
2023-08-26 更新

Improved Region Proposal Network for Enhanced Few-Shot Object Detection

Authors:Zeyu Shangguan, Mohammad Rostami

Despite significant success of deep learning in object detection tasks, the standard training of deep neural networks requires access to a substantial quantity of annotated images across all classes. Data annotation is an arduous and time-consuming endeavor, particularly when dealing with infrequent objects. Few-shot object detection (FSOD) methods have emerged as a solution to the limitations of classic object detection approaches based on deep learning. FSOD methods demonstrate remarkable performance by achieving robust object detection using a significantly smaller amount of training data. A challenge for FSOD is that instances from novel classes that do not belong to the fixed set of training classes appear in the background and the base model may pick them up as potential objects. These objects behave similarly to label noise because they are classified as one of the training dataset classes, leading to FSOD performance degradation. We develop a semi-supervised algorithm to detect and then utilize these unlabeled novel objects as positive samples during the FSOD training stage to improve FSOD performance. Specifically, we develop a hierarchical ternary classification region proposal network (HTRPN) to localize the potential unlabeled novel objects and assign them new objectness labels to distinguish these objects from the base training dataset classes. Our improved hierarchical sampling strategy for the region proposal network (RPN) also boosts the perception ability of the object detection model for large objects. We test our approach and COCO and PASCAL VOC baselines that are commonly used in FSOD literature. Our experimental results indicate that our method is effective and outperforms the existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) FSOD methods. Our implementation is provided as a supplement to support reproducibility of the results.
PDF arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2303.10422


Visual and Textual Prior Guided Mask Assemble for Few-Shot Segmentation and Beyond

Authors:Chen Shuai, Meng Fanman, Zhang Runtong, Qiu Heqian, Li Hongliang, Wu Qingbo, Xu Linfeng

Few-shot segmentation (FSS) aims to segment the novel classes with a few annotated images. Due to CLIP’s advantages of aligning visual and textual information, the integration of CLIP can enhance the generalization ability of FSS model. However, even with the CLIP model, the existing CLIP-based FSS methods are still subject to the biased prediction towards base classes, which is caused by the class-specific feature level interactions. To solve this issue, we propose a visual and textual Prior Guided Mask Assemble Network (PGMA-Net). It employs a class-agnostic mask assembly process to alleviate the bias, and formulates diverse tasks into a unified manner by assembling the prior through affinity. Specifically, the class-relevant textual and visual features are first transformed to class-agnostic prior in the form of probability map. Then, a Prior-Guided Mask Assemble Module (PGMAM) including multiple General Assemble Units (GAUs) is introduced. It considers diverse and plug-and-play interactions, such as visual-textual, inter- and intra-image, training-free, and high-order ones. Lastly, to ensure the class-agnostic ability, a Hierarchical Decoder with Channel-Drop Mechanism (HDCDM) is proposed to flexibly exploit the assembled masks and low-level features, without relying on any class-specific information. It achieves new state-of-the-art results in the FSS task, with mIoU of $77.6$ on $\text{PASCAL-}5^i$ and $59.4$ on $\text{COCO-}20^i$ in 1-shot scenario. Beyond this, we show that without extra re-training, the proposed PGMA-Net can solve bbox-level and cross-domain FSS, co-segmentation, zero-shot segmentation (ZSS) tasks, leading an any-shot segmentation framework.


Self-Prompting Large Vision Models for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation

Authors:Qi Wu, Yuyao Zhang, Marawan Elbatel

Recent advancements in large foundation models have shown promising potential in the medical industry due to their flexible prompting capability. One such model, the Segment Anything Model (SAM), a prompt-driven segmentation model, has shown remarkable performance improvements, surpassing state-of-the-art approaches in medical image segmentation. However, existing methods primarily rely on tuning strategies that require extensive data or prior prompts tailored to the specific task, making it particularly challenging when only a limited number of data samples are available. In this paper, we propose a novel perspective on self-prompting in medical vision applications. Specifically, we harness the embedding space of SAM to prompt itself through a simple yet effective linear pixel-wise classifier. By preserving the encoding capabilities of the large model, the contextual information from its decoder, and leveraging its interactive promptability, we achieve competitive results on multiple datasets (i.e. improvement of more than 15% compared to fine-tuning the mask decoder using a few images).
PDF 8.5 pages + 2 pages of supplementary materials + 2 pages of references, 3 figures, submitted to 5th MICCAI Workshop on Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer (DART)


