
2023-07-20 更新

AnyStar: Domain randomized universal star-convex 3D instance segmentation

Authors:Neel Dey, S. Mazdak Abulnaga, Benjamin Billot, Esra Abaci Turk, P. Ellen Grant, Adrian V. Dalca, Polina Golland

Star-convex shapes arise across bio-microscopy and radiology in the form of nuclei, nodules, metastases, and other units. Existing instance segmentation networks for such structures train on densely labeled instances for each dataset, which requires substantial and often impractical manual annotation effort. Further, significant reengineering or finetuning is needed when presented with new datasets and imaging modalities due to changes in contrast, shape, orientation, resolution, and density. We present AnyStar, a domain-randomized generative model that simulates synthetic training data of blob-like objects with randomized appearance, environments, and imaging physics to train general-purpose star-convex instance segmentation networks. As a result, networks trained using our generative model do not require annotated images from unseen datasets. A single network trained on our synthesized data accurately 3D segments C. elegans and P. dumerilii nuclei in fluorescence microscopy, mouse cortical nuclei in micro-CT, zebrafish brain nuclei in EM, and placental cotyledons in human fetal MRI, all without any retraining, finetuning, transfer learning, or domain adaptation. Code is available at https://github.com/neel-dey/AnyStar.
PDF Code available at https://github.com/neel-dey/AnyStar


Adaptive Region Selection for Active Learning in Whole Slide Image Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Jingna Qiu, Frauke Wilm, Mathias Öttl, Maja Schlereth, Chang Liu, Tobias Heimann, Marc Aubreville, Katharina Breininger

The process of annotating histological gigapixel-sized whole slide images (WSIs) at the pixel level for the purpose of training a supervised segmentation model is time-consuming. Region-based active learning (AL) involves training the model on a limited number of annotated image regions instead of requesting annotations of the entire images. These annotation regions are iteratively selected, with the goal of optimizing model performance while minimizing the annotated area. The standard method for region selection evaluates the informativeness of all square regions of a specified size and then selects a specific quantity of the most informative regions. We find that the efficiency of this method highly depends on the choice of AL step size (i.e., the combination of region size and the number of selected regions per WSI), and a suboptimal AL step size can result in redundant annotation requests or inflated computation costs. This paper introduces a novel technique for selecting annotation regions adaptively, mitigating the reliance on this AL hyperparameter. Specifically, we dynamically determine each region by first identifying an informative area and then detecting its optimal bounding box, as opposed to selecting regions of a uniform predefined shape and size as in the standard method. We evaluate our method using the task of breast cancer metastases segmentation on the public CAMELYON16 dataset and show that it consistently achieves higher sampling efficiency than the standard method across various AL step sizes. With only 2.6\% of tissue area annotated, we achieve full annotation performance and thereby substantially reduce the costs of annotating a WSI dataset. The source code is available at https://github.com/DeepMicroscopy/AdaptiveRegionSelection.


Dual-level Interaction for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Dongyu Yao, Boheng Li, Run Wang, Lina Wang

To circumvent the costly pixel-wise annotations of real-world images in the semantic segmentation task, the Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is explored to firstly train a model with the labeled source data (synthetic images) and then adapt it to the unlabeled target data (real images). Among all the techniques being studied, the self-training approach recently secures its position in domain adaptive semantic segmentation, where a model is trained with target domain pseudo-labels. Current advances have mitigated noisy pseudo-labels resulting from the domain gap. However, they still struggle with erroneous pseudo-labels near the decision boundaries of the semantic classifier. In this paper, we tackle this issue by proposing a dual-level interaction for domain adaptation (DIDA) in semantic segmentation. Explicitly, we encourage the different augmented views of the same pixel to have not only similar class prediction (semantic-level) but also akin similarity relationship respected to other pixels (instance-level). As it is impossible to keep features of all pixel instances for a dataset, we novelly design and maintain a labeled instance bank with dynamic updating strategies to selectively store the informative features of instances. Further, DIDA performs cross-level interaction with scattering and gathering techniques to regenerate more reliable pseudolabels. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art by a notable margin, especially on confusing and long-tailed classes. Code is available at https://github.com/RainJamesY/DIDA.
PDF In submission, a preprint version


