
2023-07-01 更新

Hyperbolic Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation under Domain Shift

Authors:Luca Franco, Paolo Mandica, Konstantinos Kallidromitis, Devin Guillory, Yu-Teng Li, Fabio Galasso

For the task of semantic segmentation (SS) under domain shift, active learning (AL) acquisition strategies based on image regions and pseudo labels are state-of-the-art (SoA). The presence of diverse pseudo-labels within a region identifies pixels between different classes, which is a labeling efficient active learning data acquisition strategy. However, by design, pseudo-label variations are limited to only select the contours of classes, limiting the final AL performance. We approach AL for SS in the Poincar\’e hyperbolic ball model for the first time and leverage the variations of the radii of pixel embeddings within regions as a novel data acquisition strategy. This stems from a novel geometric property of a hyperbolic space trained without enforced hierarchies, which we experimentally prove. Namely, classes are mapped into compact hyperbolic areas with a comparable intra-class radii variance, as the model places classes of increasing explainable difficulty at denser hyperbolic areas, i.e. closer to the Poincar\’e ball edge. The variation of pixel embedding radii identifies well the class contours, but they also select a few intra-class peculiar details, which boosts the final performance. Our proposed HALO (Hyperbolic Active Learning Optimization) surpasses the supervised learning performance for the first time in AL for SS under domain shift, by only using a small portion of labels (i.e., 1%). The extensive experimental analysis is based on two established benchmarks, i.e. GTAV $\rightarrow$ Cityscapes and SYNTHIA $\rightarrow$ Cityscapes, where we set a new SoA. The code will be released.


Transferability Metrics for Object Detection

Authors:Louis Fouquet, Simona Maggio, Léo Dreyfus-Schmidt

Transfer learning aims to make the most of existing pre-trained models to achieve better performance on a new task in limited data scenarios. However, it is unclear which models will perform best on which task, and it is prohibitively expensive to try all possible combinations. If transferability estimation offers a computation-efficient approach to evaluate the generalisation ability of models, prior works focused exclusively on classification settings. To overcome this limitation, we extend transferability metrics to object detection. We design a simple method to extract local features corresponding to each object within an image using ROI-Align. We also introduce TLogME, a transferability metric taking into account the coordinates regression task. In our experiments, we compare TLogME to state-of-the-art metrics in the estimation of transfer performance of the Faster-RCNN object detector. We evaluate all metrics on source and target selection tasks, for real and synthetic datasets, and with different backbone architectures. We show that, over different tasks, TLogME using the local extraction method provides a robust correlation with transfer performance and outperforms other transferability metrics on local and global level features.
PDF 12 pages, 4 Figures


Taming Detection Transformers for Medical Object Detection

Authors:Marc K. Ickler, Michael Baumgartner, Saikat Roy, Tassilo Wald, Klaus H. Maier-Hein

The accurate detection of suspicious regions in medical images is an error-prone and time-consuming process required by many routinely performed diagnostic procedures. To support clinicians during this difficult task, several automated solutions were proposed relying on complex methods with many hyperparameters. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of DEtection TRansformer (DETR) models for volumetric medical object detection. In contrast to previous works, these models directly predict a set of objects without relying on the design of anchors or manual heuristics such as non-maximum-suppression to detect objects. We show by conducting extensive experiments with three models, namely DETR, Conditional DETR, and DINO DETR on four data sets (CADA, RibFrac, KiTS19, and LIDC) that these set prediction models can perform on par with or even better than currently existing methods. DINO DETR, the best-performing model in our experiments demonstrates this by outperforming a strong anchor-based one-stage detector, Retina U-Net, on three out of four data sets.
PDF BVM 2023 Oral. Marc K. Ickler and Michael Baumgartner contributed equally


GraSS: Contrastive Learning with Gradient Guided Sampling Strategy for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Zhaoyang Zhang, Zhen Ren, Chao Tao, Yunsheng Zhang, Chengli Peng, Haifeng Li

