Diffusion Models

2023-09-12 更新

SADIR: Shape-Aware Diffusion Models for 3D Image Reconstruction

Authors:Nivetha Jayakumar, Tonmoy Hossain, Miaomiao Zhang

3D image reconstruction from a limited number of 2D images has been a long-standing challenge in computer vision and image analysis. While deep learning-based approaches have achieved impressive performance in this area, existing deep networks often fail to effectively utilize the shape structures of objects presented in images. As a result, the topology of reconstructed objects may not be well preserved, leading to the presence of artifacts such as discontinuities, holes, or mismatched connections between different parts. In this paper, we propose a shape-aware network based on diffusion models for 3D image reconstruction, named SADIR, to address these issues. In contrast to previous methods that primarily rely on spatial correlations of image intensities for 3D reconstruction, our model leverages shape priors learned from the training data to guide the reconstruction process. To achieve this, we develop a joint learning network that simultaneously learns a mean shape under deformation models. Each reconstructed image is then considered as a deformed variant of the mean shape. We validate our model, SADIR, on both brain and cardiac magnetic resonance images (MRIs). Experimental results show that our method outperforms the baselines with lower reconstruction error and better preservation of the shape structure of objects within the images.
PDF ShapeMI MICCAI 2023: Workshop on Shape in Medical Imaging


Underwater Image Enhancement by Transformer-based Diffusion Model with Non-uniform Sampling for Skip Strategy

Authors:Yi Tang, Takafumi Iwaguchi, Hiroshi Kawasaki

In this paper, we present an approach to image enhancement with diffusion model in underwater scenes. Our method adapts conditional denoising diffusion probabilistic models to generate the corresponding enhanced images by using the underwater images and the Gaussian noise as the inputs. Additionally, in order to improve the efficiency of the reverse process in the diffusion model, we adopt two different ways. We firstly propose a lightweight transformer-based denoising network, which can effectively promote the time of network forward per iteration. On the other hand, we introduce a skip sampling strategy to reduce the number of iterations. Besides, based on the skip sampling strategy, we propose two different non-uniform sampling methods for the sequence of the time step, namely piecewise sampling and searching with the evolutionary algorithm. Both of them are effective and can further improve performance by using the same steps against the previous uniform sampling. In the end, we conduct a relative evaluation of the widely used underwater enhancement datasets between the recent state-of-the-art methods and the proposed approach. The experimental results prove that our approach can achieve both competitive performance and high efficiency. Our code is available at \href{mailto:https://github.com/piggy2009/DM_underwater}{\color{blue}{https://github.com/piggy2009/DM\_underwater}}.


Reuse and Diffuse: Iterative Denoising for Text-to-Video Generation

Authors:Jiaxi Gu, Shicong Wang, Haoyu Zhao, Tianyi Lu, Xing Zhang, Zuxuan Wu, Songcen Xu, Wei Zhang, Yu-Gang Jiang, Hang Xu

Inspired by the remarkable success of Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) for image synthesis, we study LDM for text-to-video generation, which is a formidable challenge due to the computational and memory constraints during both model training and inference. A single LDM is usually only capable of generating a very limited number of video frames. Some existing works focus on separate prediction models for generating more video frames, which suffer from additional training cost and frame-level jittering, however. In this paper, we propose a framework called “Reuse and Diffuse” dubbed $\textit{VidRD}$ to produce more frames following the frames already generated by an LDM. Conditioned on an initial video clip with a small number of frames, additional frames are iteratively generated by reusing the original latent features and following the previous diffusion process. Besides, for the autoencoder used for translation between pixel space and latent space, we inject temporal layers into its decoder and fine-tune these layers for higher temporal consistency. We also propose a set of strategies for composing video-text data that involve diverse content from multiple existing datasets including video datasets for action recognition and image-text datasets. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves good results in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Our project page is available $\href{https://anonymous0x233.github.io/ReuseAndDiffuse/}{here}$.


DiffusionEngine: Diffusion Model is Scalable Data Engine for Object Detection

Authors:Manlin Zhang, Jie Wu, Yuxi Ren, Ming Li, Jie Qin, Xuefeng Xiao, Wei Liu, Rui Wang, Min Zheng, Andy J. Ma