Self-Calibrated Cross Attention Network for Few-Shot Segmentation

Authors:Qianxiong Xu, Wenting Zhao, Guosheng Lin, Cheng Long

The key to the success of few-shot segmentation (FSS) lies in how to effectively utilize support samples. Most solutions compress support foreground (FG) features into prototypes, but lose some spatial details. Instead, others use cross attention to fuse query features with uncompressed support FG. Query FG could be fused with support FG, however, query background (BG) cannot find matched BG features in support FG, yet inevitably integrates dissimilar features. Besides, as both query FG and BG are combined with support FG, they get entangled, thereby leading to ineffective segmentation. To cope with these issues, we design a self-calibrated cross attention (SCCA) block. For efficient patch-based attention, query and support features are firstly split into patches. Then, we design a patch alignment module to align each query patch with its most similar support patch for better cross attention. Specifically, SCCA takes a query patch as Q, and groups the patches from the same query image and the aligned patches from the support image as K&V. In this way, the query BG features are fused with matched BG features (from query patches), and thus the aforementioned issues will be mitigated. Moreover, when calculating SCCA, we design a scaled-cosine mechanism to better utilize the support features for similarity calculation. Extensive experiments conducted on PASCAL-5^i and COCO-20^i demonstrate the superiority of our model, e.g., the mIoU score under 5-shot setting on COCO-20^i is 5.6%+ better than previous state-of-the-arts. The code is available at https://github.com/Sam1224/SCCAN.
PDF This paper is accepted by ICCV’23


Boosting Few-shot Action Recognition with Graph-guided Hybrid Matching

Authors:Jiazheng Xing, Mengmeng Wang, Yudi Ruan, Bofan Chen, Yaowei Guo, Boyu Mu, Guang Dai, Jingdong Wang, Yong Liu

Class prototype construction and matching are core aspects of few-shot action recognition. Previous methods mainly focus on designing spatiotemporal relation modeling modules or complex temporal alignment algorithms. Despite the promising results, they ignored the value of class prototype construction and matching, leading to unsatisfactory performance in recognizing similar categories in every task. In this paper, we propose GgHM, a new framework with Graph-guided Hybrid Matching. Concretely, we learn task-oriented features by the guidance of a graph neural network during class prototype construction, optimizing the intra- and inter-class feature correlation explicitly. Next, we design a hybrid matching strategy, combining frame-level and tuple-level matching to classify videos with multivariate styles. We additionally propose a learnable dense temporal modeling module to enhance the video feature temporal representation to build a more solid foundation for the matching process. GgHM shows consistent improvements over other challenging baselines on several few-shot datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of our method. The code will be publicly available at https://github.com/jiazheng-xing/GgHM.
PDF Accepted by ICCV2023


Invariant Training 2D-3D Joint Hard Samples for Few-Shot Point Cloud Recognition

Authors:Xuanyu Yi, Jiajun Deng, Qianru Sun, Xian-Sheng Hua, Joo-Hwee Lim, Hanwang Zhang

We tackle the data scarcity challenge in few-shot point cloud recognition of 3D objects by using a joint prediction from a conventional 3D model and a well-trained 2D model. Surprisingly, such an ensemble, though seems trivial, has hardly been shown effective in recent 2D-3D models. We find out the crux is the less effective training for the ‘’joint hard samples’’, which have high confidence prediction on different wrong labels, implying that the 2D and 3D models do not collaborate well. To this end, our proposed invariant training strategy, called InvJoint, does not only emphasize the training more on the hard samples, but also seeks the invariance between the conflicting 2D and 3D ambiguous predictions. InvJoint can learn more collaborative 2D and 3D representations for better ensemble. Extensive experiments on 3D shape classification with widely adopted ModelNet10/40, ScanObjectNN and Toys4K, and shape retrieval with ShapeNet-Core validate the superiority of our InvJoint.


