
2023-07-15 更新

MARS: Mask Attention Refinement with Sequential Quadtree Nodes for Car Damage Instance Segmentation

Authors:Teerapong Panboonyuen, Naphat Nithisopa, Panin Pienroj, Laphonchai Jirachuphun, Chaiwasut Watthanasirikrit, Naruepon Pornwiriyakul

Evaluating car damages from misfortune is critical to the car insurance industry. However, the accuracy is still insufficient for real-world applications since the deep learning network is not designed for car damage images as inputs, and its segmented masks are still very coarse. This paper presents MARS (Mask Attention Refinement with Sequential quadtree nodes) for car damage instance segmentation. Our MARS represents self-attention mechanisms to draw global dependencies between the sequential quadtree nodes layer and quadtree transformer to recalibrate channel weights and predict highly accurate instance masks. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that MARS outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) instance segmentation methods on three popular benchmarks such as Mask R-CNN [9], PointRend [13], and Mask Transfiner [12], by a large margin of +1.3 maskAP-based R50-FPN backbone and +2.3 maskAP-based R101-FPN backbone on Thai car-damage dataset. Our demos are available at https://github.com/kaopanboonyuen/MARS.
PDF 12 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.13673 by other authors


Metric-aligned Sample Selection and Critical Feature Sampling for Oriented Object Detection

Authors:Peng Sun, Yongbin Zheng, Wenqi Wu, Wanying Xu, Shengjian Bai

Arbitrary-oriented object detection is a relatively emerging but challenging task. Although remarkable progress has been made, there still remain many unsolved issues due to the large diversity of patterns in orientation, scale, aspect ratio, and visual appearance of objects in aerial images. Most of the existing methods adopt a coarse-grained fixed label assignment strategy and suffer from the inconsistency between the classification score and localization accuracy. First, to align the metric inconsistency between sample selection and regression loss calculation caused by fixed IoU strategy, we introduce affine transformation to evaluate the quality of samples and propose a distance-based label assignment strategy. The proposed metric-aligned selection (MAS) strategy can dynamically select samples according to the shape and rotation characteristic of objects. Second, to further address the inconsistency between classification and localization, we propose a critical feature sampling (CFS) module, which performs localization refinement on the sampling location for classification task to extract critical features accurately. Third, we present a scale-controlled smooth $L_1$ loss (SC-Loss) to adaptively select high quality samples by changing the form of regression loss function based on the statistics of proposals during training. Extensive experiments are conducted on four challenging rotated object detection datasets DOTA, FAIR1M-1.0, HRSC2016, and UCAS-AOD. The results show the state-of-the-art accuracy of the proposed detector.


Prompting classes: Exploring the Power of Prompt Class Learning in Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Balamurali Murugesan, Rukhshanda Hussain, Rajarshi Bhattacharya, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz

Recently, CLIP-based approaches have exhibited remarkable performance on generalization and few-shot learning tasks, fueled by the power of contrastive language-vision pre-training. In particular, prompt tuning has emerged as an effective strategy to adapt the pre-trained language-vision models to downstream tasks by employing task-related textual tokens. Motivated by this progress, in this work we question whether other fundamental problems, such as weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS), can benefit from prompt tuning. Our findings reveal two interesting observations that shed light on the impact of prompt tuning on WSSS. First, modifying only the class token of the text prompt results in a greater impact on the Class Activation Map (CAM), compared to arguably more complex strategies that optimize the context. And second, the class token associated with the image ground truth does not necessarily correspond to the category that yields the best CAM. Motivated by these observations, we introduce a novel approach based on a PrOmpt cLass lEarning (POLE) strategy. Through extensive experiments we demonstrate that our simple, yet efficient approach achieves SOTA performance in a well-known WSSS benchmark. These results highlight not only the benefits of language-vision models in WSSS but also the potential of prompt learning for this problem. The code is available at https://github.com/rB080/WSS_POLE.
PDF Under review


LXL: LiDAR Excluded Lean 3D Object Detection with 4D Imaging Radar and Camera Fusion

Authors:Weiyi Xiong, Jianan Liu, Tao Huang, Qing-Long Han, Yuxuan Xia, Bing Zhu

As an emerging technology and a relatively affordable device, the 4D imaging radar has already been confirmed effective in performing 3D object detection in autonomous driving. Nevertheless, the sparsity and noisiness of 4D radar point clouds hinder further performance improvement, and in-depth studies about its fusion with other modalities are lacking. On the other hand, most of the camera-based perception methods transform the extracted image perspective view features into the bird’s-eye view geometrically via “depth-based splatting” proposed in Lift-Splat-Shoot (LSS), and some researchers exploit other modals such as LiDARs or ordinary automotive radars for enhancement. Recently, a few works have applied the “sampling” strategy for image view transformation, showing that it outperforms “splatting” even without image depth prediction. However, the potential of “sampling” is not fully unleashed. In this paper, we investigate the “sampling” view transformation strategy on the camera and 4D imaging radar fusion-based 3D object detection. In the proposed model, LXL, predicted image depth distribution maps and radar 3D occupancy grids are utilized to aid image view transformation, called “radar occupancy-assisted depth-based sampling”. Experiments on VoD and TJ4DRadSet datasets show that the proposed method outperforms existing 3D object detection methods by a significant margin without bells and whistles. Ablation studies demonstrate that our method performs the best among different enhancement settings.


