAN. Accurately inverting all the codes is challenging, 3D-GOI solves this challenge following three main steps. First, we segment the objects and the background in a multi-object image. Second, we use a custom Neural Inversion Encoder to obtain coarse codes of each object. Finally, we use a round-robin optimization algorithm to get precise codes to reconstruct the image. To the best of our knowledge, 3D-GOI is the first framework to enable multifaceted editing on multiple objects. Both qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that 3D-GOI holds immense potential for flexible, multifaceted editing in complex multi-object scenes.


Concept Sliders: LoRA Adaptors for Precise Control in Diffusion Models

Authors:Rohit Gandikota, Joanna Materzynska, Tingrui Zhou, Antonio Torralba, David Bau

We present a method to create interpretable concept sliders that enable precise control over attributes in image generations from diffusion models. Our approach identifies a low-rank parameter direction corresponding to one concept while minimizing interference with other attributes. A slider is created using a small set of prompts or sample images; thus slider directions can be created for either textual or visual concepts. Concept Sliders are plug-and-play: they can be composed efficiently and continuously modulated, enabling precise control over image generation. In quantitative experiments comparing to previous editing techniques, our sliders exhibit stronger targeted edits with lower interference. We showcase sliders for weather, age, styles, and expressions, as well as slider compositions. We show how sliders can transfer latents from StyleGAN for intuitive editing of visual concepts for which textual description is difficult. We also find that our method can help address persistent quality issues in Stable Diffusion XL including repair of object deformations and fixing distorted hands. Our code, data, and trained sliders are available at


Video-based Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification with Auxiliary Samples

Authors:Yunhao Du, Cheng Lei, Zhicheng Zhao, Yuan Dong, Fei Su

Visible-infrared person re-identification (VI-ReID) aims to match persons captured by visible and infrared cameras, allowing person retrieval and tracking in 24-hour surveillance systems. Previous methods focus on learning from cross-modality person images in different cameras. However, temporal information and single-camera samples tend to be neglected. To crack this nut, in this paper, we first contribute a large-scale VI-ReID dataset named BUPTCampus. Different from most existing VI-ReID datasets, it 1) collects tracklets instead of images to introduce rich temporal information, 2) contains pixel-aligned cross-modality sample pairs for better modality-invariant learning, 3) provides one auxiliary set to help enhance the optimization, in which each identity only appears in a single camera. Based on our constructed dataset, we present a two-stream framework as baseline and apply Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to narrow the gap between the two modalities. To exploit the advantages introduced by the auxiliary set, we propose a curriculum learning based strategy to jointly learn from both primary and auxiliary sets. Moreover, we design a novel temporal k-reciprocal re-ranking method to refine the ranking list with fine-grained temporal correlation cues. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. We also reproduce 9 state-of-the-art image-based and video-based VI-ReID methods on BUPTCampus and our methods show substantial superiority to them. The codes and dataset are available at:
PDF Accepted by Transactions on Information Forensics & Security 2023


Animatable Gaussians: Learning Pose-dependent Gaussian Maps for High-fidelity Human Avatar Modeling

Authors:Zhe Li, Zerong Zheng, Lizhen Wang, Yebin Liu

Modeling animatable human avatars from RGB videos is a long-standing and challenging problem. Recent works usually adopt MLP-based neural radiance fields (NeRF) to represent 3D humans, but it remains difficult for pure MLPs to regress pose-dependent garment details. To this end, we introduce Animatable Gaussians, a new avatar representation that leverages powerful 2D CNNs and 3D Gaussian splatting to create high-fidelity avatars. To associate 3D Gaussians with the animatable avatar, we learn a parametric template from the input videos, and then parameterize the template on two front \& back canonical Gaussian maps where each pixel represents a 3D Gaussian. The learned template is adaptive to the wearing garments for modeling looser clothes like dresses. Such template-guided 2D parameterization enables us to employ a powerful StyleGAN-based CNN to learn the pose-dependent Gaussian maps for modeling detailed dynamic appearances. Furthermore, we introduce a pose projection strategy for better generalization given novel poses. Overall, our method can create lifelike avatars with dynamic, realistic and generalized appearances. Experiments show that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches. Code:
PDF Projectpage:, Code:


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