Domain Adaptation

2023-11-14 更新

Layer-wise Auto-Weighting for Non-Stationary Test-Time Adaptation

Authors:Junyoung Park, Jin Kim, Hyeongjun Kwon, Ilhoon Yoon, Kwanghoon Sohn

Given the inevitability of domain shifts during inference in real-world applications, test-time adaptation (TTA) is essential for model adaptation after deployment. However, the real-world scenario of continuously changing target distributions presents challenges including catastrophic forgetting and error accumulation. Existing TTA methods for non-stationary domain shifts, while effective, incur excessive computational load, making them impractical for on-device settings. In this paper, we introduce a layer-wise auto-weighting algorithm for continual and gradual TTA that autonomously identifies layers for preservation or concentrated adaptation. By leveraging the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM), we first design the learning weight to selectively focus on layers associated with log-likelihood changes while preserving unrelated ones. Then, we further propose an exponential min-max scaler to make certain layers nearly frozen while mitigating outliers. This minimizes forgetting and error accumulation, leading to efficient adaptation to non-stationary target distribution. Experiments on CIFAR-10C, CIFAR-100C, and ImageNet-C show our method outperforms conventional continual and gradual TTA approaches while significantly reducing computational load, highlighting the importance of FIM-based learning weight in adapting to continuously or gradually shifting target domains.
PDF Accepted to WACV 2024


Is it indeed bigger better? The comprehensive study of claim detection LMs applied for disinformation tackling

Authors:Martin Hyben, Sebastian Kula, Ivan Srba, Robert Moro, Jakub Simko

This study compares the performance of (1) fine-tuned models and (2) extremely large language models on the task of check-worthy claim detection. For the purpose of the comparison we composed a multilingual and multi-topical dataset comprising texts of various sources and styles. Building on this, we performed a benchmark analysis to determine the most general multilingual and multi-topical claim detector. We chose three state-of-the-art models in the check-worthy claim detection task and fine-tuned them. Furthermore, we selected three state-of-the-art extremely large language models without any fine-tuning. We made modifications to the models to adapt them for multilingual settings and through extensive experimentation and evaluation. We assessed the performance of all the models in terms of accuracy, recall, and F1-score in in-domain and cross-domain scenarios. Our results demonstrate that despite the technological progress in the area of natural language processing, the models fine-tuned for the task of check-worthy claim detection still outperform the zero-shot approaches in a cross-domain settings.
PDF 27 pages, 10 figures


Schema Graph-Guided Prompt for Multi-Domain Dialogue State Tracking

Authors:Ruolin Su, Ting-Wei Wu, Biing-Hwang Juang

Tracking dialogue states is an essential topic in task-oriented dialogue systems, which involve filling in the necessary information in pre-defined slots corresponding to a schema. While general pre-trained language models have been shown effective in slot-filling, their performance is limited when applied to specific domains. We propose a graph-based framework that learns domain-specific prompts by incorporating the dialogue schema. Specifically, we embed domain-specific schema encoded by a graph neural network into the pre-trained language model, which allows for relations in the schema to guide the model for better adaptation to the specific domain. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed graph-based method outperforms other multi-domain DST approaches while using similar or fewer trainable parameters. We also conduct a comprehensive study of schema graph architectures, parameter usage, and module ablation that demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on multi-domain dialogue state tracking.


CALLOC: Curriculum Adversarial Learning for Secure and Robust Indoor Localization

Authors:Danish Gufran, Sudeep Pasricha

Indoor localization has become increasingly vital for many applications from tracking assets to delivering personalized services. Yet, achieving pinpoint accuracy remains a challenge due to variations across indoor environments and devices used to assist with localization. Another emerging challenge is adversarial attacks on indoor localization systems that not only threaten service integrity but also reduce localization accuracy. To combat these challenges, we introduce CALLOC, a novel framework designed to resist adversarial attacks and variations across indoor environments and devices that reduce system accuracy and reliability. CALLOC employs a novel adaptive curriculum learning approach with a domain specific lightweight scaled-dot product attention neural network, tailored for adversarial and variation resilience in practical use cases with resource constrained mobile devices. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that CALLOC can achieve improvements of up to 6.03x in mean error and 4.6x in worst-case error against state-of-the-art indoor localization frameworks, across diverse building floorplans, mobile devices, and adversarial attacks scenarios.


On Self-Supervised Dynamic Incremental Regularised Adaptation

Authors:Abanoub Ghobrial, Kerstin Eder

In this paper, we overview a recent method for dynamic domain adaptation named DIRA, which relies on a few samples in addition to a regularisation approach named elastic weight consolidation to achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) domain adaptation results. DIRA has been previously shown to perform competitively with SOTA unsupervised adaption techniques. However, a limitation of DIRA is that it relies on labels to be provided for the few samples used in adaption. This makes it a supervised technique. In this paper, we discuss a proposed alteration to the DIRA method to make it self-supervised i.e. remove the need for providing labels. Experiments on our proposed alteration will be provided in future work.


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