Smoothness Similarity Regularization for Few-Shot GAN Adaptation

Authors:Vadim Sushko, Ruyu Wang, Juergen Gall

The task of few-shot GAN adaptation aims to adapt a pre-trained GAN model to a small dataset with very few training images. While existing methods perform well when the dataset for pre-training is structurally similar to the target dataset, the approaches suffer from training instabilities or memorization issues when the objects in the two domains have a very different structure. To mitigate this limitation, we propose a new smoothness similarity regularization that transfers the inherently learned smoothness of the pre-trained GAN to the few-shot target domain even if the two domains are very different. We evaluate our approach by adapting an unconditional and a class-conditional GAN to diverse few-shot target domains. Our proposed method significantly outperforms prior few-shot GAN adaptation methods in the challenging case of structurally dissimilar source-target domains, while performing on par with the state of the art for similar source-target domains.
PDF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023


Cross-city Few-Shot Traffic Forecasting via Traffic Pattern Bank

Authors:Zhanyu Liu, Guanjie Zheng, Yanwei Yu

Traffic forecasting is a critical service in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Utilizing deep models to tackle this task relies heavily on data from traffic sensors or vehicle devices, while some cities might lack device support and thus have few available data. So, it is necessary to learn from data-rich cities and transfer the knowledge to data-scarce cities in order to improve the performance of traffic forecasting. To address this problem, we propose a cross-city few-shot traffic forecasting framework via Traffic Pattern Bank (TPB) due to that the traffic patterns are similar across cities. TPB utilizes a pre-trained traffic patch encoder to project raw traffic data from data-rich cities into high-dimensional space, from which a traffic pattern bank is generated through clustering. Then, the traffic data of the data-scarce city could query the traffic pattern bank and explicit relations between them are constructed. The metaknowledge is aggregated based on these relations and an adjacency matrix is constructed to guide a downstream spatial-temporal model in forecasting future traffic. The frequently used meta-training framework Reptile is adapted to find a better initial parameter for the learnable modules. Experiments on real-world traffic datasets show that TPB outperforms existing methods and demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach in cross-city few-shot traffic forecasting.
PDF Accepted by CIKM2023 (Long Paper)


Towards Few-shot Coordination: Revisiting Ad-hoc Teamplay Challenge In the Game of Hanabi

Authors:Hadi Nekoei, Xutong Zhao, Janarthanan Rajendran, Miao Liu, Sarath Chandar

Cooperative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithms with Zero-Shot Coordination (ZSC) have gained significant attention in recent years. ZSC refers to the ability of agents to coordinate zero-shot (without additional interaction experience) with independently trained agents. While ZSC is crucial for cooperative MARL agents, it might not be possible for complex tasks and changing environments. Agents also need to adapt and improve their performance with minimal interaction with other agents. In this work, we show empirically that state-of-the-art ZSC algorithms have poor performance when paired with agents trained with different learning methods, and they require millions of interaction samples to adapt to these new partners. To investigate this issue, we formally defined a framework based on a popular cooperative multi-agent game called Hanabi to evaluate the adaptability of MARL methods. In particular, we created a diverse set of pre-trained agents and defined a new metric called adaptation regret that measures the agent’s ability to efficiently adapt and improve its coordination performance when paired with some held-out pool of partners on top of its ZSC performance. After evaluating several SOTA algorithms using our framework, our experiments reveal that naive Independent Q-Learning (IQL) agents in most cases adapt as quickly as the SOTA ZSC algorithm Off-Belief Learning (OBL). This finding raises an interesting research question: How to design MARL algorithms with high ZSC performance and capability of fast adaptation to unseen partners. As a first step, we studied the role of different hyper-parameters and design choices on the adaptability of current MARL algorithms. Our experiments show that two categories of hyper-parameters controlling the training data diversity and optimization process have a significant impact on the adaptability of Hanabi agents.


