2023-09-28 更新

Language-driven Object Fusion into Neural Radiance Fields with Pose-Conditioned Dataset Updates

Authors:Ka Chun Shum, Jaeyeon Kim, Binh-Son Hua, Duc Thanh Nguyen, Sai-Kit Yeung

Neural radiance field is an emerging rendering method that generates high-quality multi-view consistent images from a neural scene representation and volume rendering. Although neural radiance field-based techniques are robust for scene reconstruction, their ability to add or remove objects remains limited. This paper proposes a new language-driven approach for object manipulation with neural radiance fields through dataset updates. Specifically, to insert a new foreground object represented by a set of multi-view images into a background radiance field, we use a text-to-image diffusion model to learn and generate combined images that fuse the object of interest into the given background across views. These combined images are then used for refining the background radiance field so that we can render view-consistent images containing both the object and the background. To ensure view consistency, we propose a dataset updates strategy that prioritizes radiance field training with camera views close to the already-trained views prior to propagating the training to remaining views. We show that under the same dataset updates strategy, we can easily adapt our method for object insertion using data from text-to-3D models as well as object removal. Experimental results show that our method generates photorealistic images of the edited scenes, and outperforms state-of-the-art methods in 3D reconstruction and neural radiance field blending.


RHINO: Regularizing the Hash-based Implicit Neural Representation

Authors:Hao Zhu, Fengyi Liu, Qi Zhang, Xun Cao, Zhan Ma

The use of Implicit Neural Representation (INR) through a hash-table has demonstrated impressive effectiveness and efficiency in characterizing intricate signals. However, current state-of-the-art methods exhibit insufficient regularization, often yielding unreliable and noisy results during interpolations. We find that this issue stems from broken gradient flow between input coordinates and indexed hash-keys, where the chain rule attempts to model discrete hash-keys, rather than the continuous coordinates. To tackle this concern, we introduce RHINO, in which a continuous analytical function is incorporated to facilitate regularization by connecting the input coordinate and the network additionally without modifying the architecture of current hash-based INRs. This connection ensures a seamless backpropagation of gradients from the network’s output back to the input coordinates, thereby enhancing regularization. Our experimental results not only showcase the broadened regularization capability across different hash-based INRs like DINER and Instant NGP, but also across a variety of tasks such as image fitting, representation of signed distance functions, and optimization of 5D static / 6D dynamic neural radiance fields. Notably, RHINO outperforms current state-of-the-art techniques in both quality and speed, affirming its superiority.
PDF 17 pages, 11 figures


NeRRF: 3D Reconstruction and View Synthesis for Transparent and Specular Objects with Neural Refractive-Reflective Fields

Authors:Xiaoxue Chen, Junchen Liu, Hao Zhao, Guyue Zhou, Ya-Qin Zhang

Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have revolutionized the field of image-based view synthesis. However, NeRF uses straight rays and fails to deal with complicated light path changes caused by refraction and reflection. This prevents NeRF from successfully synthesizing transparent or specular objects, which are ubiquitous in real-world robotics and A/VR applications. In this paper, we introduce the refractive-reflective field. Taking the object silhouette as input, we first utilize marching tetrahedra with a progressive encoding to reconstruct the geometry of non-Lambertian objects and then model refraction and reflection effects of the object in a unified framework using Fresnel terms. Meanwhile, to achieve efficient and effective anti-aliasing, we propose a virtual cone supersampling technique. We benchmark our method on different shapes, backgrounds and Fresnel terms on both real-world and synthetic datasets. We also qualitatively and quantitatively benchmark the rendering results of various editing applications, including material editing, object replacement/insertion, and environment illumination estimation. Codes and data are publicly available at


