Vision Transformer

2023-11-19 更新

MeLo: Low-rank Adaptation is Better than Fine-tuning for Medical Image Diagnosis

Authors:Yitao Zhu, Zhenrong Shen, Zihao Zhao, Sheng Wang, Xin Wang, Xiangyu Zhao, Dinggang Shen, Qian Wang

The common practice in developing computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) models based on transformer architectures usually involves fine-tuning from ImageNet pre-trained weights. However, with recent advances in large-scale pre-training and the practice of scaling laws, Vision Transformers (ViT) have become much larger and less accessible to medical imaging communities. Additionally, in real-world scenarios, the deployments of multiple CAD models can be troublesome due to problems such as limited storage space and time-consuming model switching. To address these challenges, we propose a new method MeLo (Medical image Low-rank adaptation), which enables the development of a single CAD model for multiple clinical tasks in a lightweight manner. It adopts low-rank adaptation instead of resource-demanding fine-tuning. By fixing the weight of ViT models and only adding small low-rank plug-ins, we achieve competitive results on various diagnosis tasks across different imaging modalities using only a few trainable parameters. Specifically, our proposed method achieves comparable performance to fully fine-tuned ViT models on four distinct medical imaging datasets using about 0.17% trainable parameters. Moreover, MeLo adds only about 0.5MB of storage space and allows for extremely fast model switching in deployment and inference. Our source code and pre-trained weights are available on our website (
PDF 5 pages, 3 figures


Privacy Threats in Stable Diffusion Models

Authors:Thomas Cilloni, Charles Fleming, Charles Walter

This paper introduces a novel approach to membership inference attacks (MIA) targeting stable diffusion computer vision models, specifically focusing on the highly sophisticated Stable Diffusion V2 by StabilityAI. MIAs aim to extract sensitive information about a model’s training data, posing significant privacy concerns. Despite its advancements in image synthesis, our research reveals privacy vulnerabilities in the stable diffusion models’ outputs. Exploiting this information, we devise a black-box MIA that only needs to query the victim model repeatedly. Our methodology involves observing the output of a stable diffusion model at different generative epochs and training a classification model to distinguish when a series of intermediates originated from a training sample or not. We propose numerous ways to measure the membership features and discuss what works best. The attack’s efficacy is assessed using the ROC AUC method, demonstrating a 60\% success rate in inferring membership information. This paper contributes to the growing body of research on privacy and security in machine learning, highlighting the need for robust defenses against MIAs. Our findings prompt a reevaluation of the privacy implications of stable diffusion models, urging practitioners and developers to implement enhanced security measures to safeguard against such attacks.


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