2023-07-08 更新

A Simple and Effective Baseline for Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors:Mingyu Jin, Chong Zhang, Qinkai Yu, Haochen Xue, Xiaobo Jin, Xi Yang

Synthesising a text-to-image model of high-quality images by guiding the generative model through the Text description is an innovative and challenging task. In recent years, AttnGAN based on the Attention mechanism to guide GAN training has been proposed, SD-GAN, which adopts a self-distillation technique to improve the performance of the generator and the quality of image generation, and Stack-GAN++, which gradually improves the details and quality of the image by stacking multiple generators and discriminators. However, this series of improvements to GAN all have redundancy to a certain extent, which affects the generation performance and complexity to a certain extent. We use the popular simple and effective idea (1) to remove redundancy structure and improve the backbone network of AttnGAN. (2) to integrate and reconstruct multiple losses of DAMSM. Our improvements have significantly improved the model size and training efficiency while ensuring that the model’s performance is unchanged and finally proposed our SEAttnGAN. Code is avalilable at
PDF 12 pages, 3 figures


Re-Think and Re-Design Graph Neural Networks in Spaces of Continuous Graph Diffusion Functionals

Authors:Tingting Dan, Jiaqi Ding, Ziquan Wei, Shahar Z Kovalsky, Minjeong Kim, Won Hwa Kim, Guorong Wu

Graph neural networks (GNNs) are widely used in domains like social networks and biological systems. However, the locality assumption of GNNs, which limits information exchange to neighboring nodes, hampers their ability to capture long-range dependencies and global patterns in graphs. To address this, we propose a new inductive bias based on variational analysis, drawing inspiration from the Brachistochrone problem. Our framework establishes a mapping between discrete GNN models and continuous diffusion functionals. This enables the design of application-specific objective functions in the continuous domain and the construction of discrete deep models with mathematical guarantees. To tackle over-smoothing in GNNs, we analyze the existing layer-by-layer graph embedding models and identify that they are equivalent to l2-norm integral functionals of graph gradients, which cause over-smoothing. Similar to edge-preserving filters in image denoising, we introduce total variation (TV) to align the graph diffusion pattern with global community topologies. Additionally, we devise a selective mechanism to address the trade-off between model depth and over-smoothing, which can be easily integrated into existing GNNs. Furthermore, we propose a novel generative adversarial network (GAN) that predicts spreading flows in graphs through a neural transport equation. To mitigate vanishing flows, we customize the objective function to minimize transportation within each community while maximizing inter-community flows. Our GNN models achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on popular graph learning benchmarks such as Cora, Citeseer, and Pubmed.
PDF 23 papers, 10 figures


WavePaint: Resource-efficient Token-mixer for Self-supervised Inpainting

Authors:Pranav Jeevan, Dharshan Sampath Kumar, Amit Sethi

Image inpainting, which refers to the synthesis of missing regions in an image, can help restore occluded or degraded areas and also serve as a precursor task for self-supervision. The current state-of-the-art models for image inpainting are computationally heavy as they are based on transformer or CNN backbones that are trained in adversarial or diffusion settings. This paper diverges from vision transformers by using a computationally-efficient WaveMix-based fully convolutional architecture — WavePaint. It uses a 2D-discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for spatial and multi-resolution token-mixing along with convolutional layers. The proposed model outperforms the current state-of-the-art models for image inpainting on reconstruction quality while also using less than half the parameter count and considerably lower training and evaluation times. Our model even outperforms current GAN-based architectures in CelebA-HQ dataset without using an adversarially trainable discriminator. Our work suggests that neural architectures that are modeled after natural image priors require fewer parameters and computations to achieve generalization comparable to transformers.
PDF 11 pages, 7 figures


Intra- & Extra-Source Exemplar-Based Style Synthesis for Improved Domain Generalization

