Diffusion Models

2023-11-25 更新

Concept Sliders: LoRA Adaptors for Precise Control in Diffusion Models

Authors:Rohit Gandikota, Joanna Materzynska, Tingrui Zhou, Antonio Torralba, David Bau

We present a method to create interpretable concept sliders that enable precise control over attributes in image generations from diffusion models. Our approach identifies a low-rank parameter direction corresponding to one concept while minimizing interference with other attributes. A slider is created using a small set of prompts or sample images; thus slider directions can be created for either textual or visual concepts. Concept Sliders are plug-and-play: they can be composed efficiently and continuously modulated, enabling precise control over image generation. In quantitative experiments comparing to previous editing techniques, our sliders exhibit stronger targeted edits with lower interference. We showcase sliders for weather, age, styles, and expressions, as well as slider compositions. We show how sliders can transfer latents from StyleGAN for intuitive editing of visual concepts for which textual description is difficult. We also find that our method can help address persistent quality issues in Stable Diffusion XL including repair of object deformations and fixing distorted hands. Our code, data, and trained sliders are available at https://sliders.baulab.info/


LoCo: Locally Constrained Training-Free Layout-to-Image Synthesis

Authors:Peiang Zhao, Han Li, Ruiyang Jin, S. Kevin Zhou

Recent text-to-image diffusion models have reached an unprecedented level in generating high-quality images. However, their exclusive reliance on textual prompts often falls short in accurately conveying fine-grained spatial compositions. In this paper, we propose LoCo, a training-free approach for layout-to-image synthesis that excels in producing high-quality images aligned with both textual prompts and spatial layouts. Our method introduces a Localized Attention Constraint to refine cross-attention for individual objects, ensuring their precise placement in designated regions. We further propose a Padding Token Constraint to leverage the semantic information embedded in previously neglected padding tokens, thereby preventing the undesired fusion of synthesized objects. LoCo seamlessly integrates into existing text-to-image and layout-to-image models, significantly amplifying their performance and effectively addressing semantic failures observed in prior methods. Through extensive experiments, we showcase the superiority of our approach, surpassing existing state-of-the-art training-free layout-to-image methods both qualitatively and quantitatively across multiple benchmarks.
PDF 10 pages, 7 figures


Text-Guided Texturing by Synchronized Multi-View Diffusion

Authors:Yuxin Liu, Minshan Xie, Hanyuan Liu, Tien-Tsin Wong

This paper introduces a novel approach to synthesize texture to dress up a given 3D object, given a text prompt. Based on the pretrained text-to-image (T2I) diffusion model, existing methods usually employ a project-and-inpaint approach, in which a view of the given object is first generated and warped to another view for inpainting. But it tends to generate inconsistent texture due to the asynchronous diffusion of multiple views. We believe such asynchronous diffusion and insufficient information sharing among views are the root causes of the inconsistent artifact. In this paper, we propose a synchronized multi-view diffusion approach that allows the diffusion processes from different views to reach a consensus of the generated content early in the process, and hence ensures the texture consistency. To synchronize the diffusion, we share the denoised content among different views in each denoising step, specifically blending the latent content in the texture domain from views with overlap. Our method demonstrates superior performance in generating consistent, seamless, highly detailed textures, comparing to state-of-the-art methods.


Diffusion Model Alignment Using Direct Preference Optimization

Authors:Bram Wallace, Meihua Dang, Rafael Rafailov, Linqi Zhou, Aaron Lou, Senthil Purushwalkam, Stefano Ermon, Caiming Xiong, Shafiq Joty, Nikhil Naik

