
2023-11-19 更新

Test-Time Training for Semantic Segmentation with Output Contrastive Loss

Authors:Yunlong Zhang, Yuxuan Sun, Sunyi Zheng, Zhongyi Shui, Chenglu Zhu, Lin Yang

Although deep learning-based segmentation models have achieved impressive performance on public benchmarks, generalizing well to unseen environments remains a major challenge. To improve the model’s generalization ability to the new domain during evaluation, the test-time training (TTT) is a challenging paradigm that adapts the source-pretrained model in an online fashion. Early efforts on TTT mainly focus on the image classification task. Directly extending these methods to semantic segmentation easily experiences unstable adaption due to segmentation’s inherent characteristics, such as extreme class imbalance and complex decision spaces. To stabilize the adaptation process, we introduce contrastive loss (CL), known for its capability to learn robust and generalized representations. Nevertheless, the traditional CL operates in the representation space and cannot directly enhance predictions. In this paper, we resolve this limitation by adapting the CL to the output space, employing a high temperature, and simplifying the formulation, resulting in a straightforward yet effective loss function called Output Contrastive Loss (OCL). Our comprehensive experiments validate the efficacy of our approach across diverse evaluation scenarios. Notably, our method excels even when applied to models initially pre-trained using domain adaptation methods on test domain data, showcasing its resilience and adaptability.\footnote{Code and more information could be found at~ \url{https://github.com/dazhangyu123/OCL}}


Deep Learning-Based Object Detection in Maritime Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery: Review and Experimental Comparisons

Authors:Chenjie Zhao, Ryan Wen Liu, Jingxiang Qu, Ruobin Gao

With the advancement of maritime unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and deep learning technologies, the application of UAV-based object detection has become increasingly significant in the fields of maritime industry and ocean engineering. Endowed with intelligent sensing capabilities, the maritime UAVs enable effective and efficient maritime surveillance. To further promote the development of maritime UAV-based object detection, this paper provides a comprehensive review of challenges, relative methods, and UAV aerial datasets. Specifically, in this work, we first briefly summarize four challenges for object detection on maritime UAVs, i.e., object feature diversity, device limitation, maritime environment variability, and dataset scarcity. We then focus on computational methods to improve maritime UAV-based object detection performance in terms of scale-aware, small object detection, view-aware, rotated object detection, lightweight methods, and others. Next, we review the UAV aerial image/video datasets and propose a maritime UAV aerial dataset named MS2ship for ship detection. Furthermore, we conduct a series of experiments to present the performance evaluation and robustness analysis of object detection methods on maritime datasets. Eventually, we give the discussion and outlook on future works for maritime UAV-based object detection. The MS2ship dataset is available at \href{https://github.com/zcj234/MS2ship}{https://github.com/zcj234/MS2ship}.
PDF 32 pages, 18 figures


Contrastive Learning for Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers

Authors:Pierre-François De Plaen, Nicola Marinello, Marc Proesmans, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc Van Gool

The DEtection TRansformer (DETR) opened new possibilities for object detection by modeling it as a translation task: converting image features into object-level representations. Previous works typically add expensive modules to DETR to perform Multi-Object Tracking (MOT), resulting in more complicated architectures. We instead show how DETR can be turned into a MOT model by employing an instance-level contrastive loss, a revised sampling strategy and a lightweight assignment method. Our training scheme learns object appearances while preserving detection capabilities and with little overhead. Its performance surpasses the previous state-of-the-art by +2.6 mMOTA on the challenging BDD100K dataset and is comparable to existing transformer-based methods on the MOT17 dataset.


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