Variational Inference for Scalable 3D Object-centric Learning

Authors:Tianyu Wang, Kee Siong Ng, Miaomiao Liu

We tackle the task of scalable unsupervised object-centric representation learning on 3D scenes. Existing approaches to object-centric representation learning show limitations in generalizing to larger scenes as their learning processes rely on a fixed global coordinate system. In contrast, we propose to learn view-invariant 3D object representations in localized object coordinate systems. To this end, we estimate the object pose and appearance representation separately and explicitly map object representations across views while maintaining object identities. We adopt an amortized variational inference pipeline that can process sequential input and scalably update object latent distributions online. To handle large-scale scenes with a varying number of objects, we further introduce a Cognitive Map that allows the registration and query of objects on a per-scene global map to achieve scalable representation learning. We explore the object-centric neural radiance field (NeRF) as our 3D scene representation, which is jointly modeled within our unsupervised object-centric learning framework. Experimental results on synthetic and real datasets show that our proposed method can infer and maintain object-centric representations of 3D scenes and outperforms previous models.


Tiled Multiplane Images for Practical 3D Photography

Authors:Numair Khan, Douglas Lanman, Lei Xiao

The task of synthesizing novel views from a single image has useful applications in virtual reality and mobile computing, and a number of approaches to the problem have been proposed in recent years. A Multiplane Image (MPI) estimates the scene as a stack of RGBA layers, and can model complex appearance effects, anti-alias depth errors and synthesize soft edges better than methods that use textured meshes or layered depth images. And unlike neural radiance fields, an MPI can be efficiently rendered on graphics hardware. However, MPIs are highly redundant and require a large number of depth layers to achieve plausible results. Based on the observation that the depth complexity in local image regions is lower than that over the entire image, we split an MPI into many small, tiled regions, each with only a few depth planes. We call this representation a Tiled Multiplane Image (TMPI). We propose a method for generating a TMPI with adaptive depth planes for single-view 3D photography in the wild. Our synthesized results are comparable to state-of-the-art single-view MPI methods while having lower computational overhead.


NAS-NeRF: Generative Neural Architecture Search for Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Saeejith Nair, Yuhao Chen, Mohammad Javad Shafiee, Alexander Wong

Neural radiance fields (NeRFs) enable high-quality novel view synthesis, but their prohibitively high computational complexity limits deployability, especially on resource-constrained platforms. To enable practical usage of NeRFs, quality tuning is essential to reduce computational complexity, akin to adjustable graphics settings in video games. However while existing solutions strive for efficiency, they use one-size-fits-all architectures regardless of scene complexity, although the same architecture may be unnecessarily large for simple scenes but insufficient for complex ones. Thus as NeRFs become more widely used for 3D visualization, there is a need to dynamically optimize the neural network component of NeRFs to achieve a balance between computational complexity and specific targets for synthesis quality. Addressing this gap, we introduce NAS-NeRF: a generative neural architecture search strategy uniquely tailored to generate NeRF architectures on a per-scene basis by optimizing the trade-off between complexity and performance, while adhering to constraints on computational budget and minimum synthesis quality. Our experiments on the Blender synthetic dataset show the proposed NAS-NeRF can generate architectures up to 5.74$\times$ smaller, with 4.19$\times$ fewer FLOPs, and 1.93$\times$ faster on a GPU than baseline NeRFs, without suffering a drop in SSIM. Furthermore, we illustrate that NAS-NeRF can also achieve architectures up to 23$\times$ smaller, 22$\times$ fewer FLOPs, and 4.7$\times$ faster than baseline NeRFs with only a 5.3\% average SSIM drop. The source code for our work is also made publicly available at
PDF 9 pages


3D Reconstruction with Generalizable Neural Fields using Scene Priors

Authors:Yang Fu, Shalini De Mello, Xueting Li, Amey Kulkarni, Jan Kautz, Xiaolong Wang, Sifei Liu

