Vision Transformer

2023-07-20 更新

CREPE: Learnable Prompting With CLIP Improves Visual Relationship Prediction

Authors:Rakshith Subramanyam, T. S. Jayram, Rushil Anirudh, Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan

In this paper, we explore the potential of Vision-Language Models (VLMs), specifically CLIP, in predicting visual object relationships, which involves interpreting visual features from images into language-based relations. Current state-of-the-art methods use complex graphical models that utilize language cues and visual features to address this challenge. We hypothesize that the strong language priors in CLIP embeddings can simplify these graphical models paving for a simpler approach. We adopt the UVTransE relation prediction framework, which learns the relation as a translational embedding with subject, object, and union box embeddings from a scene. We systematically explore the design of CLIP-based subject, object, and union-box representations within the UVTransE framework and propose CREPE (CLIP Representation Enhanced Predicate Estimation). CREPE utilizes text-based representations for all three bounding boxes and introduces a novel contrastive training strategy to automatically infer the text prompt for union-box. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in predicate estimation, mR@5 27.79, and mR@20 31.95 on the Visual Genome benchmark, achieving a 15.3\% gain in performance over recent state-of-the-art at mR@20. This work demonstrates CLIP’s effectiveness in object relation prediction and encourages further research on VLMs in this challenging domain.


Bootstrapping Vision-Language Learning with Decoupled Language Pre-training

Authors:Yiren Jian, Chongyang Gao, Soroush Vosoughi

We present a novel methodology aimed at optimizing the application of frozen large language models (LLMs) for resource-intensive vision-language (VL) pre-training. The current paradigm uses visual features as prompts to guide language models, with a focus on determining the most relevant visual features for corresponding text. Our approach diverges by concentrating on the language component, specifically identifying the optimal prompts to align with visual features. We introduce the Prompt-Transformer (P-Former), a model that predicts these ideal prompts, which is trained exclusively on linguistic data, bypassing the need for image-text pairings. This strategy subtly bifurcates the end-to-end VL training process into an additional, separate stage. Our experiments reveal that our framework significantly enhances the performance of a robust image-to-text baseline (BLIP-2), and effectively narrows the performance gap between models trained with either 4M or 129M image-text pairs. Importantly, our framework is modality-agnostic and flexible in terms of architectural design, as validated by its successful application in a video learning task using varied base modules. The code is available at
PDF The code is available at


Domain Generalisation with Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Vision Transformers

Authors:Hamza Riaz, Alan F. Smeaton

Domain generalisation involves pooling knowledge from source domain(s) into a single model that can generalise to unseen target domain(s). Recent research in domain generalisation has faced challenges when using deep learning models as they interact with data distributions which differ from those they are trained on. Here we perform domain generalisation on out-of-distribution (OOD) vision benchmarks using vision transformers. Initially we examine four vision transformer architectures namely ViT, LeViT, DeiT, and BEIT on out-of-distribution data. As the bidirectional encoder representation from image transformers (BEIT) architecture performs best, we use it in further experiments on three benchmarks PACS, Home-Office and DomainNet. Our results show significant improvements in validation and test accuracy and our implementation significantly overcomes gaps between within-distribution and OOD data.
PDF 4 pages, accepted at the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP), Galway, August 2023


Cumulative Spatial Knowledge Distillation for Vision Transformers

Authors:Borui Zhao, Renjie Song, Jiajun Liang

Distilling knowledge from convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is a double-edged sword for vision transformers (ViTs). It boosts the performance since the image-friendly local-inductive bias of CNN helps ViT learn faster and better, but leading to two problems: (1) Network designs of CNN and ViT are completely different, which leads to different semantic levels of intermediate features, making spatial-wise knowledge transfer methods (e.g., feature mimicking) inefficient. (2) Distilling knowledge from CNN limits the network convergence in the later training period since ViT’s capability of integrating global information is suppressed by CNN’s local-inductive-bias supervision. To this end, we present Cumulative Spatial Knowledge Distillation (CSKD). CSKD distills spatial-wise knowledge to all patch tokens of ViT from the corresponding spatial responses of CNN, without introducing intermediate features. Furthermore, CSKD exploits a Cumulative Knowledge Fusion (CKF) module, which introduces the global response of CNN and increasingly emphasizes its importance during the training. Applying CKF leverages CNN’s local inductive bias in the early training period and gives full play to ViT’s global capability in the later one. Extensive experiments and analysis on ImageNet-1k and downstream datasets demonstrate the superiority of our CSKD. Code will be publicly available.
PDF Accepted by ICCV 2023