Large language models (LLMs) are fine-tuned using human comparison data with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) methods to make them better aligned with users’ preferences. In contrast to LLMs, human preference learning has not been widely explored in text-to-image diffusion models; the best existing approach is to fine-tune a pretrained model using carefully curated high quality images and captions to improve visual appeal and text alignment. We propose Diffusion-DPO, a method to align diffusion models to human preferences by directly optimizing on human comparison data. Diffusion-DPO is adapted from the recently developed Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), a simpler alternative to RLHF which directly optimizes a policy that best satisfies human preferences under a classification objective. We re-formulate DPO to account for a diffusion model notion of likelihood, utilizing the evidence lower bound to derive a differentiable objective. Using the Pick-a-Pic dataset of 851K crowdsourced pairwise preferences, we fine-tune the base model of the state-of-the-art Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL)-1.0 model with Diffusion-DPO. Our fine-tuned base model significantly outperforms both base SDXL-1.0 and the larger SDXL-1.0 model consisting of an additional refinement model in human evaluation, improving visual appeal and prompt alignment. We also develop a variant that uses AI feedback and has comparable performance to training on human preferences, opening the door for scaling of diffusion model alignment methods.


SD-NAE: Generating Natural Adversarial Examples with Stable Diffusion

Authors:Yueqian Lin, Jingyang Zhang, Yiran Chen, Hai Li

Robustly evaluating deep learning image classifiers is challenging due to some limitations of standard datasets. Natural Adversarial Examples (NAEs), arising naturally from the environment and capable of deceiving classifiers, are instrumental in identifying vulnerabilities in trained models. Existing works collect such NAEs by filtering from a huge set of real images, a process that is passive and lacks control. In this work, we propose to actively synthesize NAEs with the state-of-the-art Stable Diffusion. Specifically, our method formulates a controlled optimization process, where we perturb the token embedding that corresponds to a specified class to synthesize NAEs. The generation is guided by the gradient of loss from the target classifier so that the created image closely mimics the ground-truth class yet fools the classifier. Named SD-NAE (Stable Diffusion for Natural Adversarial Examples), our innovative method is effective in producing valid and useful NAEs, which is demonstrated through a meticulously designed experiment. Our work thereby provides a valuable method for obtaining challenging evaluation data, which in turn can potentially advance the development of more robust deep learning models. Code is available at https://github.com/linyueqian/SD-NAE.


FusionFrames: Efficient Architectural Aspects for Text-to-Video Generation Pipeline

Authors:Vladimir Arkhipkin, Zein Shaheen, Viacheslav Vasilev, Elizaveta Dakhova, Andrey Kuznetsov, Denis Dimitrov

Multimedia generation approaches occupy a prominent place in artificial intelligence research. Text-to-image models achieved high-quality results over the last few years. However, video synthesis methods recently started to develop. This paper presents a new two-stage latent diffusion text-to-video generation architecture based on the text-to-image diffusion model. The first stage concerns keyframes synthesis to figure the storyline of a video, while the second one is devoted to interpolation frames generation to make movements of the scene and objects smooth. We compare several temporal conditioning approaches for keyframes generation. The results show the advantage of using separate temporal blocks over temporal layers in terms of metrics reflecting video generation quality aspects and human preference. The design of our interpolation model significantly reduces computational costs compared to other masked frame interpolation approaches. Furthermore, we evaluate different configurations of MoVQ-based video decoding scheme to improve consistency and achieve higher PSNR, SSIM, MSE, and LPIPS scores. Finally, we compare our pipeline with existing solutions and achieve top-2 scores overall and top-1 among open-source solutions: CLIPSIM = 0.2976 and FVD = 433.054. Project page: https://ai-forever.github.io/kandinsky-video/
PDF Project page: https://ai-forever.github.io/kandinsky-video/


On the Limitation of Diffusion Models for Synthesizing Training Datasets

Authors:Shin’ya Yamaguchi, Takuma Fukuda

Synthetic samples from diffusion models are promising for leveraging in training discriminative models as replications of real training datasets. However, we found that the synthetic datasets degrade classification performance over real datasets even when using state-of-the-art diffusion models. This means that modern diffusion models do not perfectly represent the data distribution for the purpose of replicating datasets for training discriminative tasks. This paper investigates the gap between synthetic and real samples by analyzing the synthetic samples reconstructed from real samples through the diffusion and reverse process. By varying the time steps starting the reverse process in the reconstruction, we can control the trade-off between the information in the original real data and the information added by diffusion models. Through assessing the reconstructed samples and trained models, we found that the synthetic data are concentrated in modes of the training data distribution as the reverse step increases, and thus, they are difficult to cover the outer edges of the distribution. Our findings imply that modern diffusion models are insufficient to replicate training data distribution perfectly, and there is room for the improvement of generative modeling in the replication of training datasets.
PDF NeurIPS 2023 SyntheticData4ML Workshop


