2023-09-12 更新

SparseSat-NeRF: Dense Depth Supervised Neural Radiance Fields for Sparse Satellite Images

Authors:Lulin Zhang, Ewelina Rupnik

Digital surface model generation using traditional multi-view stereo matching (MVS) performs poorly over non-Lambertian surfaces, with asynchronous acquisitions, or at discontinuities. Neural radiance fields (NeRF) offer a new paradigm for reconstructing surface geometries using continuous volumetric representation. NeRF is self-supervised, does not require ground truth geometry for training, and provides an elegant way to include in its representation physical parameters about the scene, thus potentially remedying the challenging scenarios where MVS fails. However, NeRF and its variants require many views to produce convincing scene’s geometries which in earth observation satellite imaging is rare. In this paper we present SparseSat-NeRF (SpS-NeRF) - an extension of Sat-NeRF adapted to sparse satellite views. SpS-NeRF employs dense depth supervision guided by crosscorrelation similarity metric provided by traditional semi-global MVS matching. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on stereo and tri-stereo Pleiades 1B/WorldView-3 images, and compare against NeRF and Sat-NeRF. The code is available at
PDF ISPRS Annals 2023


Adv3D: Generating 3D Adversarial Examples in Driving Scenarios with NeRF

Authors:Leheng Li, Qing Lian, Ying-Cong Chen

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been proven extremely susceptible to adversarial examples, which raises special safety-critical concerns for DNN-based autonomous driving stacks (i.e., 3D object detection). Although there are extensive works on image-level attacks, most are restricted to 2D pixel spaces, and such attacks are not always physically realistic in our 3D world. Here we present Adv3D, the first exploration of modeling adversarial examples as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs). Advances in NeRF provide photorealistic appearances and 3D accurate generation, yielding a more realistic and realizable adversarial example. We train our adversarial NeRF by minimizing the surrounding objects’ confidence predicted by 3D detectors on the training set. Then we evaluate Adv3D on the unseen validation set and show that it can cause a large performance reduction when rendering NeRF in any sampled pose. To generate physically realizable adversarial examples, we propose primitive-aware sampling and semantic-guided regularization that enable 3D patch attacks with camouflage adversarial texture. Experimental results demonstrate that the trained adversarial NeRF generalizes well to different poses, scenes, and 3D detectors. Finally, we provide a defense method to our attacks that involves adversarial training through data augmentation. Project page:


Instant Continual Learning of Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Ryan Po, Zhengyang Dong, Alexander W. Bergman, Gordon Wetzstein

Neural radiance fields (NeRFs) have emerged as an effective method for novel-view synthesis and 3D scene reconstruction. However, conventional training methods require access to all training views during scene optimization. This assumption may be prohibitive in continual learning scenarios, where new data is acquired in a sequential manner and a continuous update of the NeRF is desired, as in automotive or remote sensing applications. When naively trained in such a continual setting, traditional scene representation frameworks suffer from catastrophic forgetting, where previously learned knowledge is corrupted after training on new data. Prior works in alleviating forgetting with NeRFs suffer from low reconstruction quality and high latency, making them impractical for real-world application. We propose a continual learning framework for training NeRFs that leverages replay-based methods combined with a hybrid explicit—implicit scene representation. Our method outperforms previous methods in reconstruction quality when trained in a continual setting, while having the additional benefit of being an order of magnitude faster.
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Bayes’ Rays: Uncertainty Quantification for Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Lily Goli, Cody Reading, Silvia Sellán, Alec Jacobson, Andrea Tagliasacchi

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have shown promise in applications like view synthesis and depth estimation, but learning from multiview images faces inherent uncertainties. Current methods to quantify them are either heuristic or computationally demanding. We introduce BayesRays, a post-hoc framework to evaluate uncertainty in any pre-trained NeRF without modifying the training process. Our method establishes a volumetric uncertainty field using spatial perturbations and a Bayesian Laplace approximation. We derive our algorithm statistically and show its superior performance in key metrics and applications. Additional results available at:


SimpleNeRF: Regularizing Sparse Input Neural Radiance Fields with Simpler Solutions