CalibNet: Dual-branch Cross-modal Calibration for RGB-D Salient Instance Segmentation

Authors:Jialun Pei, Tao Jiang, He Tang, Nian Liu, Yueming Jin, Deng-Ping Fan, Pheng-Ann Heng

We propose a novel approach for RGB-D salient instance segmentation using a dual-branch cross-modal feature calibration architecture called CalibNet. Our method simultaneously calibrates depth and RGB features in the kernel and mask branches to generate instance-aware kernels and mask features. CalibNet consists of three simple modules, a dynamic interactive kernel (DIK) and a weight-sharing fusion (WSF), which work together to generate effective instance-aware kernels and integrate cross-modal features. To improve the quality of depth features, we incorporate a depth similarity assessment (DSA) module prior to DIK and WSF. In addition, we further contribute a new DSIS dataset, which contains 1,940 images with elaborate instance-level annotations. Extensive experiments on three challenging benchmarks show that CalibNet yields a promising result, i.e., 58.0% AP with 320*480 input size on the COME15K-N test set, which significantly surpasses the alternative frameworks. Our code and dataset are available at: https://github.com/PJLallen/CalibNet.


ROFusion: Efficient Object Detection using Hybrid Point-wise Radar-Optical Fusion

Authors:Liu Liu, Shuaifeng Zhi, Zhenhua Du, Li Liu, Xinyu Zhang, Kai Huo, Weidong Jiang

Radars, due to their robustness to adverse weather conditions and ability to measure object motions, have served in autonomous driving and intelligent agents for years. However, Radar-based perception suffers from its unintuitive sensing data, which lack of semantic and structural information of scenes. To tackle this problem, camera and Radar sensor fusion has been investigated as a trending strategy with low cost, high reliability and strong maintenance. While most recent works explore how to explore Radar point clouds and images, rich contextual information within Radar observation are discarded. In this paper, we propose a hybrid point-wise Radar-Optical fusion approach for object detection in autonomous driving scenarios. The framework benefits from dense contextual information from both the range-doppler spectrum and images which are integrated to learn a multi-modal feature representation. Furthermore, we propose a novel local coordinate formulation, tackling the object detection task in an object-centric coordinate. Extensive results show that with the information gained from optical images, we could achieve leading performance in object detection (97.69\% recall) compared to recent state-of-the-art methods FFT-RadNet (82.86\% recall). Ablation studies verify the key design choices and practicability of our approach given machine generated imperfect detections. The code will be available at https://github.com/LiuLiu-55/ROFusion.


Multi-Task Cross-Modality Attention-Fusion for 2D Object Detection

Authors:Huawei Sun, Hao Feng, Georg Stettinger, Lorenzo Servadei, Robert Wille

Accurate and robust object detection is critical for autonomous driving. Image-based detectors face difficulties caused by low visibility in adverse weather conditions. Thus, radar-camera fusion is of particular interest but presents challenges in optimally fusing heterogeneous data sources. To approach this issue, we propose two new radar preprocessing techniques to better align radar and camera data. In addition, we introduce a Multi-Task Cross-Modality Attention-Fusion Network (MCAF-Net) for object detection, which includes two new fusion blocks. These allow for exploiting information from the feature maps more comprehensively. The proposed algorithm jointly detects objects and segments free space, which guides the model to focus on the more relevant part of the scene, namely, the occupied space. Our approach outperforms current state-of-the-art radar-camera fusion-based object detectors in the nuScenes dataset and achieves more robust results in adverse weather conditions and nighttime scenarios.
PDF Accepted by ITSC 2023


Active Learning for Object Detection with Non-Redundant Informative Sampling

Authors:Aral Hekimoglu, Adrian Brucker, Alper Kagan Kayali, Michael Schmidt, Alvaro Marcos-Ramiro

