
2023-06-27 更新

Towards Unseen Triples: Effective Text-Image-joint Learning for Scene Graph Generation

Authors:Qianji Di, Wenxi Ma, Zhongang Qi, Tianxiang Hou, Ying Shan, Hanzi Wang

Scene Graph Generation (SGG) aims to structurally and comprehensively represent objects and their connections in images, it can significantly benefit scene understanding and other related downstream tasks. Existing SGG models often struggle to solve the long-tailed problem caused by biased datasets. However, even if these models can fit specific datasets better, it may be hard for them to resolve the unseen triples which are not included in the training set. Most methods tend to feed a whole triple and learn the overall features based on statistical machine learning. Such models have difficulty predicting unseen triples because the objects and predicates in the training set are combined differently as novel triples in the test set. In this work, we propose a Text-Image-joint Scene Graph Generation (TISGG) model to resolve the unseen triples and improve the generalisation capability of the SGG models. We propose a Joint Fearture Learning (JFL) module and a Factual Knowledge based Refinement (FKR) module to learn object and predicate categories separately at the feature level and align them with corresponding visual features so that the model is no longer limited to triples matching. Besides, since we observe the long-tailed problem also affects the generalization ability, we design a novel balanced learning strategy, including a Charater Guided Sampling (CGS) and an Informative Re-weighting (IR) module, to provide tailor-made learning methods for each predicate according to their characters. Extensive experiments show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance. In more detail, TISGG boosts the performances by 11.7% of zR@20(zero-shot recall) on the PredCls sub-task on the Visual Genome dataset.


Weakly Supervised Scene Text Generation for Low-resource Languages

Authors:Yangchen Xie, Xinyuan Chen, Hongjian Zhan, Palaiahankote Shivakum

A large number of annotated training images is crucial for training successful scene text recognition models. However, collecting sufficient datasets can be a labor-intensive and costly process, particularly for low-resource languages. To address this challenge, auto-generating text data has shown promise in alleviating the problem. Unfortunately, existing scene text generation methods typically rely on a large amount of paired data, which is difficult to obtain for low-resource languages. In this paper, we propose a novel weakly supervised scene text generation method that leverages a few recognition-level labels as weak supervision. The proposed method is able to generate a large amount of scene text images with diverse backgrounds and font styles through cross-language generation. Our method disentangles the content and style features of scene text images, with the former representing textual information and the latter representing characteristics such as font, alignment, and background. To preserve the complete content structure of generated images, we introduce an integrated attention module. Furthermore, to bridge the style gap in the style of different languages, we incorporate a pre-trained font classifier. We evaluate our method using state-of-the-art scene text recognition models. Experiments demonstrate that our generated scene text significantly improves the scene text recognition accuracy and help achieve higher accuracy when complemented with other generative methods.


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