Authors:Nagabhushan Somraj, Adithyan Karanayil, Rajiv Soundararajan

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) show impressive performance for the photorealistic free-view rendering of scenes. However, NeRFs require dense sampling of images in the given scene, and their performance degrades significantly when only a sparse set of views are available. Researchers have found that supervising the depth estimated by the NeRF helps train it effectively with fewer views. The depth supervision is obtained either using classical approaches or neural networks pre-trained on a large dataset. While the former may provide only sparse supervision, the latter may suffer from generalization issues. As opposed to the earlier approaches, we seek to learn the depth supervision by designing augmented models and training them along with the NeRF. We design augmented models that encourage simpler solutions by exploring the role of positional encoding and view-dependent radiance in training the few-shot NeRF. The depth estimated by these simpler models is used to supervise the NeRF depth estimates. Since the augmented models can be inaccurate in certain regions, we design a mechanism to choose only reliable depth estimates for supervision. Finally, we add a consistency loss between the coarse and fine multi-layer perceptrons of the NeRF to ensure better utilization of hierarchical sampling. We achieve state-of-the-art view-synthesis performance on two popular datasets by employing the above regularizations. The source code for our model can be found on our project page:


Text-driven Editing of 3D Scenes without Retraining

Authors:Shuangkang Fang, Yufeng Wang, Yi Yang, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Wenrui Ding, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Shuchang Zhou

Numerous diffusion models have recently been applied to image synthesis and editing. However, editing 3D scenes is still in its early stages. It poses various challenges, such as the requirement to design specific methods for different editing types, retraining new models for various 3D scenes, and the absence of convenient human interaction during editing. To tackle these issues, we introduce a text-driven editing method, termed DN2N, which allows for the direct acquisition of a NeRF model with universal editing capabilities, eliminating the requirement for retraining. Our method employs off-the-shelf text-based editing models of 2D images to modify the 3D scene images, followed by a filtering process to discard poorly edited images that disrupt 3D consistency. We then consider the remaining inconsistency as a problem of removing noise perturbation, which can be solved by generating training data with similar perturbation characteristics for training. We further propose cross-view regularization terms to help the generalized NeRF model mitigate these perturbations. Our text-driven method allows users to edit a 3D scene with their desired description, which is more friendly, intuitive, and practical than prior works. Empirical results show that our method achieves multiple editing types, including but not limited to appearance editing, weather transition, material changing, and style transfer. Most importantly, our method generalizes well with editing abilities shared among a set of model parameters without requiring a customized editing model for some specific scenes, thus inferring novel views with editing effects directly from user input. The project website is available at
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SC-NeRF: Self-Correcting Neural Radiance Field with Sparse Views

Authors:Liang Song, Guangming Wang, Jiuming Liu, Zhenyang Fu, Yanzi Miao, Hesheng

In recent studies, the generalization of neural radiance fields for novel view synthesis task has been widely explored. However, existing methods are limited to objects and indoor scenes. In this work, we extend the generalization task to outdoor scenes, trained only on object-level datasets. This approach presents two challenges. Firstly, the significant distributional shift between training and testing scenes leads to black artifacts in rendering results. Secondly, viewpoint changes in outdoor scenes cause ghosting or missing regions in rendered images. To address these challenges, we propose a geometric correction module and an appearance correction module based on multi-head attention mechanisms. We normalize rendered depth and combine it with light direction as query in the attention mechanism. Our network effectively corrects varying scene structures and geometric features in outdoor scenes, generalizing well from object-level to unseen outdoor scenes. Additionally, we use appearance correction module to correct appearance features, preventing rendering artifacts like blank borders and ghosting due to viewpoint changes. By combining these modules, our approach successfully tackles the challenges of outdoor scene generalization, producing high-quality rendering results. When evaluated on four datasets (Blender, DTU, LLFF, Spaces), our network outperforms previous methods. Notably, compared to MVSNeRF, our network improves average PSNR from 19.369 to 25.989, SSIM from 0.838 to 0.889, and reduces LPIPS from 0.265 to 0.224 on Spaces outdoor scenes.


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