General-Purpose Multimodal Transformer meets Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Nhi Kieu, Kien Nguyen, Sridha Sridharan, Clinton Fookes

The advent of high-resolution multispectral/hyperspectral sensors, LiDAR DSM (Digital Surface Model) information and many others has provided us with an unprecedented wealth of data for Earth Observation. Multimodal AI seeks to exploit those complementary data sources, particularly for complex tasks like semantic segmentation. While specialized architectures have been developed, they are highly complicated via significant effort in model design, and require considerable re-engineering whenever a new modality emerges. Recent trends in general-purpose multimodal networks have shown great potential to achieve state-of-the-art performance across multiple multimodal tasks with one unified architecture. In this work, we investigate the performance of PerceiverIO, one in the general-purpose multimodal family, in the remote sensing semantic segmentation domain. Our experiments reveal that this ostensibly universal network struggles with object scale variation in remote sensing images and fails to detect the presence of cars from a top-down view. To address these issues, even with extreme class imbalance issues, we propose a spatial and volumetric learning component. Specifically, we design a UNet-inspired module that employs 3D convolution to encode vital local information and learn cross-modal features simultaneously, while reducing network computational burden via the cross-attention mechanism of PerceiverIO. The effectiveness of the proposed component is validated through extensive experiments comparing it with other methods such as 2D convolution, and dual local module (\ie the combination of Conv2D 1x1 and Conv2D 3x3 inspired by UNetFormer). The proposed method achieves competitive results with specialized architectures like UNetFormer and SwinUNet, showing its potential to minimize network architecture engineering with a minimal compromise on the performance.
PDF Accepted to CVPR Workshop on Multimodal Learning for Earth and Environment 2023


Camouflaged Object Detection with Feature Grafting and Distractor Aware

Authors:Yuxuan Song, Xinyue Li, Lin Qi

The task of Camouflaged Object Detection (COD) aims to accurately segment camouflaged objects that integrated into the environment, which is more challenging than ordinary detection as the texture between the target and background is visually indistinguishable. In this paper, we proposed a novel Feature Grafting and Distractor Aware network (FDNet) to handle the COD task. Specifically, we use CNN and Transformer to encode multi-scale images in parallel. In order to better explore the advantages of the two encoders, we design a cross-attention-based Feature Grafting Module to graft features extracted from Transformer branch into CNN branch, after which the features are aggregated in the Feature Fusion Module. A Distractor Aware Module is designed to explicitly model the two possible distractors in the COD task to refine the coarse camouflage map. We also proposed the largest artificial camouflaged object dataset which contains 2000 images with annotations, named ACOD2K. We conducted extensive experiments on four widely used benchmark datasets and the ACOD2K dataset. The results show that our method significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. The code and the ACOD2K will be available at https://github.com/syxvision/FDNet.
PDF ICME2023 paper


CMDFusion: Bidirectional Fusion Network with Cross-modality Knowledge Distillation for LIDAR Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Jun Cen, Shiwei Zhang, Yixuan Pei, Kun Li, Hang Zheng, Maochun Luo, Yingya Zhang, Qifeng Chen

2D RGB images and 3D LIDAR point clouds provide complementary knowledge for the perception system of autonomous vehicles. Several 2D and 3D fusion methods have been explored for the LIDAR semantic segmentation task, but they suffer from different problems. 2D-to-3D fusion methods require strictly paired data during inference, which may not be available in real-world scenarios, while 3D-to-2D fusion methods cannot explicitly make full use of the 2D information. Therefore, we propose a Bidirectional Fusion Network with Cross-Modality Knowledge Distillation (CMDFusion) in this work. Our method has two contributions. First, our bidirectional fusion scheme explicitly and implicitly enhances the 3D feature via 2D-to-3D fusion and 3D-to-2D fusion, respectively, which surpasses either one of the single fusion schemes. Second, we distillate the 2D knowledge from a 2D network (Camera branch) to a 3D network (2D knowledge branch) so that the 3D network can generate 2D information even for those points not in the FOV (field of view) of the camera. In this way, RGB images are not required during inference anymore since the 2D knowledge branch provides 2D information according to the 3D LIDAR input. We show that our CMDFusion achieves the best performance among all fusion-based methods on SemanticKITTI and nuScenes datasets. The code will be released at https://github.com/Jun-CEN/CMDFusion.


