
2023-07-15 更新

NOFA: NeRF-based One-shot Facial Avatar Reconstruction

Authors:Wangbo Yu, Yanbo Fan, Yong Zhang, Xuan Wang, Fei Yin, Yunpeng Bai, Yan-Pei Cao, Ying Shan, Yang Wu, Zhongqian Sun, Baoyuan Wu

3D facial avatar reconstruction has been a significant research topic in computer graphics and computer vision, where photo-realistic rendering and flexible controls over poses and expressions are necessary for many related applications. Recently, its performance has been greatly improved with the development of neural radiance fields (NeRF). However, most existing NeRF-based facial avatars focus on subject-specific reconstruction and reenactment, requiring multi-shot images containing different views of the specific subject for training, and the learned model cannot generalize to new identities, limiting its further applications. In this work, we propose a one-shot 3D facial avatar reconstruction framework that only requires a single source image to reconstruct a high-fidelity 3D facial avatar. For the challenges of lacking generalization ability and missing multi-view information, we leverage the generative prior of 3D GAN and develop an efficient encoder-decoder network to reconstruct the canonical neural volume of the source image, and further propose a compensation network to complement facial details. To enable fine-grained control over facial dynamics, we propose a deformation field to warp the canonical volume into driven expressions. Through extensive experimental comparisons, we achieve superior synthesis results compared to several state-of-the-art methods.


Articulated 3D Head Avatar Generation using Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors:Alexander W. Bergman, Wang Yifan, Gordon Wetzstein

The ability to generate diverse 3D articulated head avatars is vital to a plethora of applications, including augmented reality, cinematography, and education. Recent work on text-guided 3D object generation has shown great promise in addressing these needs. These methods directly leverage pre-trained 2D text-to-image diffusion models to generate 3D-multi-view-consistent radiance fields of generic objects. However, due to the lack of geometry and texture priors, these methods have limited control over the generated 3D objects, making it difficult to operate inside a specific domain, e.g., human heads. In this work, we develop a new approach to text-guided 3D head avatar generation to address this limitation. Our framework directly operates on the geometry and texture of an articulable 3D morphable model (3DMM) of a head, and introduces novel optimization procedures to update the geometry and texture while keeping the 2D and 3D facial features aligned. The result is a 3D head avatar that is consistent with the text description and can be readily articulated using the deformation model of the 3DMM. We show that our diffusion-based articulated head avatars outperform state-of-the-art approaches for this task. The latter are typically based on CLIP, which is known to provide limited diversity of generation and accuracy for 3D object generation.
PDF Project website: http://www.computationalimaging.org/publications/articulated-diffusion/


Neural Point-based Volumetric Avatar: Surface-guided Neural Points for Efficient and Photorealistic Volumetric Head Avatar

Authors:Cong Wang, Di Kang, Yanpei Cao, Linchao Bao, Ying Shan, Song-Hai Zhang

Rendering photorealistic and dynamically moving human heads is crucial for ensuring a pleasant and immersive experience in AR/VR and video conferencing applications. However, existing methods often struggle to model challenging facial regions (e.g., mouth interior, eyes, hair/beard), resulting in unrealistic and blurry results. In this paper, we propose {\fullname} ({\name}), a method that adopts the neural point representation as well as the neural volume rendering process and discards the predefined connectivity and hard correspondence imposed by mesh-based approaches. Specifically, the neural points are strategically constrained around the surface of the target expression via a high-resolution UV displacement map, achieving increased modeling capacity and more accurate control. We introduce three technical innovations to improve the rendering and training efficiency: a patch-wise depth-guided (shading point) sampling strategy, a lightweight radiance decoding process, and a Grid-Error-Patch (GEP) ray sampling strategy during training. By design, our {\name} is better equipped to handle topologically changing regions and thin structures while also ensuring accurate expression control when animating avatars. Experiments conducted on three subjects from the Multiface dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our designs, outperforming previous state-of-the-art methods, especially in handling challenging facial regions.


AvatarFusion: Zero-shot Generation of Clothing-Decoupled 3D Avatars Using 2D Diffusion

Authors:Shuo Huang, Zongxin Yang, Liangting Li, Yi Yang, Jia Jia

Large-scale pre-trained vision-language models allow for the zero-shot text-based generation of 3D avatars. The previous state-of-the-art method utilized CLIP to supervise neural implicit models that reconstructed a human body mesh. However, this approach has two limitations. Firstly, the lack of avatar-specific models can cause facial distortion and unrealistic clothing in the generated avatars. Secondly, CLIP only provides optimization direction for the overall appearance, resulting in less impressive results. To address these limitations, we propose AvatarFusion, the first framework to use a latent diffusion model to provide pixel-level guidance for generating human-realistic avatars while simultaneously segmenting clothing from the avatar’s body. AvatarFusion includes the first clothing-decoupled neural implicit avatar model that employs a novel Dual Volume Rendering strategy to render the decoupled skin and clothing sub-models in one space. We also introduce a novel optimization method, called Pixel-Semantics Difference-Sampling (PS-DS), which semantically separates the generation of body and clothes, and generates a variety of clothing styles. Moreover, we establish the first benchmark for zero-shot text-to-avatar generation. Our experimental results demonstrate that our framework outperforms previous approaches, with significant improvements observed in all metrics. Additionally, since our model is clothing-decoupled, we can exchange the clothes of avatars. Code will be available on Github.


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