Data is the cornerstone of deep learning. This paper reveals that the recently developed Diffusion Model is a scalable data engine for object detection. Existing methods for scaling up detection-oriented data often require manual collection or generative models to obtain target images, followed by data augmentation and labeling to produce training pairs, which are costly, complex, or lacking diversity. To address these issues, we presentDiffusionEngine (DE), a data scaling-up engine that provides high-quality detection-oriented training pairs in a single stage. DE consists of a pre-trained diffusion model and an effective Detection-Adapter, contributing to generating scalable, diverse and generalizable detection data in a plug-and-play manner. Detection-Adapter is learned to align the implicit semantic and location knowledge in off-the-shelf diffusion models with detection-aware signals to make better bounding-box predictions. Additionally, we contribute two datasets, i.e., COCO-DE and VOC-DE, to scale up existing detection benchmarks for facilitating follow-up research. Extensive experiments demonstrate that data scaling-up via DE can achieve significant improvements in diverse scenarios, such as various detection algorithms, self-supervised pre-training, data-sparse, label-scarce, cross-domain, and semi-supervised learning. For example, when using DE with a DINO-based adapter to scale up data, mAP is improved by 3.1% on COCO, 7.6% on VOC, and 11.5% on Clipart.
PDF Code and Models are publicly available. Project Page: https://mettyz.github.io/DiffusionEngine


InstructDiffusion: A Generalist Modeling Interface for Vision Tasks

Authors:Zigang Geng, Binxin Yang, Tiankai Hang, Chen Li, Shuyang Gu, Ting Zhang, Jianmin Bao, Zheng Zhang, Han Hu, Dong Chen, Baining Guo

We present InstructDiffusion, a unifying and generic framework for aligning computer vision tasks with human instructions. Unlike existing approaches that integrate prior knowledge and pre-define the output space (e.g., categories and coordinates) for each vision task, we cast diverse vision tasks into a human-intuitive image-manipulating process whose output space is a flexible and interactive pixel space. Concretely, the model is built upon the diffusion process and is trained to predict pixels according to user instructions, such as encircling the man’s left shoulder in red or applying a blue mask to the left car. InstructDiffusion could handle a variety of vision tasks, including understanding tasks (such as segmentation and keypoint detection) and generative tasks (such as editing and enhancement). It even exhibits the ability to handle unseen tasks and outperforms prior methods on novel datasets. This represents a significant step towards a generalist modeling interface for vision tasks, advancing artificial general intelligence in the field of computer vision.


MoEController: Instruction-based Arbitrary Image Manipulation with Mixture-of-Expert Controllers

Authors:Sijia Li, Chen Chen, Haonan Lu

Diffusion-model-based text-guided image generation has recently made astounding progress, producing fascinating results in open-domain image manipulation tasks. Few models, however, currently have complete zero-shot capabilities for both global and local image editing due to the complexity and diversity of image manipulation tasks. In this work, we propose a method with a mixture-of-expert (MOE) controllers to align the text-guided capacity of diffusion models with different kinds of human instructions, enabling our model to handle various open-domain image manipulation tasks with natural language instructions. First, we use large language models (ChatGPT) and conditional image synthesis models (ControlNet) to generate a large number of global image transfer dataset in addition to the instruction-based local image editing dataset. Then, using an MOE technique and task-specific adaptation training on a large-scale dataset, our conditional diffusion model can edit images globally and locally. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach performs surprisingly well on various image manipulation tasks when dealing with open-domain images and arbitrary human instructions. Please refer to our project page: [https://oppo-mente-lab.github.io/moe_controller/]
PDF 5 pages,6 figures


Create Your World: Lifelong Text-to-Image Diffusion

Authors:Gan Sun, Wenqi Liang, Jiahua Dong, Jun Li, Zhengming Ding, Yang Cong

Text-to-image generative models can produce diverse high-quality images of concepts with a text prompt, which have demonstrated excellent ability in image generation, image translation, etc. We in this work study the problem of synthesizing instantiations of a use’s own concepts in a never-ending manner, i.e., create your world, where the new concepts from user are quickly learned with a few examples. To achieve this goal, we propose a Lifelong text-to-image Diffusion Model (L2DM), which intends to overcome knowledge “catastrophic forgetting” for the past encountered concepts, and semantic “catastrophic neglecting” for one or more concepts in the text prompt. In respect of knowledge “catastrophic forgetting”, our L2DM framework devises a task-aware memory enhancement module and a elastic-concept distillation module, which could respectively safeguard the knowledge of both prior concepts and each past personalized concept. When generating images with a user text prompt, the solution to semantic “catastrophic neglecting” is that a concept attention artist module can alleviate the semantic neglecting from concept aspect, and an orthogonal attention module can reduce the semantic binding from attribute aspect. To the end, our model can generate more faithful image across a range of continual text prompts in terms of both qualitative and quantitative metrics, when comparing with the related state-of-the-art models. The code will be released at https://wenqiliang.github.io/.
PDF 15 pages,10 figures


