
2023-11-09 更新

Cross-Level Distillation and Feature Denoising for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification

Authors:Hao Zheng, Runqi Wang, Jianzhuang Liu, Asako Kanezaki

The conventional few-shot classification aims at learning a model on a large labeled base dataset and rapidly adapting to a target dataset that is from the same distribution as the base dataset. However, in practice, the base and the target datasets of few-shot classification are usually from different domains, which is the problem of cross-domain few-shot classification. We tackle this problem by making a small proportion of unlabeled images in the target domain accessible in the training stage. In this setup, even though the base data are sufficient and labeled, the large domain shift still makes transferring the knowledge from the base dataset difficult. We meticulously design a cross-level knowledge distillation method, which can strengthen the ability of the model to extract more discriminative features in the target dataset by guiding the network’s shallow layers to learn higher-level information. Furthermore, in order to alleviate the overfitting in the evaluation stage, we propose a feature denoising operation which can reduce the feature redundancy and mitigate overfitting. Our approach can surpass the previous state-of-the-art method, Dynamic-Distillation, by 5.44% on 1-shot and 1.37% on 5-shot classification tasks on average in the BSCD-FSL benchmark. The implementation code will be available at https://github.com/jarucezh/cldfd.


Less than One-shot: Named Entity Recognition via Extremely Weak Supervision

Authors:Letian Peng, Zihan Wang, Jingbo Shang

We study the named entity recognition (NER) problem under the extremely weak supervision (XWS) setting, where only one example entity per type is given in a context-free way. While one can see that XWS is lighter than one-shot in terms of the amount of supervision, we propose a novel method X-NER that can outperform the state-of-the-art one-shot NER methods. We first mine entity spans that are similar to the example entities from an unlabelled training corpus. Instead of utilizing entity span representations from language models, we find it more effective to compare the context distributions before and after the span is replaced by the entity example. We then leverage the top-ranked spans as pseudo-labels to train an NER tagger. Extensive experiments and analyses on 4 NER datasets show the superior end-to-end NER performance of X-NER, outperforming the state-of-the-art few-shot methods with 1-shot supervision and ChatGPT annotations significantly. Finally, our X-NER possesses several notable properties, such as inheriting the cross-lingual abilities of the underlying language models.
PDF Accepted to Findings of EMNLP 2023


SQLPrompt: In-Context Text-to-SQL with Minimal Labeled Data

Authors:Ruoxi Sun, Sercan Ö. Arik, Rajarishi Sinha, Hootan Nakhost, Hanjun Dai, Pengcheng Yin, Tomas Pfister

Text-to-SQL aims to automate the process of generating SQL queries on a database from natural language text. In this work, we propose “SQLPrompt”, tailored to improve the few-shot prompting capabilities of Text-to-SQL for Large Language Models (LLMs). Our methods include innovative prompt design, execution-based consistency decoding strategy which selects the SQL with the most consistent execution outcome among other SQL proposals, and a method that aims to improve performance by diversifying the SQL proposals during consistency selection with different prompt designs (“MixPrompt”) and foundation models (“MixLLMs”). We show that \emph{SQLPrompt} outperforms previous approaches for in-context learning with few labeled data by a large margin, closing the gap with finetuning state-of-the-art with thousands of labeled data.


Learning to Learn for Few-shot Continual Active Learning

Authors:Stella Ho, Ming Liu, Shang Gao, Longxiang Gao

Continual learning strives to ensure stability in solving previously seen tasks while demonstrating plasticity in a novel domain. Recent advances in CL are mostly confined to a supervised learning setting, especially in NLP domain. In this work, we consider a few-shot continual active learning (CAL) setting where labeled data is inadequate, and unlabeled data is abundant but with a limited annotation budget. We propose a simple but efficient method, called Meta-Continual Active Learning. Specifically, we employ meta-learning and experience replay to address the trade-off between stability and plasticity. As a result, it finds an optimal initialization that efficiently utilizes annotated information for fast adaptation while preventing catastrophic forgetting of past tasks. We conduct extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method and analyze the effect of various active learning strategies and memory sample selection methods in a few-shot CAL setup. Our experiment results demonstrate that random sampling is the best default strategy for both active learning and memory sample selection to solve few-shot CAL problems.


Meta-Adapter: An Online Few-shot Learner for Vision-Language Model

Authors:Cheng Cheng, Lin Song, Ruoyi Xue, Hang Wang, Hongbin Sun, Yixiao Ge, Ying Shan

The contrastive vision-language pre-training, known as CLIP, demonstrates remarkable potential in perceiving open-world visual concepts, enabling effective zero-shot image recognition. Nevertheless, few-shot learning methods based on CLIP typically require offline fine-tuning of the parameters on few-shot samples, resulting in longer inference time and the risk of over-fitting in certain domains. To tackle these challenges, we propose the Meta-Adapter, a lightweight residual-style adapter, to refine the CLIP features guided by the few-shot samples in an online manner. With a few training samples, our method can enable effective few-shot learning capabilities and generalize to unseen data or tasks without additional fine-tuning, achieving competitive performance and high efficiency. Without bells and whistles, our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art online few-shot learning method by an average of 3.6\% on eight image classification datasets with higher inference speed. Furthermore, our model is simple and flexible, serving as a plug-and-play module directly applicable to downstream tasks. Without further fine-tuning, Meta-Adapter obtains notable performance improvements in open-vocabulary object detection and segmentation tasks.
PDF Accepted by NeurIPS 2023


Self-Supervised Learning for Visual Relationship Detection through Masked Bounding Box Reconstruction

Authors:Zacharias Anastasakis, Dimitrios Mallis, Markos Diomataris, George Alexandridis, Stefanos Kollias, Vassilis Pitsikalis

We present a novel self-supervised approach for representation learning, particularly for the task of Visual Relationship Detection (VRD). Motivated by the effectiveness of Masked Image Modeling (MIM), we propose Masked Bounding Box Reconstruction (MBBR), a variation of MIM where a percentage of the entities/objects within a scene are masked and subsequently reconstructed based on the unmasked objects. The core idea is that, through object-level masked modeling, the network learns context-aware representations that capture the interaction of objects within a scene and thus are highly predictive of visual object relationships. We extensively evaluate learned representations, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in a few-shot setting and demonstrate the efficacy of MBBR for learning robust visual representations, particularly tailored for VRD. The proposed method is able to surpass state-of-the-art VRD methods on the Predicate Detection (PredDet) evaluation setting, using only a few annotated samples. We make our code available at https://github.com/deeplab-ai/SelfSupervisedVRD.
PDF Camera Ready paper version of WACV 2024


Towards Few-Annotation Learning in Computer Vision: Application to Image Classification and Object Detection tasks

Authors:Quentin Bouniot

In this thesis, we develop theoretical, algorithmic and experimental contributions for Machine Learning with limited labels, and more specifically for the tasks of Image Classification and Object Detection in Computer Vision. In a first contribution, we are interested in bridging the gap between theory and practice for popular Meta-Learning algorithms used in Few-Shot Classification. We make connections to Multi-Task Representation Learning, which benefits from solid theoretical foundations, to verify the best conditions for a more efficient meta-learning. Then, to leverage unlabeled data when training object detectors based on the Transformer architecture, we propose both an unsupervised pretraining and a semi-supervised learning method in two other separate contributions. For pretraining, we improve Contrastive Learning for object detectors by introducing the localization information. Finally, our semi-supervised method is the first tailored to transformer-based detectors.
PDF PhD Thesis


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