BUS:Efficient and Effective Vision-language Pre-training with Bottom-Up Patch Summarization

Authors:Chaoya Jiang, Haiyang Xu, Wei Ye, Qinghao Ye, Chenliang Li, Ming Yan, Bin Bi, Shikun Zhang, Fei Huang, Songfang Huang

Vision Transformer (ViT) based Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) models have demonstrated impressive performance in various tasks. However, the lengthy visual token sequences fed into ViT can lead to training inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Existing efforts address the challenge by either bottom-level patch extraction in the ViT backbone or top-level patch abstraction outside, not balancing training efficiency and effectiveness well. Inspired by text summarization in natural language processing, we propose a Bottom-Up Patch Summarization approach named BUS, coordinating bottom-level extraction and top-level abstraction to learn a concise summary of lengthy visual token sequences efficiently. Specifically, We incorporate a Text-Semantics-Aware Patch Selector (TSPS) into the ViT backbone to perform a coarse-grained visual token extraction and then attach a flexible Transformer-based Patch Abstraction Decoder (PAD) upon the backbone for top-level visual abstraction. This bottom-up collaboration enables our BUS to yield high training efficiency while maintaining or even improving effectiveness. We evaluate our approach on various visual-language understanding and generation tasks and show competitive downstream task performance while boosting the training efficiency by 50\%. Additionally, our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on many downstream tasks by increasing input image resolution without increasing computational costs over baselines.
PDF Accepted on ICCV2023


Human Action Recognition in Still Images Using ConViT

Authors:Seyed Rohollah Hosseyni, Hasan Taheri, Sanaz Seyedin, Ali Ahmad Rahmani

Understanding the relationship between different parts of the image plays a crucial role in many visual recognition tasks. Despite the fact that Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have demonstrated impressive results in detecting single objects, they lack the capability to extract the relationship between various regions of an image, which is a crucial factor in human action recognition. To address this problem, this paper proposes a new module that functions like a convolutional layer using Vision Transformer (ViT). The proposed action recognition model comprises two components: the first part is a deep convolutional network that extracts high-level spatial features from the image, and the second component of the model utilizes a Vision Transformer that extracts the relationship between various regions of the image using the feature map generated by the CNN output. The proposed model has been evaluated on the Stanford40 and PASCAL VOC 2012 action datasets and has achieved 95.5% mAP and 91.5% mAP results, respectively, which are promising compared to other state-of-the-art methods.


Generative Prompt Model for Weakly Supervised Object Localization

Authors:Yuzhong Zhao, Qixiang Ye, Weijia Wu, Chunhua Shen, Fang Wan

Weakly supervised object localization (WSOL) remains challenging when learning object localization models from image category labels. Conventional methods that discriminatively train activation models ignore representative yet less discriminative object parts. In this study, we propose a generative prompt model (GenPromp), defining the first generative pipeline to localize less discriminative object parts by formulating WSOL as a conditional image denoising procedure. During training, GenPromp converts image category labels to learnable prompt embeddings which are fed to a generative model to conditionally recover the input image with noise and learn representative embeddings. During inference, enPromp combines the representative embeddings with discriminative embeddings (queried from an off-the-shelf vision-language model) for both representative and discriminative capacity. The combined embeddings are finally used to generate multi-scale high-quality attention maps, which facilitate localizing full object extent. Experiments on CUB-200-2011 and ILSVRC show that GenPromp respectively outperforms the best discriminative models by 5.2% and 5.6% (Top-1 Loc), setting a solid baseline for WSOL with the generative model. Code is available at


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