
2023-07-01 更新

Cross-Language Speech Emotion Recognition Using Multimodal Dual Attention Transformers

Authors:Syed Aun Muhammad Zaidi, Siddique Latif, Junaid Qadir

Despite the recent progress in speech emotion recognition (SER), state-of-the-art systems are unable to achieve improved performance in cross-language settings. In this paper, we propose a Multimodal Dual Attention Transformer (MDAT) model to improve cross-language SER. Our model utilises pre-trained models for multimodal feature extraction and is equipped with a dual attention mechanism including graph attention and co-attention to capture complex dependencies across different modalities and achieve improved cross-language SER results using minimal target language data. In addition, our model also exploits a transformer encoder layer for high-level feature representation to improve emotion classification accuracy. In this way, MDAT performs refinement of feature representation at various stages and provides emotional salient features to the classification layer. This novel approach also ensures the preservation of modality-specific emotional information while enhancing cross-modality and cross-language interactions. We assess our model’s performance on four publicly available SER datasets and establish its superior effectiveness compared to recent approaches and baseline models.
PDF Under Review IEEE TMM


Master-ASR: Achieving Multilingual Scalability and Low-Resource Adaptation in ASR with Modular Learning

Authors:Zhongzhi Yu, Yang Zhang, Kaizhi Qian, Yonggan Fu, Yingyan Lin

Despite the impressive performance recently achieved by automatic speech recognition (ASR), we observe two primary challenges that hinder its broader applications: (1) The difficulty of introducing scalability into the model to support more languages with limited training, inference, and storage overhead; (2) The low-resource adaptation ability that enables effective low-resource adaptation while avoiding over-fitting and catastrophic forgetting issues. Inspired by recent findings, we hypothesize that we can address the above challenges with modules widely shared across languages. To this end, we propose an ASR framework, dubbed \METHODNS, that, \textit{for the first time}, simultaneously achieves strong multilingual scalability and low-resource adaptation ability thanks to its modularize-then-assemble strategy. Specifically, \METHOD learns a small set of generalizable sub-modules and adaptively assembles them for different languages to reduce the multilingual overhead and enable effective knowledge transfer for low-resource adaptation. Extensive experiments and visualizations demonstrate that \METHOD can effectively discover language similarity and improve multilingual and low-resource ASR performance over state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods, e.g., under multilingual-ASR, our framework achieves a 0.13$\sim$2.41 lower character error rate (CER) with 30\% smaller inference overhead over SOTA solutions on multilingual ASR and a comparable CER, with nearly 50 times fewer trainable parameters over SOTA solutions on low-resource tuning, respectively.


Voicebox: Text-Guided Multilingual Universal Speech Generation at Scale

Authors:Matthew Le, Apoorv Vyas, Bowen Shi, Brian Karrer, Leda Sari, Rashel Moritz, Mary Williamson, Vimal Manohar, Yossi Adi, Jay Mahadeokar, Wei-Ning Hsu

Large-scale generative models such as GPT and DALL-E have revolutionized natural language processing and computer vision research. These models not only generate high fidelity text or image outputs, but are also generalists which can solve tasks not explicitly taught. In contrast, speech generative models are still primitive in terms of scale and task generalization. In this paper, we present Voicebox, the most versatile text-guided generative model for speech at scale. Voicebox is a non-autoregressive flow-matching model trained to infill speech, given audio context and text, trained on over 50K hours of speech that are neither filtered nor enhanced. Similar to GPT, Voicebox can perform many different tasks through in-context learning, but is more flexible as it can also condition on future context. Voicebox can be used for mono or cross-lingual zero-shot text-to-speech synthesis, noise removal, content editing, style conversion, and diverse sample generation. In particular, Voicebox outperforms the state-of-the-art zero-shot TTS model VALL-E on both intelligibility (5.9% vs 1.9% word error rates) and audio similarity (0.580 vs 0.681) while being up to 20 times faster. See voicebox.metademolab.com for a demo of the model.