Few-Shot Physically-Aware Articulated Mesh Generation via Hierarchical Deformation

Authors:Xueyi Liu, Bin Wang, He Wang, Li Yi

We study the problem of few-shot physically-aware articulated mesh generation. By observing an articulated object dataset containing only a few examples, we wish to learn a model that can generate diverse meshes with high visual fidelity and physical validity. Previous mesh generative models either have difficulties in depicting a diverse data space from only a few examples or fail to ensure physical validity of their samples. Regarding the above challenges, we propose two key innovations, including 1) a hierarchical mesh deformation-based generative model based upon the divide-and-conquer philosophy to alleviate the few-shot challenge by borrowing transferrable deformation patterns from large scale rigid meshes and 2) a physics-aware deformation correction scheme to encourage physically plausible generations. We conduct extensive experiments on 6 articulated categories to demonstrate the superiority of our method in generating articulated meshes with better diversity, higher visual fidelity, and better physical validity over previous methods in the few-shot setting. Further, we validate solid contributions of our two innovations in the ablation study. Project page with code is available at https://meowuu7.github.io/few-arti-obj-gen.
PDF ICCV 2023. Project Page: https://meowuu7.github.io/few-arti-obj-gen


DocPrompt: Large-scale continue pretrain for zero-shot and few-shot document question answering

Authors:Sijin Wu, Dan Zhang, Teng Hu, Shikun Feng

In this paper, we propose Docprompt for document question answering tasks with powerful zero-shot and few-shot performance. We proposed a novel weakly supervised data generation method, a novel multl-stage training method and a novel understanding model & generation model ensemble method. Experiment results show that the Docprompt model after continue pretrain significantly outperforms the existing strong baseline models on document question answering tasks. This method greatly improves the delivery efficiency and model performance of document question answering customer projects, reducing annotation costs and labor costs. Our demo can be found at https://huggingface.co/spaces/PaddlePaddle/ERNIE-Layout.


Knowledge-Aware Prompt Tuning for Generalizable Vision-Language Models

Authors:Baoshuo Kan, Teng Wang, Wenpeng Lu, Xiantong Zhen, Weili Guan, Feng Zheng

Pre-trained vision-language models, e.g., CLIP, working with manually designed prompts have demonstrated great capacity of transfer learning. Recently, learnable prompts achieve state-of-the-art performance, which however are prone to overfit to seen classes, failing to generalize to unseen classes. In this paper, we propose a Knowledge-Aware Prompt Tuning (KAPT) framework for vision-language models. Our approach takes inspiration from human intelligence in which external knowledge is usually incorporated into recognizing novel categories of objects. Specifically, we design two complementary types of knowledge-aware prompts for the text encoder to leverage the distinctive characteristics of category-related external knowledge. The discrete prompt extracts the key information from descriptions of an object category, and the learned continuous prompt captures overall contexts. We further design an adaptation head for the visual encoder to aggregate salient attentive visual cues, which establishes discriminative and task-aware visual representations. We conduct extensive experiments on 11 widely-used benchmark datasets and the results verify the effectiveness in few-shot image classification, especially in generalizing to unseen categories. Compared with the state-of-the-art CoCoOp method, KAPT exhibits favorable performance and achieves an absolute gain of 3.22% on new classes and 2.57% in terms of harmonic mean.
PDF Accepted by ICCV 2023


Evaluating Large Language Models on Graphs: Performance Insights and Comparative Analysis

Authors:Chang Liu, Bo Wu

Large Language Models (LLMs) have garnered considerable interest within both academic and industrial. Yet, the application of LLMs to graph data remains under-explored. In this study, we evaluate the capabilities of four LLMs in addressing several analytical problems with graph data. We employ four distinct evaluation metrics: Comprehension, Correctness, Fidelity, and Rectification. Our results show that: 1) LLMs effectively comprehend graph data in natural language and reason with graph topology. 2) GPT models can generate logical and coherent results, outperforming alternatives in correctness. 3) All examined LLMs face challenges in structural reasoning, with techniques like zero-shot chain-of-thought and few-shot prompting showing diminished efficacy. 4) GPT models often produce erroneous answers in multi-answer tasks, raising concerns in fidelity. 5) GPT models exhibit elevated confidence in their outputs, potentially hindering their rectification capacities. Notably, GPT-4 has demonstrated the capacity to rectify responses from GPT-3.5-turbo and its own previous iterations. The code is available at: https://github.com/Ayame1006/LLMtoGraph.
PDF 12 pages, 1 figure


