Domain Adaptation

2023-08-29 更新

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Domain-Adaptive Diffusion

Authors:Duo Peng, Qiuhong Ke, Yinjie Lei, Jun Liu

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is quite challenging due to the large distribution discrepancy between the source domain and the target domain. Inspired by diffusion models which have strong capability to gradually convert data distributions across a large gap, we consider to explore the diffusion technique to handle the challenging UDA task. However, using diffusion models to convert data distribution across different domains is a non-trivial problem as the standard diffusion models generally perform conversion from the Gaussian distribution instead of from a specific domain distribution. Besides, during the conversion, the semantics of the source-domain data needs to be preserved for classification in the target domain. To tackle these problems, we propose a novel Domain-Adaptive Diffusion (DAD) module accompanied by a Mutual Learning Strategy (MLS), which can gradually convert data distribution from the source domain to the target domain while enabling the classification model to learn along the domain transition process. Consequently, our method successfully eases the challenge of UDA by decomposing the large domain gap into small ones and gradually enhancing the capacity of classification model to finally adapt to the target domain. Our method outperforms the current state-of-the-arts by a large margin on three widely used UDA datasets.
PDF 11 pages, 4 figures


Prior-guided Source-free Domain Adaptation for Human Pose Estimation

Authors:Dripta S. Raychaudhuri, Calvin-Khang Ta, Arindam Dutta, Rohit Lal, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury

Domain adaptation methods for 2D human pose estimation typically require continuous access to the source data during adaptation, which can be challenging due to privacy, memory, or computational constraints. To address this limitation, we focus on the task of source-free domain adaptation for pose estimation, where a source model must adapt to a new target domain using only unlabeled target data. Although recent advances have introduced source-free methods for classification tasks, extending them to the regression task of pose estimation is non-trivial. In this paper, we present Prior-guided Self-training (POST), a pseudo-labeling approach that builds on the popular Mean Teacher framework to compensate for the distribution shift. POST leverages prediction-level and feature-level consistency between a student and teacher model against certain image transformations. In the absence of source data, POST utilizes a human pose prior that regularizes the adaptation process by directing the model to generate more accurate and anatomically plausible pose pseudo-labels. Despite being simple and intuitive, our framework can deliver significant performance gains compared to applying the source model directly to the target data, as demonstrated in our extensive experiments and ablation studies. In fact, our approach achieves comparable performance to recent state-of-the-art methods that use source data for adaptation.
PDF Accepted at ICCV 2023


Domain-Specificity Inducing Transformers for Source-Free Domain Adaptation

Authors:Sunandini Sanyal, Ashish Ramayee Asokan, Suvaansh Bhambri, Akshay Kulkarni, Jogendra Nath Kundu, R. Venkatesh Babu

Conventional Domain Adaptation (DA) methods aim to learn domain-invariant feature representations to improve the target adaptation performance. However, we motivate that domain-specificity is equally important since in-domain trained models hold crucial domain-specific properties that are beneficial for adaptation. Hence, we propose to build a framework that supports disentanglement and learning of domain-specific factors and task-specific factors in a unified model. Motivated by the success of vision transformers in several multi-modal vision problems, we find that queries could be leveraged to extract the domain-specific factors. Hence, we propose a novel Domain-specificity-inducing Transformer (DSiT) framework for disentangling and learning both domain-specific and task-specific factors. To achieve disentanglement, we propose to construct novel Domain-Representative Inputs (DRI) with domain-specific information to train a domain classifier with a novel domain token. We are the first to utilize vision transformers for domain adaptation in a privacy-oriented source-free setting, and our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on single-source, multi-source, and multi-target benchmarks
PDF ICCV 2023. Project page:


Forensic Histopathological Recognition via a Context-Aware MIL Network Powered by Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning

Authors:Chen Shen, Jun Zhang, Xinggong Liang, Zeyi Hao, Kehan Li, Fan Wang, Zhenyuan Wang, Chunfeng Lian

Forensic pathology is critical in analyzing death manner and time from the microscopic aspect to assist in the establishment of reliable factual bases for criminal investigation. In practice, even the manual differentiation between different postmortem organ tissues is challenging and relies on expertise, considering that changes like putrefaction and autolysis could significantly change typical histopathological appearance. Developing AI-based computational pathology techniques to assist forensic pathologists is practically meaningful, which requires reliable discriminative representation learning to capture tissues’ fine-grained postmortem patterns. To this end, we propose a framework called FPath, in which a dedicated self-supervised contrastive learning strategy and a context-aware multiple-instance learning (MIL) block are designed to learn discriminative representations from postmortem histopathological images acquired at varying magnification scales. Our self-supervised learning step leverages multiple complementary contrastive losses and regularization terms to train a double-tier backbone for fine-grained and informative patch/instance embedding. Thereafter, the context-aware MIL adaptively distills from the local instances a holistic bag/image-level representation for the recognition task. On a large-scale database of $19,607$ experimental rat postmortem images and $3,378$ real-world human decedent images, our FPath led to state-of-the-art accuracy and promising cross-domain generalization in recognizing seven different postmortem tissues. The source code will be released on \href{}{\_pathology}.
PDF 11 pages, 2 figures