Confidence-based Ensembles of End-to-End Speech Recognition Models

Authors:Igor Gitman, Vitaly Lavrukhin, Aleksandr Laptev, Boris Ginsburg

The number of end-to-end speech recognition models grows every year. These models are often adapted to new domains or languages resulting in a proliferation of expert systems that achieve great results on target data, while generally showing inferior performance outside of their domain of expertise. We explore combination of such experts via confidence-based ensembles: ensembles of models where only the output of the most-confident model is used. We assume that models’ target data is not available except for a small validation set. We demonstrate effectiveness of our approach with two applications. First, we show that a confidence-based ensemble of 5 monolingual models outperforms a system where model selection is performed via a dedicated language identification block. Second, we demonstrate that it is possible to combine base and adapted models to achieve strong results on both original and target data. We validate all our results on multiple datasets and model architectures.
PDF To appear in Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023, August 20-24, 2023, Dublin, Ireland


Prompting Large Language Models for Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation in Speech Recognition

Authors:Yuang Li, Yu Wu, Jinyu Li, Shujie Liu

The integration of Language Models (LMs) has proven to be an effective way to address domain shifts in speech recognition. However, these approaches usually require a significant amount of target domain text data for the training of LMs. Different from these methods, in this work, with only a domain-specific text prompt, we propose two zero-shot ASR domain adaptation methods using LLaMA, a 7-billion-parameter large language model (LLM). LLM is used in two ways: 1) second-pass rescoring: reranking N-best hypotheses of a given ASR system with LLaMA; 2) deep LLM-fusion: incorporating LLM into the decoder of an encoder-decoder based ASR system. Experiments show that, with only one domain prompt, both methods can effectively reduce word error rates (WER) on out-of-domain TedLium-2 and SPGISpeech datasets. Especially, the deep LLM-fusion has the advantage of better recall of entity and out-of-vocabulary words.


Two-Stage Voice Anonymization for Enhanced Privacy

Authors:Francesco Nespoli, Daniel Barreda, Joerg Bitzer, Patrick A. Naylor

In recent years, the need for privacy preservation when manipulating or storing personal data, including speech , has become a major issue. In this paper, we present a system addressing the speaker-level anonymization problem. We propose and evaluate a two-stage anonymization pipeline exploiting a state-of-the-art anonymization model described in the Voice Privacy Challenge 2022 in combination with a zero-shot voice conversion architecture able to capture speaker characteristics from a few seconds of speech. We show this architecture can lead to strong privacy preservation while preserving pitch information. Finally, we propose a new compressed metric to evaluate anonymization systems in privacy scenarios with different constraints on privacy and utility.
PDF submitted to INTERSPEECH


Leveraging Cross-Utterance Context For ASR Decoding

Authors:Robert Flynn, Anton Ragni

While external language models (LMs) are often incorporated into the decoding stage of automated speech recognition systems, these models usually operate with limited context. Cross utterance information has been shown to be beneficial during second pass re-scoring, however this limits the hypothesis space based on the local information available to the first pass LM. In this work, we investigate the incorporation of long-context transformer LMs for cross-utterance decoding of acoustic models via beam search, and compare against results from n-best rescoring. Results demonstrate that beam search allows for an improved use of cross-utterance context. When evaluating on the long-format dataset AMI, results show a 0.7\% and 0.3\% absolute reduction on dev and test sets compared to the single-utterance setting, with improvements when including up to 500 tokens of prior context. Evaluations are also provided for Tedlium-1 with less significant improvements of around 0.1\% absolute.


LyricWhiz: Robust Multilingual Zero-shot Lyrics Transcription by Whispering to ChatGPT

Authors:Le Zhuo, Ruibin Yuan, Jiahao Pan, Yinghao Ma, Yizhi LI, Ge Zhang, Si Liu, Roger Dannenberg, Jie Fu, Chenghua Lin, Emmanouil Benetos, Wenhu Chen, Wei Xue, Yike Guo

We introduce LyricWhiz, a robust, multilingual, and zero-shot automatic lyrics transcription method achieving state-of-the-art performance on various lyrics transcription datasets, even in challenging genres such as rock and metal. Our novel, training-free approach utilizes Whisper, a weakly supervised robust speech recognition model, and GPT-4, today’s most performant chat-based large language model. In the proposed method, Whisper functions as the “ear” by transcribing the audio, while GPT-4 serves as the “brain,” acting as an annotator with a strong performance for contextualized output selection and correction. Our experiments show that LyricWhiz significantly reduces Word Error Rate compared to existing methods in English and can effectively transcribe lyrics across multiple languages. Furthermore, we use LyricWhiz to create the first publicly available, large-scale, multilingual lyrics transcription dataset with a CC-BY-NC-SA copyright license, based on MTG-Jamendo, and offer a human-annotated subset for noise level estimation and evaluation. We anticipate that our proposed method and dataset will advance the development of multilingual lyrics transcription, a challenging and emerging task.
PDF 9 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, accepted by ISMIR 2023


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