
2023-06-27 更新

Federated Few-shot Learning

Authors:Song Wang, Xingbo Fu, Kaize Ding, Chen Chen, Huiyuan Chen, Jundong Li

Federated Learning (FL) enables multiple clients to collaboratively learn a machine learning model without exchanging their own local data. In this way, the server can exploit the computational power of all clients and train the model on a larger set of data samples among all clients. Although such a mechanism is proven to be effective in various fields, existing works generally assume that each client preserves sufficient data for training. In practice, however, certain clients may only contain a limited number of samples (i.e., few-shot samples). For example, the available photo data taken by a specific user with a new mobile device is relatively rare. In this scenario, existing FL efforts typically encounter a significant performance drop on these clients. Therefore, it is urgent to develop a few-shot model that can generalize to clients with limited data under the FL scenario. In this paper, we refer to this novel problem as federated few-shot learning. Nevertheless, the problem remains challenging due to two major reasons: the global data variance among clients (i.e., the difference in data distributions among clients) and the local data insufficiency in each client (i.e., the lack of adequate local data for training). To overcome these two challenges, we propose a novel federated few-shot learning framework with two separately updated models and dedicated training strategies to reduce the adverse impact of global data variance and local data insufficiency. Extensive experiments on four prevalent datasets that cover news articles and images validate the effectiveness of our framework compared with the state-of-the-art baselines. Our code is provided at https://github.com/SongW-SW/F2L.


Deep Language Networks: Joint Prompt Training of Stacked LLMs using Variational Inference

Authors:Alessandro Sordoni, Xingdi Yuan, Marc-Alexandre Côté, Matheus Pereira, Adam Trischler, Ziang Xiao, Arian Hosseini, Friederike Niedtner, Nicolas Le Roux

We view large language models (LLMs) as stochastic \emph{language layers} in a network, where the learnable parameters are the natural language \emph{prompts} at each layer. We stack two such layers, feeding the output of one layer to the next. We call the stacked architecture a \emph{Deep Language Network} (DLN). We first show how to effectively perform prompt optimization for a 1-Layer language network (DLN-1). We then show how to train 2-layer DLNs (DLN-2), where two prompts must be learnt. We consider the output of the first layer as a latent variable to marginalize, and devise a variational inference algorithm for joint prompt training. A DLN-2 reaches higher performance than a single layer, sometimes comparable to few-shot GPT-4 even when each LLM in the network is smaller and less powerful. The DLN code is open source: https://github.com/microsoft/deep-language-networks .


Identifying and Extracting Rare Disease Phenotypes with Large Language Models

Authors:Cathy Shyr, Yan Hu, Paul A. Harris, Hua Xu

Rare diseases (RDs) are collectively common and affect 300 million people worldwide. Accurate phenotyping is critical for informing diagnosis and treatment, but RD phenotypes are often embedded in unstructured text and time-consuming to extract manually. While natural language processing (NLP) models can perform named entity recognition (NER) to automate extraction, a major bottleneck is the development of a large, annotated corpus for model training. Recently, prompt learning emerged as an NLP paradigm that can lead to more generalizable results without any (zero-shot) or few labeled samples (few-shot). Despite growing interest in ChatGPT, a revolutionary large language model capable of following complex human prompts and generating high-quality responses, none have studied its NER performance for RDs in the zero- and few-shot settings. To this end, we engineered novel prompts aimed at extracting RD phenotypes and, to the best of our knowledge, are the first the establish a benchmark for evaluating ChatGPT’s performance in these settings. We compared its performance to the traditional fine-tuning approach and conducted an in-depth error analysis. Overall, fine-tuning BioClinicalBERT resulted in higher performance (F1 of 0.689) than ChatGPT (F1 of 0.472 and 0.591 in the zero- and few-shot settings, respectively). Despite this, ChatGPT achieved similar or higher accuracy for certain entities (i.e., rare diseases and signs) in the one-shot setting (F1 of 0.776 and 0.725). This suggests that with appropriate prompt engineering, ChatGPT has the potential to match or outperform fine-tuned language models for certain entity types with just one labeled sample. While the proliferation of large language models may provide opportunities for supporting RD diagnosis and treatment, researchers and clinicians should critically evaluate model outputs and be well-informed of their limitations.