Synergizing Contrastive Learning and Optimal Transport for 3D Point Cloud Domain Adaptation

Authors:Siddharth Katageri, Arkadipta De, Chaitanya Devaguptapu, VSSV Prasad, Charu Sharma, Manohar Kaul

Recently, the fundamental problem of unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) on 3D point clouds has been motivated by a wide variety of applications in robotics, virtual reality, and scene understanding, to name a few. The point cloud data acquisition procedures manifest themselves as significant domain discrepancies and geometric variations among both similar and dissimilar classes. The standard domain adaptation methods developed for images do not directly translate to point cloud data because of their complex geometric nature. To address this challenge, we leverage the idea of multimodality and alignment between distributions. We propose a new UDA architecture for point cloud classification that benefits from multimodal contrastive learning to get better class separation in both domains individually. Further, the use of optimal transport (OT) aims at learning source and target data distributions jointly to reduce the cross-domain shift and provide a better alignment. We conduct a comprehensive empirical study on PointDA-10 and GraspNetPC-10 and show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on GraspNetPC-10 (with approx 4-12% margin) and best average performance on PointDA-10. Our ablation studies and decision boundary analysis also validate the significance of our contrastive learning module and OT alignment.


Towards Vision-Language Mechanistic Interpretability: A Causal Tracing Tool for BLIP

Authors:Vedant Palit, Rohan Pandey, Aryaman Arora, Paul Pu Liang

Mechanistic interpretability seeks to understand the neural mechanisms that enable specific behaviors in Large Language Models (LLMs) by leveraging causality-based methods. While these approaches have identified neural circuits that copy spans of text, capture factual knowledge, and more, they remain unusable for multimodal models since adapting these tools to the vision-language domain requires considerable architectural changes. In this work, we adapt a unimodal causal tracing tool to BLIP to enable the study of the neural mechanisms underlying image-conditioned text generation. We demonstrate our approach on a visual question answering dataset, highlighting the causal relevance of later layer representations for all tokens. Furthermore, we release our BLIP causal tracing tool as open source to enable further experimentation in vision-language mechanistic interpretability by the community. Our code is available at
PDF Final version for 5th Workshop on Closing the Loop Between Vision and Language (CLVL) @ ICCV 2023. 4 pages, 5 figures


Local-Global Pseudo-label Correction for Source-free Domain Adaptive Medical Image Segmentation

Authors:Yanyu Ye, Zhengxi Zhang, Chunna Tianb, Wei wei

Domain shift is a commonly encountered issue in medical imaging solutions, primarily caused by variations in imaging devices and data sources. To mitigate this problem, unsupervised domain adaptation techniques have been employed. However, concerns regarding patient privacy and potential degradation of image quality have led to an increased focus on source-free domain adaptation. In this study, we address the issue of false labels in self-training based source-free domain adaptive medical image segmentation methods. To correct erroneous pseudo-labels, we propose a novel approach called the local-global pseudo-label correction (LGDA) method for source-free domain adaptive medical image segmentation. Our method consists of two components: An offline local context-based pseudo-label correction method that utilizes local context similarity in image space. And an online global pseudo-label correction method based on class prototypes, which corrects erroneously predicted pseudo-labels by considering the relative distance between pixel-wise feature vectors and prototype vectors. We evaluate the performance of our method on three benchmark fundus image datasets for optic disc and cup segmentation. Our method achieves superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art approaches, even without using of any source data.
PDF 30 pages,7 figures


UniPT: Universal Parallel Tuning for Transfer Learning with Efficient Parameter and Memory

Authors:Haiwen Diao, Bo Wan, Ying Zhang, Xu Jia, Huchuan Lu, Long Chen

Fine-tuning pre-trained models has emerged as a powerful technique in numerous domains, owing to its ability to leverage enormous pre-existing knowledge and achieve remarkable performance on downstream tasks. However, updating the parameters of entire networks is computationally intensive. Although state-of-the-art parameter-efficient transfer learning (PETL) methods significantly reduce the trainable parameters and storage demand, almost all of them still need to back-propagate the gradients through large pre-trained networks. This memory-extensive characteristic extremely limits the applicability of PETL methods in real-world scenarios. To this end, we propose a new memory-efficient PETL strategy, dubbed Universal Parallel Tuning (UniPT). Specifically, we facilitate the transfer process via a lightweight learnable parallel network, which consists of two modules: 1) A parallel interaction module that decouples the inherently sequential connections and processes the intermediate activations detachedly of the pre-trained network. 2) A confidence aggregation module that learns optimal strategies adaptively for integrating cross-layer features. We evaluate UniPT with different backbones (e.g., VSE$\infty$, CLIP4Clip, Clip-ViL, and MDETR) on five challenging vision-and-language tasks (i.e., image-text retrieval, video-text retrieval, visual question answering, compositional question answering, and visual grounding). Extensive ablations on ten datasets have validated that our UniPT can not only dramatically reduce memory consumption and outperform the best memory-efficient competitor, but also achieve higher performance than existing PETL methods in a low-memory scenario on different architectures. Our code is publicly available at:
PDF 13 pages, 5 figures