Curating an informative and representative dataset is essential for enhancing the performance of 2D object detectors. We present a novel active learning sampling strategy that addresses both the informativeness and diversity of the selections. Our strategy integrates uncertainty and diversity-based selection principles into a joint selection objective by measuring the collective information score of the selected samples. Specifically, our proposed NORIS algorithm quantifies the impact of training with a sample on the informativeness of other similar samples. By exclusively selecting samples that are simultaneously informative and distant from other highly informative samples, we effectively avoid redundancy while maintaining a high level of informativeness. Moreover, instead of utilizing whole image features to calculate distances between samples, we leverage features extracted from detected object regions within images to define object features. This allows us to construct a dataset encompassing diverse object types, shapes, and angles. Extensive experiments on object detection and image classification tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our strategy over the state-of-the-art baselines. Specifically, our selection strategy achieves a 20% and 30% reduction in labeling costs compared to random selection for PASCAL-VOC and KITTI, respectively.


Variational Probabilistic Fusion Network for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Baihong Lin, Zengrong Lin, Yulan Guo, Yulan Zhang, Jianxiao Zou, Shicai Fan

RGB-T semantic segmentation has been widely adopted to handle hard scenes with poor lighting conditions by fusing different modality features of RGB and thermal images. Existing methods try to find an optimal fusion feature for segmentation, resulting in sensitivity to modality noise, class-imbalance, and modality bias. To overcome the problems, this paper proposes a novel Variational Probabilistic Fusion Network (VPFNet), which regards fusion features as random variables and obtains robust segmentation by averaging segmentation results under multiple samples of fusion features. The random samples generation of fusion features in VPFNet is realized by a novel Variational Feature Fusion Module (VFFM) designed based on variation attention. To further avoid class-imbalance and modality bias, we employ the weighted cross-entropy loss and introduce prior information of illumination and category to control the proposed VFFM. Experimental results on MFNet and PST900 datasets demonstrate that the proposed VPFNet can achieve state-of-the-art segmentation performance.


MLF-DET: Multi-Level Fusion for Cross-Modal 3D Object Detection

Authors:Zewei Lin, Yanqing Shen, Sanping Zhou, Shitao Chen, Nanning Zheng

In this paper, we propose a novel and effective Multi-Level Fusion network, named as MLF-DET, for high-performance cross-modal 3D object DETection, which integrates both the feature-level fusion and decision-level fusion to fully utilize the information in the image. For the feature-level fusion, we present the Multi-scale Voxel Image fusion (MVI) module, which densely aligns multi-scale voxel features with image features. For the decision-level fusion, we propose the lightweight Feature-cued Confidence Rectification (FCR) module which further exploits image semantics to rectify the confidence of detection candidates. Besides, we design an effective data augmentation strategy termed Occlusion-aware GT Sampling (OGS) to reserve more sampled objects in the training scenes, so as to reduce overfitting. Extensive experiments on the KITTI dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Notably, on the extremely competitive KITTI car 3D object detection benchmark, our method reaches 82.89% moderate AP and achieves state-of-the-art performance without bells and whistles.


Disentangle then Parse:Night-time Semantic Segmentation with Illumination Disentanglement

Authors:Zhixiang Wei, Lin Chen, Tao Tu, Huaian Chen, Pengyang Ling, Yi Jin

Most prior semantic segmentation methods have been developed for day-time scenes, while typically underperforming in night-time scenes due to insufficient and complicated lighting conditions. In this work, we tackle this challenge by proposing a novel night-time semantic segmentation paradigm, i.e., disentangle then parse (DTP). DTP explicitly disentangles night-time images into light-invariant reflectance and light-specific illumination components and then recognizes semantics based on their adaptive fusion. Concretely, the proposed DTP comprises two key components: 1) Instead of processing lighting-entangled features as in prior works, our Semantic-Oriented Disentanglement (SOD) framework enables the extraction of reflectance component without being impeded by lighting, allowing the network to consistently recognize the semantics under cover of varying and complicated lighting conditions. 2) Based on the observation that the illumination component can serve as a cue for some semantically confused regions, we further introduce an Illumination-Aware Parser (IAParser) to explicitly learn the correlation between semantics and lighting, and aggregate the illumination features to yield more precise predictions. Extensive experiments on the night-time segmentation task with various settings demonstrate that DTP significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, with negligible additional parameters, DTP can be directly used to benefit existing day-time methods for night-time segmentation.
PDF Accepted by ICCV2023