Few-shot Anomaly Detection in Text with Deviation Learning

Authors:Anindya Sundar Das, Aravind Ajay, Sriparna Saha, Monowar Bhuyan

Most current methods for detecting anomalies in text concentrate on constructing models solely relying on unlabeled data. These models operate on the presumption that no labeled anomalous examples are available, which prevents them from utilizing prior knowledge of anomalies that are typically present in small numbers in many real-world applications. Furthermore, these models prioritize learning feature embeddings rather than optimizing anomaly scores directly, which could lead to suboptimal anomaly scoring and inefficient use of data during the learning process. In this paper, we introduce FATE, a deep few-shot learning-based framework that leverages limited anomaly examples and learns anomaly scores explicitly in an end-to-end method using deviation learning. In this approach, the anomaly scores of normal examples are adjusted to closely resemble reference scores obtained from a prior distribution. Conversely, anomaly samples are forced to have anomalous scores that considerably deviate from the reference score in the upper tail of the prior. Additionally, our model is optimized to learn the distinct behavior of anomalies by utilizing a multi-head self-attention layer and multiple instance learning approaches. Comprehensive experiments on several benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach attains a new level of state-of-the-art performance.
PDF Accepted in ICONIP 2023


Enhancing NeRF akin to Enhancing LLMs: Generalizable NeRF Transformer with Mixture-of-View-Experts

Authors:Wenyan Cong, Hanxue Liang, Peihao Wang, Zhiwen Fan, Tianlong Chen, Mukund Varma, Yi Wang, Zhangyang Wang

Cross-scene generalizable NeRF models, which can directly synthesize novel views of unseen scenes, have become a new spotlight of the NeRF field. Several existing attempts rely on increasingly end-to-end “neuralized” architectures, i.e., replacing scene representation and/or rendering modules with performant neural networks such as transformers, and turning novel view synthesis into a feed-forward inference pipeline. While those feedforward “neuralized” architectures still do not fit diverse scenes well out of the box, we propose to bridge them with the powerful Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) idea from large language models (LLMs), which has demonstrated superior generalization ability by balancing between larger overall model capacity and flexible per-instance specialization. Starting from a recent generalizable NeRF architecture called GNT, we first demonstrate that MoE can be neatly plugged in to enhance the model. We further customize a shared permanent expert and a geometry-aware consistency loss to enforce cross-scene consistency and spatial smoothness respectively, which are essential for generalizable view synthesis. Our proposed model, dubbed GNT with Mixture-of-View-Experts (GNT-MOVE), has experimentally shown state-of-the-art results when transferring to unseen scenes, indicating remarkably better cross-scene generalization in both zero-shot and few-shot settings. Our codes are available at https://github.com/VITA-Group/GNT-MOVE.
PDF Accepted by ICCV2023


Cabrita: closing the gap for foreign languages

Authors:Celio Larcher, Marcos Piau, Paulo Finardi, Pedro Gengo, Piero Esposito, Vinicius Caridá

The strategy of training the model from scratch in a specific language or domain serves two essential purposes: i) enhancing performance in the particular linguistic or domain context, and ii) ensuring effective tokenization. The main limitation inherent to this approach lies in the associated cost, which can reach six to seven-digit dollar values, depending on the model size and the number of parameters involved. The main solution to overcome the cost challenge is to rely on available pre-trained models, which, despite recent advancements such as the LLaMA and LLaMA-2 models, still demonstrate inefficiency for certain specific domain problems or prove ineffective in scenarios involving conversational memory resources, given the large number of tokens required to represent text. To overcome this issue, we present a methodology named Cabrita, which, as our research demonstrates, successfully addresses the performance and efficient tokenization problem, all at an affordable cost. We believe that this methodology can be applied to any transformer-like architecture model. To validate the study, we conducted continuous pre-training exclusively using Portuguese text on a 3-billion-parameter model known as OpenLLaMA, resulting in a model named openCabrita 3B. The openCabrita 3B also features a new tokenizer that results in a significant reduction in the number of tokens required to represent the text. In our assessment, for few-shot learning tasks, we achieved similar results with this 3B model compared to a traditional continuous pre-training approach as well as to 7B models English pre-trained models.
PDF 9 pages, 1 figure