Mutually Guided Few-shot Learning for Relational Triple Extraction

Authors:Chengmei Yang, Shuai Jiang, Bowei He, Chen Ma, Lianghua He

Knowledge graphs (KGs), containing many entity-relation-entity triples, provide rich information for downstream applications. Although extracting triples from unstructured texts has been widely explored, most of them require a large number of labeled instances. The performance will drop dramatically when only few labeled data are available. To tackle this problem, we propose the Mutually Guided Few-shot learning framework for Relational Triple Extraction (MG-FTE). Specifically, our method consists of an entity-guided relation proto-decoder to classify the relations firstly and a relation-guided entity proto-decoder to extract entities based on the classified relations. To draw the connection between entity and relation, we design a proto-level fusion module to boost the performance of both entity extraction and relation classification. Moreover, a new cross-domain few-shot triple extraction task is introduced. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms many state-of-the-art methods by 12.6 F1 score on FewRel 1.0 (single-domain) and 20.5 F1 score on FewRel 2.0 (cross-domain).
PDF Accepted by ICASSP 2023


Comparing the Efficacy of Fine-Tuning and Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Policy Imitation

Authors:Massimiliano Patacchiola, Mingfei Sun, Katja Hofmann, Richard E. Turner

In this paper we explore few-shot imitation learning for control problems, which involves learning to imitate a target policy by accessing a limited set of offline rollouts. This setting has been relatively under-explored despite its relevance to robotics and control applications. State-of-the-art methods developed to tackle few-shot imitation rely on meta-learning, which is expensive to train as it requires access to a distribution over tasks (rollouts from many target policies and variations of the base environment). Given this limitation we investigate an alternative approach, fine-tuning, a family of methods that pretrain on a single dataset and then fine-tune on unseen domain-specific data. Recent work has shown that fine-tuners outperform meta-learners in few-shot image classification tasks, especially when the data is out-of-domain. Here we evaluate to what extent this is true for control problems, proposing a simple yet effective baseline which relies on two stages: (i) training a base policy online via reinforcement learning (e.g. Soft Actor-Critic) on a single base environment, (ii) fine-tuning the base policy via behavioral cloning on a few offline rollouts of the target policy. Despite its simplicity this baseline is competitive with meta-learning methods on a variety of conditions and is able to imitate target policies trained on unseen variations of the original environment. Importantly, the proposed approach is practical and easy to implement, as it does not need any complex meta-training protocol. As a further contribution, we release an open source dataset called iMuJoCo (iMitation MuJoCo) consisting of 154 variants of popular OpenAI-Gym MuJoCo environments with associated pretrained target policies and rollouts, which can be used by the community to study few-shot imitation learning and offline reinforcement learning.


Is Pre-training Truly Better Than Meta-Learning?

Authors:Brando Miranda, Patrick Yu, Saumya Goyal, Yu-Xiong Wang, Sanmi Koyejo

In the context of few-shot learning, it is currently believed that a fixed pre-trained (PT) model, along with fine-tuning the final layer during evaluation, outperforms standard meta-learning algorithms. We re-evaluate these claims under an in-depth empirical examination of an extensive set of formally diverse datasets and compare PT to Model Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML). Unlike previous work, we emphasize a fair comparison by using: the same architecture, the same optimizer, and all models trained to convergence. Crucially, we use a more rigorous statistical tool — the effect size (Cohen’s d) — to determine the practical significance of the difference between a model trained with PT vs. a MAML. We then use a previously proposed metric — the diversity coefficient — to compute the average formal diversity of a dataset. Using this analysis, we demonstrate the following: 1. when the formal diversity of a data set is low, PT beats MAML on average and 2. when the formal diversity is high, MAML beats PT on average. The caveat is that the magnitude of the average difference between a PT vs. MAML using the effect size is low (according to classical statistical thresholds) — less than 0.2. Nevertheless, this observation is contrary to the currently held belief that a pre-trained model is always better than a meta-learning model. Our extensive experiments consider 21 few-shot learning benchmarks, including the large-scale few-shot learning dataset Meta-Data set. We also show no significant difference between a MAML model vs. a PT model with GPT-2 on Openwebtext. We, therefore, conclude that a pre-trained model does not always beat a meta-learned model and that the formal diversity of a dataset is a driving factor.