Rethinking Intersection Over Union for Small Object Detection in Few-Shot Regime

Authors:Pierre Le Jeune, Anissa Mokraoui

In Few-Shot Object Detection (FSOD), detecting small objects is extremely difficult. The limited supervision cripples the localization capabilities of the models and a few pixels shift can dramatically reduce the Intersection over Union (IoU) between the ground truth and predicted boxes for small objects. To this end, we propose Scale-adaptive Intersection over Union (SIoU), a novel box similarity measure. SIoU changes with the objects’ size, it is more lenient with small object shifts. We conducted a user study and SIoU better aligns than IoU with human judgment. Employing SIoU as an evaluation criterion helps to build more user-oriented models. SIoU can also be used as a loss function to prioritize small objects during training, outperforming existing loss functions. SIoU improves small object detection in the non-few-shot regime, but this setting is unrealistic in the industry as annotated detection datasets are often too expensive to acquire. Hence, our experiments mainly focus on the few-shot regime to demonstrate the superiority and versatility of SIoU loss. SIoU improves significantly FSOD performance on small objects in both natural (Pascal VOC and COCO datasets) and aerial images (DOTA and DIOR). In aerial imagery, small objects are critical and SIoU loss achieves new state-of-the-art FSOD on DOTA and DIOR.


Object-aware Gaze Target Detection

Authors:Francesco Tonini, Nicola Dall’Asen, Cigdem Beyan, Elisa Ricci

Gaze target detection aims to predict the image location where the person is looking and the probability that a gaze is out of the scene. Several works have tackled this task by regressing a gaze heatmap centered on the gaze location, however, they overlooked decoding the relationship between the people and the gazed objects. This paper proposes a Transformer-based architecture that automatically detects objects (including heads) in the scene to build associations between every head and the gazed-head/object, resulting in a comprehensive, explainable gaze analysis composed of: gaze target area, gaze pixel point, the class and the image location of the gazed-object. Upon evaluation of the in-the-wild benchmarks, our method achieves state-of-the-art results on all metrics (up to 2.91% gain in AUC, 50% reduction in gaze distance, and 9% gain in out-of-frame average precision) for gaze target detection and 11-13% improvement in average precision for the classification and the localization of the gazed-objects. The code of the proposed method is available https://github.com/francescotonini/object-aware-gaze-target-detection
PDF Accepted to ICCV 2023


Space Engage: Collaborative Space Supervision for Contrastive-based Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Changqi Wang, Haoyu Xie, Yuhui Yuan, Chong Fu, Xiangyu Yue

Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation (S4) aims to train a segmentation model with limited labeled images and a substantial volume of unlabeled images. To improve the robustness of representations, powerful methods introduce a pixel-wise contrastive learning approach in latent space (i.e., representation space) that aggregates the representations to their prototypes in a fully supervised manner. However, previous contrastive-based S4 methods merely rely on the supervision from the model’s output (logits) in logit space during unlabeled training. In contrast, we utilize the outputs in both logit space and representation space to obtain supervision in a collaborative way. The supervision from two spaces plays two roles: 1) reduces the risk of over-fitting to incorrect semantic information in logits with the help of representations; 2) enhances the knowledge exchange between the two spaces. Furthermore, unlike previous approaches, we use the similarity between representations and prototypes as a new indicator to tilt training those under-performing representations and achieve a more efficient contrastive learning process. Results on two public benchmarks demonstrate the competitive performance of our method compared with state-of-the-art methods.
PDF Accepted to ICCV 2023


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