LFS-GAN: Lifelong Few-Shot Image Generation

Authors:Juwon Seo, Ji-Su Kang, Gyeong-Moon Park

We address a challenging lifelong few-shot image generation task for the first time. In this situation, a generative model learns a sequence of tasks using only a few samples per task. Consequently, the learned model encounters both catastrophic forgetting and overfitting problems at a time. Existing studies on lifelong GANs have proposed modulation-based methods to prevent catastrophic forgetting. However, they require considerable additional parameters and cannot generate high-fidelity and diverse images from limited data. On the other hand, the existing few-shot GANs suffer from severe catastrophic forgetting when learning multiple tasks. To alleviate these issues, we propose a framework called Lifelong Few-Shot GAN (LFS-GAN) that can generate high-quality and diverse images in lifelong few-shot image generation task. Our proposed framework learns each task using an efficient task-specific modulator - Learnable Factorized Tensor (LeFT). LeFT is rank-constrained and has a rich representation ability due to its unique reconstruction technique. Furthermore, we propose a novel mode seeking loss to improve the diversity of our model in low-data circumstances. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed LFS-GAN can generate high-fidelity and diverse images without any forgetting and mode collapse in various domains, achieving state-of-the-art in lifelong few-shot image generation task. Surprisingly, we find that our LFS-GAN even outperforms the existing few-shot GANs in the few-shot image generation task. The code is available at Github.
PDF 20 pages, 19 figures, 14 tables, ICCV 2023 Poster


Knowledge-injected Prompt Learning for Chinese Biomedical Entity Normalization

Authors:Songhua Yang, Chenghao Zhang, Hongfei Xu, Yuxiang Jia

The Biomedical Entity Normalization (BEN) task aims to align raw, unstructured medical entities to standard entities, thus promoting data coherence and facilitating better downstream medical applications. Recently, prompt learning methods have shown promising results in this task. However, existing research falls short in tackling the more complex Chinese BEN task, especially in the few-shot scenario with limited medical data, and the vast potential of the external medical knowledge base has yet to be fully harnessed. To address these challenges, we propose a novel Knowledge-injected Prompt Learning (PL-Knowledge) method. Specifically, our approach consists of five stages: candidate entity matching, knowledge extraction, knowledge encoding, knowledge injection, and prediction output. By effectively encoding the knowledge items contained in medical entities and incorporating them into our tailor-made knowledge-injected templates, the additional knowledge enhances the model’s ability to capture latent relationships between medical entities, thus achieving a better match with the standard entities. We extensively evaluate our model on a benchmark dataset in both few-shot and full-scale scenarios. Our method outperforms existing baselines, with an average accuracy boost of 12.96\% in few-shot and 0.94\% in full-data cases, showcasing its excellence in the BEN task.


Prompt2Model: Generating Deployable Models from Natural Language Instructions

Authors:Vijay Viswanathan, Chenyang Zhao, Amanda Bertsch, Tongshuang Wu, Graham Neubig

Large language models (LLMs) enable system builders today to create competent NLP systems through prompting, where they only need to describe the task in natural language and provide a few examples. However, in other ways, LLMs are a step backward from traditional special-purpose NLP models; they require extensive computational resources for deployment and can be gated behind APIs. In this paper, we propose Prompt2Model, a general-purpose method that takes a natural language task description like the prompts provided to LLMs, and uses it to train a special-purpose model that is conducive to deployment. This is done through a multi-step process of retrieval of existing datasets and pretrained models, dataset generation using LLMs, and supervised fine-tuning on these retrieved and generated datasets. Over three tasks, we demonstrate that given the same few-shot prompt as input, Prompt2Model trains models that outperform the results of a strong LLM, gpt-3.5-turbo, by an average of 20% while being up to 700 times smaller. We also show that this data can be used to obtain reliable performance estimates of model performance, enabling model developers to assess model reliability before deployment. Prompt2Model is available open-source at https://github.com/neulab/prompt2model.
PDF 8 pages


