
2023-07-20 更新

Revisiting Scene Text Recognition: A Data Perspective

Authors:Qing Jiang, Jiapeng Wang, Dezhi Peng, Chongyu Liu, Lianwen Jin

This paper aims to re-assess scene text recognition (STR) from a data-oriented perspective. We begin by revisiting the six commonly used benchmarks in STR and observe a trend of performance saturation, whereby only 2.91% of the benchmark images cannot be accurately recognized by an ensemble of 13 representative models. While these results are impressive and suggest that STR could be considered solved, however, we argue that this is primarily due to the less challenging nature of the common benchmarks, thus concealing the underlying issues that STR faces. To this end, we consolidate a large-scale real STR dataset, namely Union14M, which comprises 4 million labeled images and 10 million unlabeled images, to assess the performance of STR models in more complex real-world scenarios. Our experiments demonstrate that the 13 models can only achieve an average accuracy of 66.53% on the 4 million labeled images, indicating that STR still faces numerous challenges in the real world. By analyzing the error patterns of the 13 models, we identify seven open challenges in STR and develop a challenge-driven benchmark consisting of eight distinct subsets to facilitate further progress in the field. Our exploration demonstrates that STR is far from being solved and leveraging data may be a promising solution. In this regard, we find that utilizing the 10 million unlabeled images through self-supervised pre-training can significantly improve the robustness of STR model in real-world scenarios and leads to state-of-the-art performance.
PDF Accepted to ICCV2023


Towards Robust Scene Text Image Super-resolution via Explicit Location Enhancement

Authors:Hang Guo, Tao Dai, Guanghao Meng, Shu-Tao Xia

Scene text image super-resolution (STISR), aiming to improve image quality while boosting downstream scene text recognition accuracy, has recently achieved great success. However, most existing methods treat the foreground (character regions) and background (non-character regions) equally in the forward process, and neglect the disturbance from the complex background, thus limiting the performance. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel method LEMMA that explicitly models character regions to produce high-level text-specific guidance for super-resolution. To model the location of characters effectively, we propose the location enhancement module to extract character region features based on the attention map sequence. Besides, we propose the multi-modal alignment module to perform bidirectional visual-semantic alignment to generate high-quality prior guidance, which is then incorporated into the super-resolution branch in an adaptive manner using the proposed adaptive fusion module. Experiments on TextZoom and four scene text recognition benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our method over other state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at https://github.com/csguoh/LEMMA.
PDF Accepted as IJCAI2023 paper


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