Vision Transformer

2023-06-27 更新

Inter-Instance Similarity Modeling for Contrastive Learning

Authors:Chengchao Shen, Dawei Liu, Hao Tang, Zhe Qu, Jianxin Wang

The existing contrastive learning methods widely adopt one-hot instance discrimination as pretext task for self-supervised learning, which inevitably neglects rich inter-instance similarities among natural images, then leading to potential representation degeneration. In this paper, we propose a novel image mix method, PatchMix, for contrastive learning in Vision Transformer (ViT), to model inter-instance similarities among images. Following the nature of ViT, we randomly mix multiple images from mini-batch in patch level to construct mixed image patch sequences for ViT. Compared to the existing sample mix methods, our PatchMix can flexibly and efficiently mix more than two images and simulate more complicated similarity relations among natural images. In this manner, our contrastive framework can significantly reduce the gap between contrastive objective and ground truth in reality. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art on both ImageNet-1K and CIFAR datasets, e.g., 3.0% linear accuracy improvement on ImageNet-1K and 8.7% kNN accuracy improvement on CIFAR100. Moreover, our method achieves the leading transfer performance on downstream tasks, object detection and instance segmentation on COCO dataset. The code is available at


Revisiting Image Classifier Training for Improved Certified Robust Defense against Adversarial Patches

Authors:Aniruddha Saha, Shuhua Yu, Arash Norouzzadeh, Wan-Yi Lin, Chaithanya Kumar Mummadi

Certifiably robust defenses against adversarial patches for image classifiers ensure correct prediction against any changes to a constrained neighborhood of pixels. PatchCleanser arXiv:2108.09135 [cs.CV], the state-of-the-art certified defense, uses a double-masking strategy for robust classification. The success of this strategy relies heavily on the model’s invariance to image pixel masking. In this paper, we take a closer look at model training schemes to improve this invariance. Instead of using Random Cutout arXiv:1708.04552v2 [cs.CV] augmentations like PatchCleanser, we introduce the notion of worst-case masking, i.e., selecting masked images which maximize classification loss. However, finding worst-case masks requires an exhaustive search, which might be prohibitively expensive to do on-the-fly during training. To solve this problem, we propose a two-round greedy masking strategy (Greedy Cutout) which finds an approximate worst-case mask location with much less compute. We show that the models trained with our Greedy Cutout improves certified robust accuracy over Random Cutout in PatchCleanser across a range of datasets and architectures. Certified robust accuracy on ImageNet with a ViT-B16-224 model increases from 58.1\% to 62.3\% against a 3\% square patch applied anywhere on the image.
PDF 12 pages, 5 figures


ProRes: Exploring Degradation-aware Visual Prompt for Universal Image Restoration

Authors:Jiaqi Ma, Tianheng Cheng, Guoli Wang, Qian Zhang, Xinggang Wang, Lefei Zhang

Image restoration aims to reconstruct degraded images, e.g., denoising or deblurring. Existing works focus on designing task-specific methods and there are inadequate attempts at universal methods. However, simply unifying multiple tasks into one universal architecture suffers from uncontrollable and undesired predictions. To address those issues, we explore prompt learning in universal architectures for image restoration tasks. In this paper, we present Degradation-aware Visual Prompts, which encode various types of image degradation, e.g., noise and blur, into unified visual prompts. These degradation-aware prompts provide control over image processing and allow weighted combinations for customized image restoration. We then leverage degradation-aware visual prompts to establish a controllable and universal model for image restoration, called ProRes, which is applicable to an extensive range of image restoration tasks. ProRes leverages the vanilla Vision Transformer (ViT) without any task-specific designs. Furthermore, the pre-trained ProRes can easily adapt to new tasks through efficient prompt tuning with only a few images. Without bells and whistles, ProRes achieves competitive performance compared to task-specific methods and experiments can demonstrate its ability for controllable restoration and adaptation for new tasks. The code and models will be released in \url{}.


Adaptive Window Pruning for Efficient Local Motion Deblurring

Authors:Haoying Li, Jixin Zhao, Shangchen Zhou, Huajun Feng, Chongyi Li, Chen Change Loy

Local motion blur commonly occurs in real-world photography due to the mixing between moving objects and stationary backgrounds during exposure. Existing image deblurring methods predominantly focus on global deblurring, inadvertently affecting the sharpness of backgrounds in locally blurred images and wasting unnecessary computation on sharp pixels, especially for high-resolution images. This paper aims to adaptively and efficiently restore high-resolution locally blurred images. We propose a local motion deblurring vision Transformer (LMD-ViT) built on adaptive window pruning Transformer blocks (AdaWPT). To focus deblurring on local regions and reduce computation, AdaWPT prunes unnecessary windows, only allowing the active windows to be involved in the deblurring processes. The pruning operation relies on the blurriness confidence predicted by a confidence predictor that is trained end-to-end using a reconstruction loss with Gumbel-Softmax re-parameterization and a pruning loss guided by annotated blur masks. Our method removes local motion blur effectively without distorting sharp regions, demonstrated by its exceptional perceptual and quantitative improvements (+0.24dB) compared to state-of-the-art methods. In addition, our approach substantially reduces FLOPs by 66% and achieves more than a twofold increase in inference speed compared to Transformer-based deblurring methods. We will make our code and annotated blur masks publicly available.
PDF 18 pages


FeSViBS: Federated Split Learning of Vision Transformer with Block Sampling

Authors:Faris Almalik, Naif Alkhunaizi, Ibrahim Almakky, Karthik Nandakumar

Data scarcity is a significant obstacle hindering the learning of powerful machine learning models in critical healthcare applications. Data-sharing mechanisms among multiple entities (e.g., hospitals) can accelerate model training and yield more accurate predictions. Recently, approaches such as Federated Learning (FL) and Split Learning (SL) have facilitated collaboration without the need to exchange private data. In this work, we propose a framework for medical imaging classification tasks called Federated Split learning of Vision transformer with Block Sampling (FeSViBS). The FeSViBS framework builds upon the existing federated split vision transformer and introduces a block sampling module, which leverages intermediate features extracted by the Vision Transformer (ViT) at the server. This is achieved by sampling features (patch tokens) from an intermediate transformer block and distilling their information content into a pseudo class token before passing them back to the client. These pseudo class tokens serve as an effective feature augmentation strategy and enhances the generalizability of the learned model. We demonstrate the utility of our proposed method compared to other SL and FL approaches on three publicly available medical imaging datasets: HAM1000, BloodMNIST, and Fed-ISIC2019, under both IID and non-IID settings. Code:


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