Self-supervised contrastive learning (SSCL) has achieved significant milestones in remote sensing image (RSI) understanding. Its essence lies in designing an unsupervised instance discrimination pretext task to extract image features from a large number of unlabeled images that are beneficial for downstream tasks. However, existing instance discrimination based SSCL suffer from two limitations when applied to the RSI semantic segmentation task: 1) Positive sample confounding issue; 2) Feature adaptation bias. It introduces a feature adaptation bias when applied to semantic segmentation tasks that require pixel-level or object-level features. In this study, We observed that the discrimination information can be mapped to specific regions in RSI through the gradient of unsupervised contrastive loss, these specific regions tend to contain singular ground objects. Based on this, we propose contrastive learning with Gradient guided Sampling Strategy (GraSS) for RSI semantic segmentation. GraSS consists of two stages: Instance Discrimination warm-up (ID warm-up) and Gradient guided Sampling contrastive training (GS training). The ID warm-up aims to provide initial discrimination information to the contrastive loss gradients. The GS training stage aims to utilize the discrimination information contained in the contrastive loss gradients and adaptively select regions in RSI patches that contain more singular ground objects, in order to construct new positive and negative samples. Experimental results on three open datasets demonstrate that GraSS effectively enhances the performance of SSCL in high-resolution RSI semantic segmentation. Compared to seven baseline methods from five different types of SSCL, GraSS achieves an average improvement of 1.57\% and a maximum improvement of 3.58\% in terms of mean intersection over the union. The source code is available at https://github.com/GeoX-Lab/GraSS
PDF 12 pages, 9 figures


Incremental Learning on Food Instance Segmentation

Authors:Huu-Thanh Nguyen, Yu Cao, Chong-Wah Ngo, Wing-Kwong Chan

Food instance segmentation is essential to estimate the serving size of dishes in a food image. The recent cutting-edge techniques for instance segmentation are deep learning networks with impressive segmentation quality and fast computation. Nonetheless, they are hungry for data and expensive for annotation. This paper proposes an incremental learning framework to optimize the model performance given a limited data labelling budget. The power of the framework is a novel difficulty assessment model, which forecasts how challenging an unlabelled sample is to the latest trained instance segmentation model. The data collection procedure is divided into several stages, each in which a new sample package is collected. The framework allocates the labelling budget to the most difficult samples. The unlabelled samples that meet a certain qualification from the assessment model are used to generate pseudo-labels. Eventually, the manual labels and pseudo-labels are sent to the training data to improve the instance segmentation model. On four large-scale food datasets, our proposed framework outperforms current incremental learning benchmarks and achieves competitive performance with the model trained on fully annotated samples.


RSPrompter: Learning to Prompt for Remote Sensing Instance Segmentation based on Visual Foundation Model

Authors:Keyan Chen, Chenyang Liu, Hao Chen, Haotian Zhang, Wenyuan Li, Zhengxia Zou, Zhenwei Shi

Leveraging vast training data (SA-1B), the foundation Segment Anything Model (SAM) proposed by Meta AI Research exhibits remarkable generalization and zero-shot capabilities. Nonetheless, as a category-agnostic instance segmentation method, SAM heavily depends on prior manual guidance involving points, boxes, and coarse-grained masks. Additionally, its performance on remote sensing image segmentation tasks has yet to be fully explored and demonstrated. In this paper, we consider designing an automated instance segmentation approach for remote sensing images based on the SAM foundation model, incorporating semantic category information. Inspired by prompt learning, we propose a method to learn the generation of appropriate prompts for SAM input. This enables SAM to produce semantically discernible segmentation results for remote sensing images, which we refer to as RSPrompter. We also suggest several ongoing derivatives for instance segmentation tasks, based on recent developments in the SAM community, and compare their performance with RSPrompter. Extensive experimental results on the WHU building, NWPU VHR-10, and SSDD datasets validate the efficacy of our proposed method. Our code is accessible at \url{https://kyanchen.github.io/RSPrompter}.