Parametric Depth Based Feature Representation Learning for Object Detection and Segmentation in Bird’s Eye View

Authors:Jiayu Yang, Enze Xie, Miaomiao Liu, Jose M. Alvarez

Recent vision-only perception models for autonomous driving achieved promising results by encoding multi-view image features into Bird’s-Eye-View (BEV) space. A critical step and the main bottleneck of these methods is transforming image features into the BEV coordinate frame. This paper focuses on leveraging geometry information, such as depth, to model such feature transformation. Existing works rely on non-parametric depth distribution modeling leading to significant memory consumption, or ignore the geometry information to address this problem. In contrast, we propose to use parametric depth distribution modeling for feature transformation. We first lift the 2D image features to the 3D space defined for the ego vehicle via a predicted parametric depth distribution for each pixel in each view. Then, we aggregate the 3D feature volume based on the 3D space occupancy derived from depth to the BEV frame. Finally, we use the transformed features for downstream tasks such as object detection and semantic segmentation. Existing semantic segmentation methods do also suffer from an hallucination problem as they do not take visibility information into account. This hallucination can be particularly problematic for subsequent modules such as control and planning. To mitigate the issue, our method provides depth uncertainty and reliable visibility-aware estimations. We further leverage our parametric depth modeling to present a novel visibility-aware evaluation metric that, when taken into account, can mitigate the hallucination problem. Extensive experiments on object detection and semantic segmentation on the nuScenes datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms existing methods on both tasks.


Test-Time Adaptation for Nighttime Color-Thermal Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Yexin Liu, Weiming Zhang, Guoyang Zhao, Jinjing Zhu, Athanasios Vasilakos, Lin Wang

The ability to scene understanding in adverse visual conditions, e.g., nighttime, has sparked active research for RGB-Thermal (RGB-T) semantic segmentation. However, it is essentially hampered by two critical problems: 1) the day-night gap of RGB images is larger than that of thermal images, and 2) the class-wise performance of RGB images at night is not consistently higher or lower than that of thermal images. we propose the first test-time adaptation (TTA) framework, dubbed Night-TTA, to address the problems for nighttime RGBT semantic segmentation without access to the source (daytime) data during adaptation. Our method enjoys three key technical parts. Firstly, as one modality (e.g., RGB) suffers from a larger domain gap than that of the other (e.g., thermal), Imaging Heterogeneity Refinement (IHR) employs an interaction branch on the basis of RGB and thermal branches to prevent cross-modal discrepancy and performance degradation. Then, Class Aware Refinement (CAR) is introduced to obtain reliable ensemble logits based on pixel-level distribution aggregation of the three branches. In addition, we also design a specific learning scheme for our TTA framework, which enables the ensemble logits and three student logits to collaboratively learn to improve the quality of predictions during the testing phase of our Night TTA. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance with a 13.07% boost in mIoU.


Joint Salient Object Detection and Camouflaged Object Detection via Uncertainty-aware Learning

Authors:Aixuan Li, Jing Zhang, Yunqiu Lv, Tong Zhang, Yiran Zhong, Mingyi He, Yuchao Dai

Salient objects attract human attention and usually stand out clearly from their surroundings. In contrast, camouflaged objects share similar colors or textures with the environment. In this case, salient objects are typically non-camouflaged, and camouflaged objects are usually not salient. Due to this inherent contradictory attribute, we introduce an uncertainty-aware learning pipeline to extensively explore the contradictory information of salient object detection (SOD) and camouflaged object detection (COD) via data-level and task-wise contradiction modeling. We first exploit the dataset correlation of these two tasks and claim that the easy samples in the COD dataset can serve as hard samples for SOD to improve the robustness of the SOD model. Based on the assumption that these two models should lead to activation maps highlighting different regions of the same input image, we further introduce a contrastive module with a joint-task contrastive learning framework to explicitly model the contradictory attributes of these two tasks. Different from conventional intra-task contrastive learning for unsupervised representation learning, our contrastive module is designed to model the task-wise correlation, leading to cross-task representation learning. To better understand the two tasks from the perspective of uncertainty, we extensively investigate the uncertainty estimation techniques for modeling the main uncertainties of the two tasks, namely task uncertainty (for SOD) and data uncertainty (for COD), and aiming to effectively estimate the challenging regions for each task to achieve difficulty-aware learning. Experimental results on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our solution leads to both state-of-the-art performance and informative uncertainty estimation.


Estimating label quality and errors in semantic segmentation data via any model

Authors:Vedang Lad, Jonas Mueller

The labor-intensive annotation process of semantic segmentation datasets is often prone to errors, since humans struggle to label every pixel correctly. We study algorithms to automatically detect such annotation errors, in particular methods to score label quality, such that the images with the lowest scores are least likely to be correctly labeled. This helps prioritize what data to review in order to ensure a high-quality training/evaluation dataset, which is critical in sensitive applications such as medical imaging and autonomous vehicles. Widely applicable, our label quality scores rely on probabilistic predictions from a trained segmentation model — any model architecture and training procedure can be utilized. Here we study 7 different label quality scoring methods used in conjunction with a DeepLabV3+ or a FPN segmentation model to detect annotation errors in a version of the SYNTHIA dataset. Precision-recall evaluations reveal a score — the soft-minimum of the model-estimated likelihoods of each pixel’s annotated class — that is particularly effective to identify images that are mislabeled, across multiple types of annotation error.
PDF ICML Workshop on Data-centric Machine Learning Research 2023


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