Toward Robust Imperceptible Perturbation against Unauthorized Text-to-image Diffusion-based Synthesis

Authors:Yixin Liu, Chenrui Fan, Yutong Dai, Xun Chen, Pan Zhou, Lichao Sun

Text-to-image diffusion models allow seamless generation of personalized images from scant reference photos. Yet, these tools, in the wrong hands, can fabricate misleading or harmful content, endangering individuals. To address this problem, existing poisoning-based approaches perturb user images in an imperceptible way to render them “unlearnable” from malicious uses. We identify two limitations of these defending approaches: i) sub-optimal due to the hand-crafted heuristics for solving the intractable bilevel optimization and ii) lack of robustness against simple data transformations like Gaussian filtering. To solve these challenges, we propose MetaCloak, which solves the bi-level poisoning problem with a meta-learning framework with an additional transformation sampling process to craft transferable and robust perturbation. Specifically, we employ a pool of surrogate diffusion models to craft transferable and model-agnostic perturbation. Furthermore, by incorporating an additional transformation process, we design a simple denoising-error maximization loss that is sufficient for causing transformation-robust semantic distortion and degradation in a personalized generation. Extensive experiments on the VGGFace2 and CelebA-HQ datasets show that MetaCloak outperforms existing approaches. Notably, MetaCloak can successfully fool online training services like Replicate, in a black-box manner, demonstrating the effectiveness of MetaCloak in real-world scenarios. Our code is available at https://github.com/liuyixin-louis/MetaCloak.
PDF 26 pages, 15 figures, 8 tables


Diffusion360: Seamless 360 Degree Panoramic Image Generation based on Diffusion Models

Authors:Mengyang Feng, Jinlin Liu, Miaomiao Cui, Xuansong Xie

This is a technical report on the 360-degree panoramic image generation task based on diffusion models. Unlike ordinary 2D images, 360-degree panoramic images capture the entire $360^\circ\times 180^\circ$ field of view. So the rightmost and the leftmost sides of the 360 panoramic image should be continued, which is the main challenge in this field. However, the current diffusion pipeline is not appropriate for generating such a seamless 360-degree panoramic image. To this end, we propose a circular blending strategy on both the denoising and VAE decoding stages to maintain the geometry continuity. Based on this, we present two models for \textbf{Text-to-360-panoramas} and \textbf{Single-Image-to-360-panoramas} tasks. The code has been released as an open-source project at \href{https://github.com/ArcherFMY/SD-T2I-360PanoImage}{https://github.com/ArcherFMY/SD-T2I-360PanoImage} and \href{https://www.modelscope.cn/models/damo/cv_diffusion_text-to-360panorama-image_generation/summary}{ModelScope}
PDF 2 pages, 8 figures, Tech. Report


Recognition-Guided Diffusion Model for Scene Text Image Super-Resolution

Authors:Yuxuan Zhou, Liangcai Gao, Zhi Tang, Baole Wei

Scene Text Image Super-Resolution (STISR) aims to enhance the resolution and legibility of text within low-resolution (LR) images, consequently elevating recognition accuracy in Scene Text Recognition (STR). Previous methods predominantly employ discriminative Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) augmented with diverse forms of text guidance to address this issue. Nevertheless, they remain deficient when confronted with severely blurred images, due to their insufficient generation capability when little structural or semantic information can be extracted from original images. Therefore, we introduce RGDiffSR, a Recognition-Guided Diffusion model for scene text image Super-Resolution, which exhibits great generative diversity and fidelity even in challenging scenarios. Moreover, we propose a Recognition-Guided Denoising Network, to guide the diffusion model generating LR-consistent results through succinct semantic guidance. Experiments on the TextZoom dataset demonstrate the superiority of RGDiffSR over prior state-of-the-art methods in both text recognition accuracy and image fidelity.


