
2023-09-23 更新

Multi-spectral Class Center Network for Face Manipulation Detection and Localization

Authors:Changtao Miao, Qi Chu, Zhentao Tan, Zhenchao Jin, Wanyi Zhuang, Yue Wu, Bin Liu, Honggang Hu, Nenghai Yu

As Deepfake contents continue to proliferate on the internet, advancing face manipulation forensics has become a pressing issue. To combat this emerging threat, previous methods mainly focus on studying how to distinguish authentic and manipulated face images. Despite impressive, image-level classification lacks explainability and is limited to some specific application scenarios. Existing forgery localization methods suffer from imprecise and inconsistent pixel-level annotations. To alleviate these problems, this paper first re-constructs the FaceForensics++ dataset by introducing pixel-level annotations, then builds an extensive benchmark for localizing tampered regions. Next, a novel Multi-Spectral Class Center Network (MSCCNet) is proposed for face manipulation detection and localization. Specifically, inspired by the power of frequency-related forgery traces, we design Multi-Spectral Class Center (MSCC) module to learn more generalizable and semantic-agnostic features. Based on the features of different frequency bands, the MSCC module collects multispectral class centers and computes pixel-to-class relations. Applying multi-spectral class-level representations suppresses the semantic information of the visual concepts, which is insensitive to manipulations. Furthermore, we propose a Multi-level Features Aggregation (MFA) module to employ more low-level forgery artifacts and structure textures. Experimental results quantitatively and qualitatively indicate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed MSCCNet on comprehensive localization benchmarks. We expect this work to inspire more studies on pixel-level face manipulation localization. The annotations and codes are available.
PDF Email Address: miaoct@mail.ustc.edu.cn


Vulnerability of 3D Face Recognition Systems to Morphing Attacks

Authors:Sanjeet Vardam, Luuk Spreeuwers

In recent years face recognition systems have been brought to the mainstream due to development in hardware and software. Consistent efforts are being made to make them better and more secure. This has also brought developments in 3D face recognition systems at a rapid pace. These 3DFR systems are expected to overcome certain vulnerabilities of 2DFR systems. One such problem that the domain of 2DFR systems face is face image morphing. A substantial amount of research is being done for generation of high quality face morphs along with detection of attacks from these morphs. Comparatively the understanding of vulnerability of 3DFR systems against 3D face morphs is less. But at the same time an expectation is set from 3DFR systems to be more robust against such attacks. This paper attempts to research and gain more information on this matter. The paper describes a couple of methods that can be used to generate 3D face morphs. The face morphs that are generated using this method are then compared to the contributing faces to obtain similarity scores. The highest MMPMR is obtained around 40% with RMMR of 41.76% when 3DFRS are attacked with look-a-like morphs.


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