PartSeg: Few-shot Part Segmentation via Part-aware Prompt Learning

Authors:Mengya Han, Heliang Zheng, Chaoyue Wang, Yong Luo, Han Hu, Jing Zhang, Yonggang Wen

In this work, we address the task of few-shot part segmentation, which aims to segment the different parts of an unseen object using very few labeled examples. It is found that leveraging the textual space of a powerful pre-trained image-language model (such as CLIP) can be beneficial in learning visual features. Therefore, we develop a novel method termed PartSeg for few-shot part segmentation based on multimodal learning. Specifically, we design a part-aware prompt learning method to generate part-specific prompts that enable the CLIP model to better understand the concept of ``part’’ and fully utilize its textual space. Furthermore, since the concept of the same part under different object categories is general, we establish relationships between these parts during the prompt learning process. We conduct extensive experiments on the PartImageNet and Pascal$_$Part datasets, and the experimental results demonstrated that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance.


ToonTalker: Cross-Domain Face Reenactment

Authors:Yuan Gong, Yong Zhang, Xiaodong Cun, Fei Yin, Yanbo Fan, Xuan Wang, Baoyuan Wu, Yujiu Yang

We target cross-domain face reenactment in this paper, i.e., driving a cartoon image with the video of a real person and vice versa. Recently, many works have focused on one-shot talking face generation to drive a portrait with a real video, i.e., within-domain reenactment. Straightforwardly applying those methods to cross-domain animation will cause inaccurate expression transfer, blur effects, and even apparent artifacts due to the domain shift between cartoon and real faces. Only a few works attempt to settle cross-domain face reenactment. The most related work AnimeCeleb requires constructing a dataset with pose vector and cartoon image pairs by animating 3D characters, which makes it inapplicable anymore if no paired data is available. In this paper, we propose a novel method for cross-domain reenactment without paired data. Specifically, we propose a transformer-based framework to align the motions from different domains into a common latent space where motion transfer is conducted via latent code addition. Two domain-specific motion encoders and two learnable motion base memories are used to capture domain properties. A source query transformer and a driving one are exploited to project domain-specific motion to the canonical space. The edited motion is projected back to the domain of the source with a transformer. Moreover, since no paired data is provided, we propose a novel cross-domain training scheme using data from two domains with the designed analogy constraint. Besides, we contribute a cartoon dataset in Disney style. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the superiority of our method over competing methods.


Less is More: Towards Efficient Few-shot 3D Semantic Segmentation via Training-free Networks

Authors:Xiangyang Zhu, Renrui Zhang, Bowei He, Ziyu Guo, Jiaming Liu, Hao Dong, Peng Gao

To reduce the reliance on large-scale datasets, recent works in 3D segmentation resort to few-shot learning. Current 3D few-shot semantic segmentation methods first pre-train the models on seen' classes, and then evaluate their generalization performance onunseen’ classes. However, the prior pre-training stage not only introduces excessive time overhead, but also incurs a significant domain gap on `unseen’ classes. To tackle these issues, we propose an efficient Training-free Few-shot 3D Segmentation netwrok, TFS3D, and a further training-based variant, TFS3D-T. Without any learnable parameters, TFS3D extracts dense representations by trigonometric positional encodings, and achieves comparable performance to previous training-based methods. Due to the elimination of pre-training, TFS3D can alleviate the domain gap issue and save a substantial amount of time. Building upon TFS3D, TFS3D-T only requires to train a lightweight query-support transferring attention (QUEST), which enhances the interaction between the few-shot query and support data. Experiments demonstrate TFS3D-T improves previous state-of-the-art methods by +6.93% and +17.96% mIoU respectively on S3DIS and ScanNet, while reducing the training time by -90%, indicating superior effectiveness and efficiency.
PDF Code is available at https://github.com/yangyangyang127/TFS3D


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