Face Presentation Attack Detection by Excavating Causal Clues and Adapting Embedding Statistics

Authors:Meiling Fang, Naser Damer

Recent face presentation attack detection (PAD) leverages domain adaptation (DA) and domain generalization (DG) techniques to address performance degradation on unknown domains. However, DA-based PAD methods require access to unlabeled target data, while most DG-based PAD solutions rely on a priori, i.e., known domain labels. Moreover, most DA-/DG-based methods are computationally intensive, demanding complex model architectures and/or multi-stage training processes. This paper proposes to model face PAD as a compound DG task from a causal perspective, linking it to model optimization. We excavate the causal factors hidden in the high-level representation via counterfactual intervention. Moreover, we introduce a class-guided MixStyle to enrich feature-level data distribution within classes instead of focusing on domain information. Both class-guided MixStyle and counterfactual intervention components introduce no extra trainable parameters and negligible computational resources. Extensive cross-dataset and analytic experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method compared to state-of-the-art PADs. The implementation and the trained weights are publicly available.
PDF Accepted at WACV 2024


Referring Image Segmentation Using Text Supervision

Authors:Fang Liu, Yuhao Liu, Yuqiu Kong, Ke Xu, Lihe Zhang, Baocai Yin, Gerhard Hancke, Rynson Lau

Existing Referring Image Segmentation (RIS) methods typically require expensive pixel-level or box-level annotations for supervision. In this paper, we observe that the referring texts used in RIS already provide sufficient information to localize the target object. Hence, we propose a novel weakly-supervised RIS framework to formulate the target localization problem as a classification process to differentiate between positive and negative text expressions. While the referring text expressions for an image are used as positive expressions, the referring text expressions from other images can be used as negative expressions for this image. Our framework has three main novelties. First, we propose a bilateral prompt method to facilitate the classification process, by harmonizing the domain discrepancy between visual and linguistic features. Second, we propose a calibration method to reduce noisy background information and improve the correctness of the response maps for target object localization. Third, we propose a positive response map selection strategy to generate high-quality pseudo-labels from the enhanced response maps, for training a segmentation network for RIS inference. For evaluation, we propose a new metric to measure localization accuracy. Experiments on four benchmarks show that our framework achieves promising performances to existing fully-supervised RIS methods while outperforming state-of-the-art weakly-supervised methods adapted from related areas. Code is available at


LatentDR: Improving Model Generalization Through Sample-Aware Latent Degradation and Restoration

Authors:Ran Liu, Sahil Khose, Jingyun Xiao, Lakshmi Sathidevi, Keerthan Ramnath, Zsolt Kira, Eva L. Dyer

Despite significant advances in deep learning, models often struggle to generalize well to new, unseen domains, especially when training data is limited. To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach for distribution-aware latent augmentation that leverages the relationships across samples to guide the augmentation procedure. Our approach first degrades the samples stochastically in the latent space, mapping them to augmented labels, and then restores the samples from their corrupted versions during training. This process confuses the classifier in the degradation step and restores the overall class distribution of the original samples, promoting diverse intra-class/cross-domain variability. We extensively evaluate our approach on a diverse set of datasets and tasks, including domain generalization benchmarks and medical imaging datasets with strong domain shift, where we show our approach achieves significant improvements over existing methods for latent space augmentation. We further show that our method can be flexibly adapted to long-tail recognition tasks, demonstrating its versatility in building more generalizable models. Code is available at


Compositional Semantic Mix for Domain Adaptation in Point Cloud Segmentation

Authors:Cristiano Saltori, Fabio Galasso, Giuseppe Fiameni, Nicu Sebe, Fabio Poiesi, Elisa Ricci

Deep-learning models for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation exhibit limited generalization capabilities when trained and tested on data captured with different sensors or in varying environments due to domain shift. Domain adaptation methods can be employed to mitigate this domain shift, for instance, by simulating sensor noise, developing domain-agnostic generators, or training point cloud completion networks. Often, these methods are tailored for range view maps or necessitate multi-modal input. In contrast, domain adaptation in the image domain can be executed through sample mixing, which emphasizes input data manipulation rather than employing distinct adaptation modules. In this study, we introduce compositional semantic mixing for point cloud domain adaptation, representing the first unsupervised domain adaptation technique for point cloud segmentation based on semantic and geometric sample mixing. We present a two-branch symmetric network architecture capable of concurrently processing point clouds from a source domain (e.g. synthetic) and point clouds from a target domain (e.g. real-world). Each branch operates within one domain by integrating selected data fragments from the other domain and utilizing semantic information derived from source labels and target (pseudo) labels. Additionally, our method can leverage a limited number of human point-level annotations (semi-supervised) to further enhance performance. We assess our approach in both synthetic-to-real and real-to-real scenarios using LiDAR datasets and demonstrate that it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both unsupervised and semi-supervised settings.
PDF TPAMI. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.09778


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