Authors:Yumeng Li, Dan Zhang, Margret Keuper, Anna Khoreva

The generalization with respect to domain shifts, as they frequently appear in applications such as autonomous driving, is one of the remaining big challenges for deep learning models. Therefore, we propose an exemplar-based style synthesis pipeline to improve domain generalization in semantic segmentation. Our method is based on a novel masked noise encoder for StyleGAN2 inversion. The model learns to faithfully reconstruct the image, preserving its semantic layout through noise prediction. Using the proposed masked noise encoder to randomize style and content combinations in the training set, i.e., intra-source style augmentation (ISSA) effectively increases the diversity of training data and reduces spurious correlation. As a result, we achieve up to $12.4\%$ mIoU improvements on driving-scene semantic segmentation under different types of data shifts, i.e., changing geographic locations, adverse weather conditions, and day to night. ISSA is model-agnostic and straightforwardly applicable with CNNs and Transformers. It is also complementary to other domain generalization techniques, e.g., it improves the recent state-of-the-art solution RobustNet by $3\%$ mIoU in Cityscapes to Dark Z\”urich. In addition, we demonstrate the strong plug-n-play ability of the proposed style synthesis pipeline, which is readily usable for extra-source exemplars e.g., web-crawled images, without any retraining or fine-tuning. Moreover, we study a new use case to indicate neural network’s generalization capability by building a stylized proxy validation set. This application has significant practical sense for selecting models to be deployed in the open-world environment. Our code is available at \url{}.
PDF An extended version of the accepted WACV paper arXiv:2210.10175


Consistent Multimodal Generation via A Unified GAN Framework

Authors:Zhen Zhu, Yijun Li, Weijie Lyu, Krishna Kumar Singh, Zhixin Shu, Soeren Pirk, Derek Hoiem

We investigate how to generate multimodal image outputs, such as RGB, depth, and surface normals, with a single generative model. The challenge is to produce outputs that are realistic, and also consistent with each other. Our solution builds on the StyleGAN3 architecture, with a shared backbone and modality-specific branches in the last layers of the synthesis network, and we propose per-modality fidelity discriminators and a cross-modality consistency discriminator. In experiments on the Stanford2D3D dataset, we demonstrate realistic and consistent generation of RGB, depth, and normal images. We also show a training recipe to easily extend our pretrained model on a new domain, even with a few pairwise data. We further evaluate the use of synthetically generated RGB and depth pairs for training or fine-tuning depth estimators. Code will be available at
PDF In review


AdAM: Few-Shot Image Generation via Adaptation-Aware Kernel Modulation

Authors:Yunqing Zhao, Keshigeyan Chandrasegaran, Abdollahzadeh Milad, Chao Du, Tianyu Pang, Ruoteng Li, Henghui Ding, Ngai-Man Cheung

Few-shot image generation (FSIG) aims to learn to generate new and diverse images given few (e.g., 10) training samples. Recent work has addressed FSIG by leveraging a GAN pre-trained on a large-scale source domain and adapting it to the target domain with few target samples. Central to recent FSIG methods are knowledge preservation criteria, which select and preserve a subset of source knowledge to the adapted model. However, a major limitation of existing methods is that their knowledge preserving criteria consider only source domain/task and fail to consider target domain/adaptation in selecting source knowledge, casting doubt on their suitability for setups of different proximity between source and target domain. Our work makes two contributions. Firstly, we revisit recent FSIG works and their experiments. We reveal that under setups which assumption of close proximity between source and target domains is relaxed, many existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods which consider only source domain in knowledge preserving perform no better than a baseline method. As our second contribution, we propose Adaptation-Aware kernel Modulation (AdAM) for general FSIG of different source-target domain proximity. Extensive experiments show that AdAM consistently achieves SOTA performance in FSIG, including challenging setups where source and target domains are more apart.
PDF 33 pages, 35 figures, 13 tables. Extension of NeurIPS-2022 paper arXiv:2210.16559


