Diffusion Models

2023-08-29 更新

Residual Denoising Diffusion Models

Authors:Jiawei Liu, Qiang Wang, Huijie Fan, Yinong Wang, Yandong Tang, Liangqiong Qu

Current diffusion-based image restoration methods feed degraded input images as conditions into the noise estimation network. However, interpreting this diffusion process is challenging since it essentially generates the target image from the noise. To establish a unified and more interpretable model for image generation and restoration, we propose residual denoising diffusion models (RDDM). In contrast to existing diffusion models (e.g., DDPM or DDIM) that focus solely on noise estimation, our RDDM predicts residuals to represent directional diffusion from the target domain to the input domain, while concurrently estimating noise to account for random perturbations in the diffusion process. The introduction of residuals allows us to redefine the forward diffusion process, wherein the target image progressively diffuses into a purely noisy image or a noise-carrying input image, thus unifying image generation and restoration. We demonstrate that our sampling process is consistent with that of DDPM and DDIM through coefficient transformation, and propose a partially path-independent generation process to better understand the reverse process. Notably, with native support for conditional inputs, our RDDM enables a generic UNet, trained with only an $\ell _1$ loss and a batch size of 1, to compete with state-of-the-art image restoration methods. We provide code and pre-trained models to encourage further exploration, application, and development of our innovative framework (https://github.com/nachifur/RDDM).


DiffI2I: Efficient Diffusion Model for Image-to-Image Translation

Authors:Bin Xia, Yulun Zhang, Shiyin Wang, Yitong Wang, Xinglong Wu, Yapeng Tian, Wenming Yang, Radu Timotfe, Luc Van Gool

The Diffusion Model (DM) has emerged as the SOTA approach for image synthesis. However, the existing DM cannot perform well on some image-to-image translation (I2I) tasks. Different from image synthesis, some I2I tasks, such as super-resolution, require generating results in accordance with GT images. Traditional DMs for image synthesis require extensive iterations and large denoising models to estimate entire images, which gives their strong generative ability but also leads to artifacts and inefficiency for I2I. To tackle this challenge, we propose a simple, efficient, and powerful DM framework for I2I, called DiffI2I. Specifically, DiffI2I comprises three key components: a compact I2I prior extraction network (CPEN), a dynamic I2I transformer (DI2Iformer), and a denoising network. We train DiffI2I in two stages: pretraining and DM training. For pretraining, GT and input images are fed into CPEN${S1}$ to capture a compact I2I prior representation (IPR) guiding DI2Iformer. In the second stage, the DM is trained to only use the input images to estimate the same IRP as CPEN${S1}$. Compared to traditional DMs, the compact IPR enables DiffI2I to obtain more accurate outcomes and employ a lighter denoising network and fewer iterations. Through extensive experiments on various I2I tasks, we demonstrate that DiffI2I achieves SOTA performance while significantly reducing computational burdens.


Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Domain-Adaptive Diffusion

Authors:Duo Peng, Qiuhong Ke, Yinjie Lei, Jun Liu

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is quite challenging due to the large distribution discrepancy between the source domain and the target domain. Inspired by diffusion models which have strong capability to gradually convert data distributions across a large gap, we consider to explore the diffusion technique to handle the challenging UDA task. However, using diffusion models to convert data distribution across different domains is a non-trivial problem as the standard diffusion models generally perform conversion from the Gaussian distribution instead of from a specific domain distribution. Besides, during the conversion, the semantics of the source-domain data needs to be preserved for classification in the target domain. To tackle these problems, we propose a novel Domain-Adaptive Diffusion (DAD) module accompanied by a Mutual Learning Strategy (MLS), which can gradually convert data distribution from the source domain to the target domain while enabling the classification model to learn along the domain transition process. Consequently, our method successfully eases the challenge of UDA by decomposing the large domain gap into small ones and gradually enhancing the capacity of classification model to finally adapt to the target domain. Our method outperforms the current state-of-the-arts by a large margin on three widely used UDA datasets.
PDF 11 pages, 4 figures


Sparse3D: Distilling Multiview-Consistent Diffusion for Object Reconstruction from Sparse Views

Authors:Zi-Xin Zou, Weihao Cheng, Yan-Pei Cao, Shi-Sheng Huang, Ying Shan, Song-Hai Zhang

Reconstructing 3D objects from extremely sparse views is a long-standing and challenging problem. While recent techniques employ image diffusion models for generating plausible images at novel viewpoints or for distilling pre-trained diffusion priors into 3D representations using score distillation sampling (SDS), these methods often struggle to simultaneously achieve high-quality, consistent, and detailed results for both novel-view synthesis (NVS) and geometry. In this work, we present Sparse3D, a novel 3D reconstruction method tailored for sparse view inputs. Our approach distills robust priors from a multiview-consistent diffusion model to refine a neural radiance field. Specifically, we employ a controller that harnesses epipolar features from input views, guiding a pre-trained diffusion model, such as Stable Diffusion, to produce novel-view images that maintain 3D consistency with the input. By tapping into 2D priors from powerful image diffusion models, our integrated model consistently delivers high-quality results, even when faced with open-world objects. To address the blurriness introduced by conventional SDS, we introduce the category-score distillation sampling (C-SDS) to enhance detail. We conduct experiments on CO3DV2 which is a multi-view dataset of real-world objects. Both quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate that our approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art works on the metrics regarding NVS and geometry reconstruction.