Language models are weak learners

Authors:Hariharan Manikandan, Yiding Jiang, J Zico Kolter

A central notion in practical and theoretical machine learning is that of a $\textit{weak learner}$, classifiers that achieve better-than-random performance (on any given distribution over data), even by a small margin. Such weak learners form the practical basis for canonical machine learning methods such as boosting. In this work, we illustrate that prompt-based large language models can operate effectively as said weak learners. Specifically, we illustrate the use of a large language model (LLM) as a weak learner in a boosting algorithm applied to tabular data. We show that by providing (properly sampled according to the distribution of interest) text descriptions of tabular data samples, LLMs can produce a summary of the samples that serves as a template for classification and achieves the aim of acting as a weak learner on this task. We incorporate these models into a boosting approach, which in some settings can leverage the knowledge within the LLM to outperform traditional tree-based boosting. The model outperforms both few-shot learning and occasionally even more involved fine-tuning procedures, particularly for tasks involving small numbers of data points. The results illustrate the potential for prompt-based LLMs to function not just as few-shot learners themselves, but as components of larger machine learning pipelines.
PDF 23 pages, 6 figures


DomainStudio: Fine-Tuning Diffusion Models for Domain-Driven Image Generation using Limited Data

Authors:Jingyuan Zhu, Huimin Ma, Jiansheng Chen, Jian Yuan

Denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) have been proven capable of synthesizing high-quality images with remarkable diversity when trained on large amounts of data. Typical diffusion models and modern large-scale conditional generative models like text-to-image generative models are vulnerable to overfitting when fine-tuned on extremely limited data. Existing works have explored subject-driven generation using a reference set containing a few images. However, few prior works explore DDPM-based domain-driven generation, which aims to learn the common features of target domains while maintaining diversity. This paper proposes a novel DomainStudio approach to adapt DDPMs pre-trained on large-scale source datasets to target domains using limited data. It is designed to keep the diversity of subjects provided by source domains and get high-quality and diverse adapted samples in target domains. We propose to keep the relative distances between adapted samples to achieve considerable generation diversity. In addition, we further enhance the learning of high-frequency details for better generation quality. Our approach is compatible with both unconditional and conditional diffusion models. This work makes the first attempt to realize unconditional few-shot image generation with diffusion models, achieving better quality and greater diversity than current state-of-the-art GAN-based approaches. Moreover, this work also significantly relieves overfitting for conditional generation and realizes high-quality domain-driven generation, further expanding the applicable scenarios of modern large-scale text-to-image models.
PDF extended from DDPM-PA (arXiv:2211.03264), 33 pages, 34 figures


RobuT: A Systematic Study of Table QA Robustness Against Human-Annotated Adversarial Perturbations

Authors:Yilun Zhao, Chen Zhao, Linyong Nan, Zhenting Qi, Wenlin Zhang, Xiangru Tang, Boyu Mi, Dragomir Radev

Despite significant progress having been made in question answering on tabular data (Table QA), it’s unclear whether, and to what extent existing Table QA models are robust to task-specific perturbations, e.g., replacing key question entities or shuffling table columns. To systematically study the robustness of Table QA models, we propose a benchmark called RobuT, which builds upon existing Table QA datasets (WTQ, WikiSQL-Weak, and SQA) and includes human-annotated adversarial perturbations in terms of table header, table content, and question. Our results indicate that both state-of-the-art Table QA models and large language models (e.g., GPT-3) with few-shot learning falter in these adversarial sets. We propose to address this problem by using large language models to generate adversarial examples to enhance training, which significantly improves the robustness of Table QA models. Our data and code is publicly available at https://github.com/yilunzhao/RobuT.
PDF Accepted at ACL 2023