DiffusionMat: Alpha Matting as Sequential Refinement Learning

Authors:Yangyang Xu, Shengfeng He, Wenqi Shao, Kwan-Yee K. Wong, Yu Qiao, Ping Luo

In this paper, we introduce DiffusionMat, a novel image matting framework that employs a diffusion model for the transition from coarse to refined alpha mattes. Diverging from conventional methods that utilize trimaps merely as loose guidance for alpha matte prediction, our approach treats image matting as a sequential refinement learning process. This process begins with the addition of noise to trimaps and iteratively denoises them using a pre-trained diffusion model, which incrementally guides the prediction towards a clean alpha matte. The key innovation of our framework is a correction module that adjusts the output at each denoising step, ensuring that the final result is consistent with the input image’s structures. We also introduce the Alpha Reliability Propagation, a novel technique designed to maximize the utility of available guidance by selectively enhancing the trimap regions with confident alpha information, thus simplifying the correction task. To train the correction module, we devise specialized loss functions that target the accuracy of the alpha matte’s edges and the consistency of its opaque and transparent regions. We evaluate our model across several image matting benchmarks, and the results indicate that DiffusionMat consistently outperforms existing methods. Project page at~\url{https://cnnlstm.github.io/DiffusionMat


WildFusion: Learning 3D-Aware Latent Diffusion Models in View Space

Authors:Katja Schwarz, Seung Wook Kim, Jun Gao, Sanja Fidler, Andreas Geiger, Karsten Kreis

Modern learning-based approaches to 3D-aware image synthesis achieve high photorealism and 3D-consistent viewpoint changes for the generated images. Existing approaches represent instances in a shared canonical space. However, for in-the-wild datasets a shared canonical system can be difficult to define or might not even exist. In this work, we instead model instances in view space, alleviating the need for posed images and learned camera distributions. We find that in this setting, existing GAN-based methods are prone to generating flat geometry and struggle with distribution coverage. We hence propose WildFusion, a new approach to 3D-aware image synthesis based on latent diffusion models (LDMs). We first train an autoencoder that infers a compressed latent representation, which additionally captures the images’ underlying 3D structure and enables not only reconstruction but also novel view synthesis. To learn a faithful 3D representation, we leverage cues from monocular depth prediction. Then, we train a diffusion model in the 3D-aware latent space, thereby enabling synthesis of high-quality 3D-consistent image samples, outperforming recent state-of-the-art GAN-based methods. Importantly, our 3D-aware LDM is trained without any direct supervision from multiview images or 3D geometry and does not require posed images or learned pose or camera distributions. It directly learns a 3D representation without relying on canonical camera coordinates. This opens up promising research avenues for scalable 3D-aware image synthesis and 3D content creation from in-the-wild image data. See https://katjaschwarz.github.io/wildfusion for videos of our 3D results.


On diffusion-based generative models and their error bounds: The log-concave case with full convergence estimates

Authors:Stefano Bruno, Ying Zhang, Dong-Young Lim, Ömer Deniz Akyildiz, Sotirios Sabanis

We provide full theoretical guarantees for the convergence behaviour of diffusion-based generative models under the assumption of strongly logconcave data distributions while our approximating class of functions used for score estimation is made of Lipschitz continuous functions. We demonstrate via a motivating example, sampling from a Gaussian distribution with unknown mean, the powerfulness of our approach. In this case, explicit estimates are provided for the associated optimization problem, i.e. score approximation, while these are combined with the corresponding sampling estimates. As a result, we obtain the best known upper bound estimates in terms of key quantities of interest, such as the dimension and rates of convergence, for the Wasserstein-2 distance between the data distribution (Gaussian with unknown mean) and our sampling algorithm. Beyond the motivating example and in order to allow for the use of a diverse range of stochastic optimizers, we present our results using an $L^2$-accurate score estimation assumption, which crucially is formed under an expectation with respect to the stochastic optimizer and our novel auxiliary process that uses only known information. This approach yields the best known convergence rate for our sampling algorithm.


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