Unaligned 2D to 3D Translation with Conditional Vector-Quantized Code Diffusion using Transformers

Authors:Abril Corona-Figueroa, Sam Bond-Taylor, Neelanjan Bhowmik, Yona Falinie A. Gaus, Toby P. Breckon, Hubert P. H. Shum, Chris G. Willcocks

Generating 3D images of complex objects conditionally from a few 2D views is a difficult synthesis problem, compounded by issues such as domain gap and geometric misalignment. For instance, a unified framework such as Generative Adversarial Networks cannot achieve this unless they explicitly define both a domain-invariant and geometric-invariant joint latent distribution, whereas Neural Radiance Fields are generally unable to handle both issues as they optimize at the pixel level. By contrast, we propose a simple and novel 2D to 3D synthesis approach based on conditional diffusion with vector-quantized codes. Operating in an information-rich code space enables high-resolution 3D synthesis via full-coverage attention across the views. Specifically, we generate the 3D codes (e.g. for CT images) conditional on previously generated 3D codes and the entire codebook of two 2D views (e.g. 2D X-rays). Qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate state-of-the-art performance over specialized methods across varied evaluation criteria, including fidelity metrics such as density, coverage, and distortion metrics for two complex volumetric imagery datasets from in real-world scenarios.
PDF Camera-ready version for ICCV 2023


SketchDreamer: Interactive Text-Augmented Creative Sketch Ideation

Authors:Zhiyu Qu, Tao Xiang, Yi-Zhe Song

Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) has shown remarkable progress in generating realistic images. However, in this paper, we take a step “backward” and address AIGC for the most rudimentary visual modality of human sketches. Our objective is on the creative nature of sketches, and that creative sketching should take the form of an interactive process. We further enable text to drive the sketch ideation process, allowing creativity to be freely defined, while simultaneously tackling the challenge of “I can’t sketch”. We present a method to generate controlled sketches using a text-conditioned diffusion model trained on pixel representations of images. Our proposed approach, referred to as SketchDreamer, integrates a differentiable rasteriser of Bezier curves that optimises an initial input to distil abstract semantic knowledge from a pretrained diffusion model. We utilise Score Distillation Sampling to learn a sketch that aligns with a given caption, which importantly enable both text and sketch to interact with the ideation process. Our objective is to empower non-professional users to create sketches and, through a series of optimisation processes, transform a narrative into a storyboard by expanding the text prompt while making minor adjustments to the sketch input. Through this work, we hope to aspire the way we create visual content, democratise the creative process, and inspire further research in enhancing human creativity in AIGC. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/WinKawaks/SketchDreamer}.


HoloFusion: Towards Photo-realistic 3D Generative Modeling

Authors:Animesh Karnewar, Niloy J. Mitra, Andrea Vedaldi, David Novotny

Diffusion-based image generators can now produce high-quality and diverse samples, but their success has yet to fully translate to 3D generation: existing diffusion methods can either generate low-resolution but 3D consistent outputs, or detailed 2D views of 3D objects but with potential structural defects and lacking view consistency or realism. We present HoloFusion, a method that combines the best of these approaches to produce high-fidelity, plausible, and diverse 3D samples while learning from a collection of multi-view 2D images only. The method first generates coarse 3D samples using a variant of the recently proposed HoloDiffusion generator. Then, it independently renders and upsamples a large number of views of the coarse 3D model, super-resolves them to add detail, and distills those into a single, high-fidelity implicit 3D representation, which also ensures view consistency of the final renders. The super-resolution network is trained as an integral part of HoloFusion, end-to-end, and the final distillation uses a new sampling scheme to capture the space of super-resolved signals. We compare our method against existing baselines, including DreamFusion, Get3D, EG3D, and HoloDiffusion, and achieve, to the best of our knowledge, the most realistic results on the challenging CO3Dv2 dataset.
PDF ICCV 2023 conference; project page at: https://holodiffusion.github.io/holofusion