Disentanglement in a GAN for Unconditional Speech Synthesis

Authors:Matthew Baas, Herman Kamper

Can we develop a model that can synthesize realistic speech directly from a latent space, without explicit conditioning? Despite several efforts over the last decade, previous adversarial and diffusion-based approaches still struggle to achieve this, even on small-vocabulary datasets. To address this, we propose AudioStyleGAN (ASGAN) — a generative adversarial network for unconditional speech synthesis tailored to learn a disentangled latent space. Building upon the StyleGAN family of image synthesis models, ASGAN maps sampled noise to a disentangled latent vector which is then mapped to a sequence of audio features so that signal aliasing is suppressed at every layer. To successfully train ASGAN, we introduce a number of new techniques, including a modification to adaptive discriminator augmentation which probabilistically skips discriminator updates. We apply it on the small-vocabulary Google Speech Commands digits dataset, where it achieves state-of-the-art results in unconditional speech synthesis. It is also substantially faster than existing top-performing diffusion models. We confirm that ASGAN’s latent space is disentangled: we demonstrate how simple linear operations in the space can be used to perform several tasks unseen during training. Specifically, we perform evaluations in voice conversion, speech enhancement, speaker verification, and keyword classification. Our work indicates that GANs are still highly competitive in the unconditional speech synthesis landscape, and that disentangled latent spaces can be used to aid generalization to unseen tasks. Code, models, samples:
PDF 12 pages, 5 tables, 4 figures. Submitted to IEEE TASLP. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2210.05271


Detecting Images Generated by Deep Diffusion Models using their Local Intrinsic Dimensionality

Authors:Peter Lorenz, Ricard Durall, Janis Keuper

Diffusion models recently have been successfully applied for the visual synthesis of strikingly realistic appearing images. This raises strong concerns about their potential for malicious purposes. In this paper, we propose using the lightweight multi Local Intrinsic Dimensionality (multiLID), which has been originally developed in context of the detection of adversarial examples, for the automatic detection of synthetic images and the identification of the according generator networks. In contrast to many existing detection approaches, which often only work for GAN-generated images, the proposed method provides close to perfect detection results in many realistic use cases. Extensive experiments on known and newly created datasets demonstrate that multiLID exhibits superiority in diffusion detection and model identification. Since the empirical evaluations of recent publications on the detection of generated images is often too focused on the “LSUN-Bedroom” dataset, we further establish a comprehensive benchmark for the detection of diffusion-generated images, including samples from several diffusion models with different image sizes to evaluate the performance of their multiLID. Code for our experiments is provided at


DeSRA: Detect and Delete the Artifacts of GAN-based Real-World Super-Resolution Models

Authors:Liangbin Xie, Xintao Wang, Xiangyu Chen, Gen Li, Ying Shan, Jiantao Zhou, Chao Dong

Image super-resolution (SR) with generative adversarial networks (GAN) has achieved great success in restoring realistic details. However, it is notorious that GAN-based SR models will inevitably produce unpleasant and undesirable artifacts, especially in practical scenarios. Previous works typically suppress artifacts with an extra loss penalty in the training phase. They only work for in-distribution artifact types generated during training. When applied in real-world scenarios, we observe that those improved methods still generate obviously annoying artifacts during inference. In this paper, we analyze the cause and characteristics of the GAN artifacts produced in unseen test data without ground-truths. We then develop a novel method, namely, DeSRA, to Detect and then Delete those SR Artifacts in practice. Specifically, we propose to measure a relative local variance distance from MSE-SR results and GAN-SR results, and locate the problematic areas based on the above distance and semantic-aware thresholds. After detecting the artifact regions, we develop a finetune procedure to improve GAN-based SR models with a few samples, so that they can deal with similar types of artifacts in more unseen real data. Equipped with our DeSRA, we can successfully eliminate artifacts from inference and improve the ability of SR models to be applied in real-world scenarios. The code will be available at
PDF The code and models will be made publicly at


IPO-LDM: Depth-aided 360-degree Indoor RGB Panorama Outpainting via Latent Diffusion Model

Authors:Tianhao Wu, Chuanxia Zheng, Tat-Jen Cham

Generating complete 360-degree panoramas from narrow field of view images is ongoing research as omnidirectional RGB data is not readily available. Existing GAN-based approaches face some barriers to achieving higher quality output, and have poor generalization performance over different mask types. In this paper, we present our 360-degree indoor RGB panorama outpainting model using latent diffusion models (LDM), called IPO-LDM. We introduce a new bi-modal latent diffusion structure that utilizes both RGB and depth panoramic data during training, but works surprisingly well to outpaint normal depth-free RGB images during inference. We further propose a novel technique of introducing progressive camera rotations during each diffusion denoising step, which leads to substantial improvement in achieving panorama wraparound consistency. Results show that our IPO-LDM not only significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on RGB panorama outpainting, but can also produce multiple and diverse well-structured results for different types of masks.


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