
2023-09-02 更新

Robust Open-Set Spoken Language Identification and the CU MultiLang Dataset

Authors:Mustafa Eyceoz, Justin Lee, Siddharth Pittie, Homayoon Beigi

Most state-of-the-art spoken language identification models are closed-set; in other words, they can only output a language label from the set of classes they were trained on. Open-set spoken language identification systems, however, gain the ability to detect when an input exhibits none of the original languages. In this paper, we implement a novel approach to open-set spoken language identification that uses MFCC and pitch features, a TDNN model to extract meaningful feature embeddings, confidence thresholding on softmax outputs, and LDA and pLDA for learning to classify new unknown languages. We present a spoken language identification system that achieves 91.76% accuracy on trained languages and has the capability to adapt to unknown languages on the fly. To that end, we also built the CU MultiLang Dataset, a large and diverse multilingual speech corpus which was used to train and evaluate our system.
PDF 6pages, 1 table, 6 figures


Prototype Fission: Closing Set for Robust Open-set Semi-supervised Learning

Authors:Xuwei Tan, Yi-Jie Huang, Yaqian Li

Semi-supervised Learning (SSL) has been proven vulnerable to out-of-distribution (OOD) samples in realistic large-scale unsupervised datasets due to over-confident pseudo-labeling OODs as in-distribution (ID). A key underlying problem is class-wise latent space spreading from closed seen space to open unseen space, and the bias is further magnified in SSL’s self-training loops. To close the ID distribution set so that OODs are better rejected for safe SSL, we propose Prototype Fission(PF) to divide class-wise latent spaces into compact sub-spaces by automatic fine-grained latent space mining, driven by coarse-grained labels only. Specifically, we form multiple unique learnable sub-class prototypes for each class, optimized towards both diversity and consistency. The Diversity Modeling term encourages samples to be clustered by one of the multiple sub-class prototypes, while the Consistency Modeling term clusters all samples of the same class to a global prototype. Instead of “opening set”, i.e., modeling OOD distribution, Prototype Fission “closes set” and makes it hard for OOD samples to fit in sub-class latent space. Therefore, PF is compatible with existing methods for further performance gains. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our method in open-set SSL settings in terms of successfully forming sub-classes, discriminating OODs from IDs and improving overall accuracy. Codes will be released.


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