DiffSmooth: Certifiably Robust Learning via Diffusion Models and Local Smoothing

Authors:Jiawei Zhang, Zhongzhu Chen, Huan Zhang, Chaowei Xiao, Bo Li

Diffusion models have been leveraged to perform adversarial purification and thus provide both empirical and certified robustness for a standard model. On the other hand, different robustly trained smoothed models have been studied to improve the certified robustness. Thus, it raises a natural question: Can diffusion model be used to achieve improved certified robustness on those robustly trained smoothed models? In this work, we first theoretically show that recovered instances by diffusion models are in the bounded neighborhood of the original instance with high probability; and the “one-shot” denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPM) can approximate the mean of the generated distribution of a continuous-time diffusion model, which approximates the original instance under mild conditions. Inspired by our analysis, we propose a certifiably robust pipeline DiffSmooth, which first performs adversarial purification via diffusion models and then maps the purified instances to a common region via a simple yet effective local smoothing strategy. We conduct extensive experiments on different datasets and show that DiffSmooth achieves SOTA-certified robustness compared with eight baselines. For instance, DiffSmooth improves the SOTA-certified accuracy from $36.0\%$ to $53.0\%$ under $\ell_2$ radius $1.5$ on ImageNet. The code is available at [https://github.com/javyduck/DiffSmooth].
PDF Accepted in 32nd USENIX Security, 2023


Data-iterative Optimization Score Model for Stable Ultra-Sparse-View CT Reconstruction

Authors:Weiwen Wu, Yanyang Wang

Score-based generative models (SGMs) have gained prominence in sparse-view CT reconstruction for their precise sampling of complex distributions. In SGM-based reconstruction, data consistency in the score-based diffusion model ensures close adherence of generated samples to observed data distribution, crucial for improving image quality. Shortcomings in data consistency characterization manifest in three aspects. Firstly, data from the optimization process can lead to artifacts in reconstructed images. Secondly, it often neglects that the generation model and original data constraints are independently completed, fragmenting unity. Thirdly, it predominantly focuses on constraining intermediate results in the inverse sampling process, rather than ideal real images. Thus, we propose an iterative optimization data scoring model. This paper introduces the data-iterative optimization score-based model (DOSM), integrating innovative data consistency into the Stochastic Differential Equation, a valuable constraint for ultra-sparse-view CT reconstruction. The novelty of this data consistency element lies in its sole reliance on original measurement data to confine generation outcomes, effectively balancing measurement data and generative model constraints. Additionally, we pioneer an inference strategy that traces back from current iteration results to ideal truth, enhancing reconstruction stability. We leverage conventional iteration techniques to optimize DOSM updates. Quantitative and qualitative results from 23 views of numerical and clinical cardiac datasets demonstrate DOSM’s superiority over other methods. Remarkably, even with 10 views, our method achieves excellent performance.
PDF 11 pages, 12 figures


Pixel-Aware Stable Diffusion for Realistic Image Super-resolution and Personalized Stylization

Authors:Tao Yang, Peiran Ren, Xuansong Xie, Lei Zhang

Realistic image super-resolution (Real-ISR) aims to reproduce perceptually realistic image details from a low-quality input. The commonly used adversarial training based Real-ISR methods often introduce unnatural visual artifacts and fail to generate realistic textures for natural scene images. The recently developed generative stable diffusion models provide a potential solution to Real-ISR with pre-learned strong image priors. However, the existing methods along this line either fail to keep faithful pixel-wise image structures or resort to extra skipped connections to reproduce details, which requires additional training in image space and limits their extension to other related tasks in latent space such as image stylization. In this work, we propose a pixel-aware stable diffusion (PASD) network to achieve robust Real-ISR as well as personalized stylization. In specific, a pixel-aware cross attention module is introduced to enable diffusion models perceiving image local structures in pixel-wise level, while a degradation removal module is used to extract degradation insensitive features to guide the diffusion process together with image high level information. By simply replacing the base diffusion model with a personalized one, our method can generate diverse stylized images without the need to collect pairwise training data. PASD can be easily integrated into existing diffusion models such as Stable Diffusion. Experiments on Real-ISR and personalized stylization demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. The source code and models can be found at \url{https://github.com/yangxy/PASD}.


360-Degree Panorama Generation from Few Unregistered NFoV Images

Authors:Jionghao Wang, Ziyu Chen, Jun Ling, Rong Xie, Li Song

360$^\circ$ panoramas are extensively utilized as environmental light sources in computer graphics. However, capturing a 360$^\circ$ $\times$ 180$^\circ$ panorama poses challenges due to the necessity of specialized and costly equipment, and additional human resources. Prior studies develop various learning-based generative methods to synthesize panoramas from a single Narrow Field-of-View (NFoV) image, but they are limited in alterable input patterns, generation quality, and controllability. To address these issues, we propose a novel pipeline called PanoDiff, which efficiently generates complete 360$^\circ$ panoramas using one or more unregistered NFoV images captured from arbitrary angles. Our approach has two primary components to overcome the limitations. Firstly, a two-stage angle prediction module to handle various numbers of NFoV inputs. Secondly, a novel latent diffusion-based panorama generation model uses incomplete panorama and text prompts as control signals and utilizes several geometric augmentation schemes to ensure geometric properties in generated panoramas. Experiments show that PanoDiff achieves state-of-the-art panoramic generation quality and high controllability, making it suitable for applications such as content editing.
PDF Accepted to ACM Multimedia 2023 (MM’ 23). Code is available: https://github.com/shanemankiw/Panodiff


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