2023-08-29 更新
DiffI2I: Efficient Diffusion Model for Image-to-Image Translation
Authors:Bin Xia, Yulun Zhang, Shiyin Wang, Yitong Wang, Xinglong Wu, Yapeng Tian, Wenming Yang, Radu Timotfe, Luc Van Gool
The Diffusion Model (DM) has emerged as the SOTA approach for image synthesis. However, the existing DM cannot perform well on some image-to-image translation (I2I) tasks. Different from image synthesis, some I2I tasks, such as super-resolution, require generating results in accordance with GT images. Traditional DMs for image synthesis require extensive iterations and large denoising models to estimate entire images, which gives their strong generative ability but also leads to artifacts and inefficiency for I2I. To tackle this challenge, we propose a simple, efficient, and powerful DM framework for I2I, called DiffI2I. Specifically, DiffI2I comprises three key components: a compact I2I prior extraction network (CPEN), a dynamic I2I transformer (DI2Iformer), and a denoising network. We train DiffI2I in two stages: pretraining and DM training. For pretraining, GT and input images are fed into CPEN${S1}$ to capture a compact I2I prior representation (IPR) guiding DI2Iformer. In the second stage, the DM is trained to only use the input images to estimate the same IRP as CPEN${S1}$. Compared to traditional DMs, the compact IPR enables DiffI2I to obtain more accurate outcomes and employ a lighter denoising network and fewer iterations. Through extensive experiments on various I2I tasks, we demonstrate that DiffI2I achieves SOTA performance while significantly reducing computational burdens.
Synergizing Contrastive Learning and Optimal Transport for 3D Point Cloud Domain Adaptation
Authors:Siddharth Katageri, Arkadipta De, Chaitanya Devaguptapu, VSSV Prasad, Charu Sharma, Manohar Kaul
Recently, the fundamental problem of unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) on 3D point clouds has been motivated by a wide variety of applications in robotics, virtual reality, and scene understanding, to name a few. The point cloud data acquisition procedures manifest themselves as significant domain discrepancies and geometric variations among both similar and dissimilar classes. The standard domain adaptation methods developed for images do not directly translate to point cloud data because of their complex geometric nature. To address this challenge, we leverage the idea of multimodality and alignment between distributions. We propose a new UDA architecture for point cloud classification that benefits from multimodal contrastive learning to get better class separation in both domains individually. Further, the use of optimal transport (OT) aims at learning source and target data distributions jointly to reduce the cross-domain shift and provide a better alignment. We conduct a comprehensive empirical study on PointDA-10 and GraspNetPC-10 and show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on GraspNetPC-10 (with approx 4-12% margin) and best average performance on PointDA-10. Our ablation studies and decision boundary analysis also validate the significance of our contrastive learning module and OT alignment.
HoloFusion: Towards Photo-realistic 3D Generative Modeling
Authors:Animesh Karnewar, Niloy J. Mitra, Andrea Vedaldi, David Novotny
Diffusion-based image generators can now produce high-quality and diverse samples, but their success has yet to fully translate to 3D generation: existing diffusion methods can either generate low-resolution but 3D consistent outputs, or detailed 2D views of 3D objects but with potential structural defects and lacking view consistency or realism. We present HoloFusion, a method that combines the best of these approaches to produce high-fidelity, plausible, and diverse 3D samples while learning from a collection of multi-view 2D images only. The method first generates coarse 3D samples using a variant of the recently proposed HoloDiffusion generator. Then, it independently renders and upsamples a large number of views of the coarse 3D model, super-resolves them to add detail, and distills those into a single, high-fidelity implicit 3D representation, which also ensures view consistency of the final renders. The super-resolution network is trained as an integral part of HoloFusion, end-to-end, and the final distillation uses a new sampling scheme to capture the space of super-resolved signals. We compare our method against existing baselines, including DreamFusion, Get3D, EG3D, and HoloDiffusion, and achieve, to the best of our knowledge, the most realistic results on the challenging CO3Dv2 dataset.
PDF ICCV 2023 conference; project page at: https://holodiffusion.github.io/holofusion