High-fidelity 3D scene reconstruction has been substantially advanced by recent progress in neural fields. However, most existing methods train a separate network from scratch for each individual scene. This is not scalable, inefficient, and unable to yield good results given limited views. While learning-based multi-view stereo methods alleviate this issue to some extent, their multi-view setting makes it less flexible to scale up and to broad applications. Instead, we introduce training generalizable Neural Fields incorporating scene Priors (NFPs). The NFP network maps any single-view RGB-D image into signed distance and radiance values. A complete scene can be reconstructed by merging individual frames in the volumetric space WITHOUT a fusion module, which provides better flexibility. The scene priors can be trained on large-scale datasets, allowing for fast adaptation to the reconstruction of a new scene with fewer views. NFP not only demonstrates SOTA scene reconstruction performance and efficiency, but it also supports single-image novel-view synthesis, which is underexplored in neural fields. More qualitative results are available at:
PDF Project Page:


BASED: Bundle-Adjusting Surgical Endoscopic Dynamic Video Reconstruction using Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Shreya Saha, Sainan Liu, Shan Lin, Jingpei Lu, Michael Yip

Reconstruction of deformable scenes from endoscopic videos is important for many applications such as intraoperative navigation, surgical visual perception, and robotic surgery. It is a foundational requirement for realizing autonomous robotic interventions for minimally invasive surgery. However, previous approaches in this domain have been limited by their modular nature and are confined to specific camera and scene settings. Our work adopts the Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) approach to learning 3D implicit representations of scenes that are both dynamic and deformable over time, and furthermore with unknown camera poses. We demonstrate this approach on endoscopic surgical scenes from robotic surgery. This work removes the constraints of known camera poses and overcomes the drawbacks of the state-of-the-art unstructured dynamic scene reconstruction technique, which relies on the static part of the scene for accurate reconstruction. Through several experimental datasets, we demonstrate the versatility of our proposed model to adapt to diverse camera and scene settings, and show its promise for both current and future robotic surgical systems.


NeuRBF: A Neural Fields Representation with Adaptive Radial Basis Functions

Authors:Zhang Chen, Zhong Li, Liangchen Song, Lele Chen, Jingyi Yu, Junsong Yuan, Yi Xu

We present a novel type of neural fields that uses general radial bases for signal representation. State-of-the-art neural fields typically rely on grid-based representations for storing local neural features and N-dimensional linear kernels for interpolating features at continuous query points. The spatial positions of their neural features are fixed on grid nodes and cannot well adapt to target signals. Our method instead builds upon general radial bases with flexible kernel position and shape, which have higher spatial adaptivity and can more closely fit target signals. To further improve the channel-wise capacity of radial basis functions, we propose to compose them with multi-frequency sinusoid functions. This technique extends a radial basis to multiple Fourier radial bases of different frequency bands without requiring extra parameters, facilitating the representation of details. Moreover, by marrying adaptive radial bases with grid-based ones, our hybrid combination inherits both adaptivity and interpolation smoothness. We carefully designed weighting schemes to let radial bases adapt to different types of signals effectively. Our experiments on 2D image and 3D signed distance field representation demonstrate the higher accuracy and compactness of our method than prior arts. When applied to neural radiance field reconstruction, our method achieves state-of-the-art rendering quality, with small model size and comparable training speed.
PDF Accepted to ICCV 2023 Oral. Project page:


SHACIRA: Scalable HAsh-grid Compression for Implicit Neural Representations

Authors:Sharath Girish, Abhinav Shrivastava, Kamal Gupta

Implicit Neural Representations (INR) or neural fields have emerged as a popular framework to encode multimedia signals such as images and radiance fields while retaining high-quality. Recently, learnable feature grids proposed by Instant-NGP have allowed significant speed-up in the training as well as the sampling of INRs by replacing a large neural network with a multi-resolution look-up table of feature vectors and a much smaller neural network. However, these feature grids come at the expense of large memory consumption which can be a bottleneck for storage and streaming applications. In this work, we propose SHACIRA, a simple yet effective task-agnostic framework for compressing such feature grids with no additional post-hoc pruning/quantization stages. We reparameterize feature grids with quantized latent weights and apply entropy regularization in the latent space to achieve high levels of compression across various domains. Quantitative and qualitative results on diverse datasets consisting of images, videos, and radiance fields, show that our approach outperforms existing INR approaches without the need for any large datasets or domain-specific heuristics. Our project page is available at .


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