Few-Shot Continual Learning via Flat-to-Wide Approaches

Authors:Muhammad Anwar Ma’sum, Mahardhika Pratama, Lin Liu, Edwin Lughofer, Habibullah, Ryszard Kowalczyk

Existing approaches on continual learning call for a lot of samples in their training processes. Such approaches are impractical for many real-world problems having limited samples because of the overfitting problem. This paper proposes a few-shot continual learning approach, termed FLat-tO-WidE AppRoach (FLOWER), where a flat-to-wide learning process finding the flat-wide minima is proposed to address the catastrophic forgetting problem. The issue of data scarcity is overcome with a data augmentation approach making use of a ball generator concept to restrict the sampling space into the smallest enclosing ball. Our numerical studies demonstrate the advantage of FLOWER achieving significantly improved performances over prior arts notably in the small base tasks. For further study, source codes of FLOWER, competitor algorithms and experimental logs are shared publicly in \url{https://github.com/anwarmaxsum/FLOWER}.


MedLSAM: Localize and Segment Anything Model for 3D Medical Images

Authors:Wenhui Lei, Xu Wei, Xiaofan Zhang, Kang Li, Shaoting Zhang

The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has recently emerged as a groundbreaking model in the field of image segmentation. Nevertheless, both the original SAM and its medical adaptations necessitate slice-by-slice annotations, which directly increase the annotation workload with the size of the dataset. We propose MedLSAM to address this issue, ensuring a constant annotation workload irrespective of dataset size and thereby simplifying the annotation process. Our model introduces a few-shot localization framework capable of localizing any target anatomical part within the body. To achieve this, we develop a Localize Anything Model for 3D Medical Images (MedLAM), utilizing two self-supervision tasks: relative distance regression (RDR) and multi-scale similarity (MSS) across a comprehensive dataset of 14,012 CT scans. We then establish a methodology for accurate segmentation by integrating MedLAM with SAM. By annotating only six extreme points across three directions on a few templates, our model can autonomously identify the target anatomical region on all data scheduled for annotation. This allows our framework to generate a 2D bounding box for every slice of the image, which are then leveraged by SAM to carry out segmentations. We conducted experiments on two 3D datasets covering 38 organs and found that MedLSAM matches the performance of SAM and its medical adaptations while requiring only minimal extreme point annotations for the entire dataset. Furthermore, MedLAM has the potential to be seamlessly integrated with future 3D SAM models, paving the way for enhanced performance. Our code is public at \href{https://github.com/openmedlab/MedLSAM}{https://github.com/openmedlab/MedLSAM}.
PDF Work in Progress. Code is public at https://github.com/openmedlab/MedLSAM


ProtoDiff: Learning to Learn Prototypical Networks by Task-Guided Diffusion

Authors:Yingjun Du, Zehao Xiao, Shengcai Liao, Cees Snoek

Prototype-based meta-learning has emerged as a powerful technique for addressing few-shot learning challenges. However, estimating a deterministic prototype using a simple average function from a limited number of examples remains a fragile process. To overcome this limitation, we introduce ProtoDiff, a novel framework that leverages a task-guided diffusion model during the meta-training phase to gradually generate prototypes, thereby providing efficient class representations. Specifically, a set of prototypes is optimized to achieve per-task prototype overfitting, enabling accurately obtaining the overfitted prototypes for individual tasks. Furthermore, we introduce a task-guided diffusion process within the prototype space, enabling the meta-learning of a generative process that transitions from a vanilla prototype to an overfitted prototype. ProtoDiff gradually generates task-specific prototypes from random noise during the meta-test stage, conditioned on the limited samples available for the new task. Furthermore, to expedite training and enhance ProtoDiff’s performance, we propose the utilization of residual prototype learning, which leverages the sparsity of the residual prototype. We conduct thorough ablation studies to demonstrate its ability to accurately capture the underlying prototype distribution and enhance generalization. The new state-of-the-art performance on within-domain, cross-domain, and few-task few-shot classification further substantiates the benefit of ProtoDiff.
PDF Under review


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