Text-driven Editing of 3D Scenes without Retraining

Authors:Shuangkang Fang, Yufeng Wang, Yi Yang, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Wenrui Ding, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Shuchang Zhou

Numerous diffusion models have recently been applied to image synthesis and editing. However, editing 3D scenes is still in its early stages. It poses various challenges, such as the requirement to design specific methods for different editing types, retraining new models for various 3D scenes, and the absence of convenient human interaction during editing. To tackle these issues, we introduce a text-driven editing method, termed DN2N, which allows for the direct acquisition of a NeRF model with universal editing capabilities, eliminating the requirement for retraining. Our method employs off-the-shelf text-based editing models of 2D images to modify the 3D scene images, followed by a filtering process to discard poorly edited images that disrupt 3D consistency. We then consider the remaining inconsistency as a problem of removing noise perturbation, which can be solved by generating training data with similar perturbation characteristics for training. We further propose cross-view regularization terms to help the generalized NeRF model mitigate these perturbations. Our text-driven method allows users to edit a 3D scene with their desired description, which is more friendly, intuitive, and practical than prior works. Empirical results show that our method achieves multiple editing types, including but not limited to appearance editing, weather transition, material changing, and style transfer. Most importantly, our method generalizes well with editing abilities shared among a set of model parameters without requiring a customized editing model for some specific scenes, thus inferring novel views with editing effects directly from user input. The project website is available at http://sk-fun.fun/DN2N
PDF Project Website: http://sk-fun.fun/DN2N


SA-Solver: Stochastic Adams Solver for Fast Sampling of Diffusion Models

Authors:Shuchen Xue, Mingyang Yi, Weijian Luo, Shifeng Zhang, Jiacheng Sun, Zhenguo Li, Zhi-Ming Ma

Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) have achieved considerable success in generation tasks. As sampling from DPMs is equivalent to solving diffusion SDE or ODE which is time-consuming, numerous fast sampling methods built upon improved differential equation solvers are proposed. The majority of such techniques consider solving the diffusion ODE due to its superior efficiency. However, stochastic sampling could offer additional advantages in generating diverse and high-quality data. In this work, we engage in a comprehensive analysis of stochastic sampling from two aspects: variance-controlled diffusion SDE and linear multi-step SDE solver. Based on our analysis, we propose SA-Solver, which is an improved efficient stochastic Adams method for solving diffusion SDE to generate data with high quality. Our experiments show that SA-Solver achieves: 1) improved or comparable performance compared with the existing state-of-the-art sampling methods for few-step sampling; 2) SOTA FID scores on substantial benchmark datasets under a suitable number of function evaluations (NFEs).


Diffusion-Based Co-Speech Gesture Generation Using Joint Text and Audio Representation

Authors:Anna Deichler, Shivam Mehta, Simon Alexanderson, Jonas Beskow

This paper describes a system developed for the GENEA (Generation and Evaluation of Non-verbal Behaviour for Embodied Agents) Challenge 2023. Our solution builds on an existing diffusion-based motion synthesis model. We propose a contrastive speech and motion pretraining (CSMP) module, which learns a joint embedding for speech and gesture with the aim to learn a semantic coupling between these modalities. The output of the CSMP module is used as a conditioning signal in the diffusion-based gesture synthesis model in order to achieve semantically-aware co-speech gesture generation. Our entry achieved highest human-likeness and highest speech appropriateness rating among the submitted entries. This indicates that our system is a promising approach to achieve human-like co-speech gestures in agents that carry semantic meaning.


Diffusion-Guided Reconstruction of Everyday Hand-Object Interaction Clips

Authors:Yufei Ye, Poorvi Hebbar, Abhinav Gupta, Shubham Tulsiani

We tackle the task of reconstructing hand-object interactions from short video clips. Given an input video, our approach casts 3D inference as a per-video optimization and recovers a neural 3D representation of the object shape, as well as the time-varying motion and hand articulation. While the input video naturally provides some multi-view cues to guide 3D inference, these are insufficient on their own due to occlusions and limited viewpoint variations. To obtain accurate 3D, we augment the multi-view signals with generic data-driven priors to guide reconstruction. Specifically, we learn a diffusion network to model the conditional distribution of (geometric) renderings of objects conditioned on hand configuration and category label, and leverage it as a prior to guide the novel-view renderings of the reconstructed scene. We empirically evaluate our approach on egocentric videos across 6 object categories, and observe significant improvements over prior single-view and multi-view methods. Finally, we demonstrate our system’s ability to reconstruct arbitrary clips from YouTube, showing both 1st and 3rd person interactions.
PDF Accepted to ICCV23 (Oral). Project Page: https://judyye.github.io/diffhoi-www/


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