A systematic study of the foreground-background imbalance problem in deep learning for object detection

Authors:Hanxue Gu, Haoyu Dong, Nicholas Konz, Maciej A. Mazurowski

The class imbalance problem in deep learning has been explored in several studies, but there has yet to be a systematic analysis of this phenomenon in object detection. Here, we present comprehensive analyses and experiments of the foreground-background (F-B) imbalance problem in object detection, which is very common and caused by small, infrequent objects of interest. We experimentally study the effects of different aspects of F-B imbalance (object size, number of objects, dataset size, object type) on detection performance. In addition, we also compare 9 leading methods for addressing this problem, including Faster-RCNN, SSD, OHEM, Libra-RCNN, Focal-Loss, GHM, PISA, YOLO-v3, and GFL with a range of datasets from different imaging domains. We conclude that (1) the F-B imbalance can indeed cause a significant drop in detection performance, (2) The detection performance is more affected by F-B imbalance when fewer training data are available, (3) in most cases, decreasing object size leads to larger performance drop than decreasing number of objects, given the same change in the ratio of object pixels to non-object pixels, (6) among all selected methods, Libra-RCNN and PISA demonstrate the best performance in addressing the issue of F-B imbalance. (7) When the training dataset size is large, the choice of method is not impactful (8) Soft-sampling methods, including focal-loss, GHM, and GFL, perform fairly well on average but are relatively unstable.


SeMLaPS: Real-time Semantic Mapping with Latent Prior Networks and Quasi-Planar Segmentation

Authors:Jingwen Wang, Juan Tarrio, Lourdes Agapito, Pablo F. Alcantarilla, Alexander Vakhitov

The availability of real-time semantics greatly improves the core geometric functionality of SLAM systems, enabling numerous robotic and AR/VR applications. We present a new methodology for real-time semantic mapping from RGB-D sequences that combines a 2D neural network and a 3D network based on a SLAM system with 3D occupancy mapping. When segmenting a new frame we perform latent feature re-projection from previous frames based on differentiable rendering. Fusing re-projected feature maps from previous frames with current-frame features greatly improves image segmentation quality, compared to a baseline that processes images independently. For 3D map processing, we propose a novel geometric quasi-planar over-segmentation method that groups 3D map elements likely to belong to the same semantic classes, relying on surface normals. We also describe a novel neural network design for lightweight semantic map post-processing. Our system achieves state-of-the-art semantic mapping quality within 2D-3D networks-based systems and matches the performance of 3D convolutional networks on three real indoor datasets, while working in real-time. Moreover, it shows better cross-sensor generalization abilities compared to 3D CNNs, enabling training and inference with different depth sensors. Code and data will be released on project page: http://jingwenwang95.github.io/SeMLaPS
PDF 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to RA-L. Project page: http://jingwenwang95.github.io/SeMLaPS


Metric-aligned Sample Selection and Critical Feature Sampling for Oriented Object Detection

Authors:Peng Sun, Yongbin Zheng, Wenqi Wu, Wanying Xu, Shengjian Bai

Arbitrary-oriented object detection is a relatively emerging but challenging task. Although remarkable progress has been made, there still remain many unsolved issues due to the large diversity of patterns in orientation, scale, aspect ratio, and visual appearance of objects in aerial images. Most of the existing methods adopt a coarse-grained fixed label assignment strategy and suffer from the inconsistency between the classification score and localization accuracy. First, to align the metric inconsistency between sample selection and regression loss calculation caused by fixed IoU strategy, we introduce affine transformation to evaluate the quality of samples and propose a distance-based label assignment strategy. The proposed metric-aligned selection (MAS) strategy can dynamically select samples according to the shape and rotation characteristic of objects. Second, to further address the inconsistency between classification and localization, we propose a critical feature sampling (CFS) module, which performs localization refinement on the sampling location for classification task to extract critical features accurately. Third, we present a scale-controlled smooth $L_1$ loss (SC-Loss) to adaptively select high quality samples by changing the form of regression loss function based on the statistics of proposals during training. Extensive experiments are conducted on four challenging rotated object detection datasets DOTA, FAIR1M-1.0, HRSC2016, and UCAS-AOD. The results show the state-of-the-art accuracy of the proposed detector.


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