
2023-06-22 更新

Federated Few-shot Learning

Authors:Song Wang, Xingbo Fu, Kaize Ding, Chen Chen, Huiyuan Chen, Jundong Li

Federated Learning (FL) enables multiple clients to collaboratively learn a machine learning model without exchanging their own local data. In this way, the server can exploit the computational power of all clients and train the model on a larger set of data samples among all clients. Although such a mechanism is proven to be effective in various fields, existing works generally assume that each client preserves sufficient data for training. In practice, however, certain clients may only contain a limited number of samples (i.e., few-shot samples). For example, the available photo data taken by a specific user with a new mobile device is relatively rare. In this scenario, existing FL efforts typically encounter a significant performance drop on these clients. Therefore, it is urgent to develop a few-shot model that can generalize to clients with limited data under the FL scenario. In this paper, we refer to this novel problem as \emph{federated few-shot learning}. Nevertheless, the problem remains challenging due to two major reasons: the global data variance among clients (i.e., the difference in data distributions among clients) and the local data insufficiency in each client (i.e., the lack of adequate local data for training). To overcome these two challenges, we propose a novel federated few-shot learning framework with two separately updated models and dedicated training strategies to reduce the adverse impact of global data variance and local data insufficiency. Extensive experiments on four prevalent datasets that cover news articles and images validate the effectiveness of our framework compared with the state-of-the-art baselines. Our code is provided\footnote{\href{https://github.com/SongW-SW/F2L}{https://github.com/SongW-SW/F2L}}.


Universal Information Extraction with Meta-Pretrained Self-Retrieval

Authors:Xin Cong. Bowen Yu, Mengcheng Fang, Tingwen Liu, Haiyang Yu, Zhongkai Hu, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li, Bin Wang

Universal Information Extraction~(Universal IE) aims to solve different extraction tasks in a uniform text-to-structure generation manner. Such a generation procedure tends to struggle when there exist complex information structures to be extracted. Retrieving knowledge from external knowledge bases may help models to overcome this problem but it is impossible to construct a knowledge base suitable for various IE tasks. Inspired by the fact that large amount of knowledge are stored in the pretrained language models~(PLM) and can be retrieved explicitly, in this paper, we propose MetaRetriever to retrieve task-specific knowledge from PLMs to enhance universal IE. As different IE tasks need different knowledge, we further propose a Meta-Pretraining Algorithm which allows MetaRetriever to quicktly achieve maximum task-specific retrieval performance when fine-tuning on downstream IE tasks. Experimental results show that MetaRetriever achieves the new state-of-the-art on 4 IE tasks, 12 datasets under fully-supervised, low-resource and few-shot scenarios.
PDF Accepted to ACL 2023


Dual Adaptive Representation Alignment for Cross-domain Few-shot Learning

Authors:Yifan Zhao, Tong Zhang, Jia Li, Yonghong Tian

Few-shot learning aims to recognize novel queries with limited support samples by learning from base knowledge. Recent progress in this setting assumes that the base knowledge and novel query samples are distributed in the same domains, which are usually infeasible for realistic applications. Toward this issue, we propose to address the cross-domain few-shot learning problem where only extremely few samples are available in target domains. Under this realistic setting, we focus on the fast adaptation capability of meta-learners by proposing an effective dual adaptive representation alignment approach. In our approach, a prototypical feature alignment is first proposed to recalibrate support instances as prototypes and reproject these prototypes with a differentiable closed-form solution. Therefore feature spaces of learned knowledge can be adaptively transformed to query spaces by the cross-instance and cross-prototype relations. Besides the feature alignment, we further present a normalized distribution alignment module, which exploits prior statistics of query samples for solving the covariant shifts among the support and query samples. With these two modules, a progressive meta-learning framework is constructed to perform the fast adaptation with extremely few-shot samples while maintaining its generalization capabilities. Experimental evidence demonstrates our approach achieves new state-of-the-art results on 4 CDFSL benchmarks and 4 fine-grained cross-domain benchmarks.
PDF 13 pages; Accepted by IEEE T-PAMI


Evolutionary Verbalizer Search for Prompt-based Few Shot Text Classification

Authors:Tongtao Ling, Lei Chen, Yutao Lai, Hai-Lin Liu

Recent advances for few-shot text classification aim to wrap textual inputs with task-specific prompts to cloze questions. By processing them with a masked language model to predict the masked tokens and using a verbalizer that constructs the mapping between predicted words and target labels. This approach of using pre-trained language models is called prompt-based tuning, which could remarkably outperform conventional fine-tuning approach in the low-data scenario. As the core of prompt-based tuning, the verbalizer is usually handcrafted with human efforts or suboptimally searched by gradient descent. In this paper, we focus on automatically constructing the optimal verbalizer and propose a novel evolutionary verbalizer search (EVS) algorithm, to improve prompt-based tuning with the high-performance verbalizer. Specifically, inspired by evolutionary algorithm (EA), we utilize it to automatically evolve various verbalizers during the evolutionary procedure and select the best one after several iterations. Extensive few-shot experiments on five text classification datasets show the effectiveness of our method.
PDF 12 pages, accepted by KSEM 2023


Knowledge Transfer-Driven Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning

Authors:Ye Wang, Yaxiong Wang, Guoshuai Zhao, Xueming Qian

Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) aims to continually learn new classes using a few samples while not forgetting the old classes. The key of this task is effective knowledge transfer from the base session to the incremental sessions. Despite the advance of existing FSCIL methods, the proposed knowledge transfer learning schemes are sub-optimal due to the insufficient optimization for the model’s plasticity. To address this issue, we propose a Random Episode Sampling and Augmentation (RESA) strategy that relies on diverse pseudo incremental tasks as agents to achieve the knowledge transfer. Concretely, RESA mimics the real incremental setting and constructs pseudo incremental tasks globally and locally, where the global pseudo incremental tasks are designed to coincide with the learning objective of FSCIL and the local pseudo incremental tasks are designed to improve the model’s plasticity, respectively. Furthermore, to make convincing incremental predictions, we introduce a complementary model with a squared Euclidean-distance classifier as the auxiliary module, which couples with the widely used cosine classifier to form our whole architecture. By such a way, equipped with model decoupling strategy, we can maintain the model’s stability while enhancing the model’s plasticity. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments on three popular FSCIL benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method, named Knowledge Transfer-driven Relation Complementation Network (KT-RCNet), outperforms almost all prior methods. More precisely, the average accuracy of our proposed KT-RCNet outperforms the second-best method by a margin of 5.26%, 3.49%, and 2.25% on miniImageNet, CIFAR100, and CUB200, respectively. Our code is available at https://github.com/YeZiLaiXi/KT-RCNet.git.


Multilingual Few-Shot Learning via Language Model Retrieval

Authors:Genta Indra Winata, Liang-Kang Huang, Soumya Vadlamannati, Yash Chandarana

Transformer-based language models have achieved remarkable success in few-shot in-context learning and drawn a lot of research interest. However, these models’ performance greatly depends on the choice of the example prompts and also has high variability depending on how samples are chosen. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive study of retrieving semantically similar few-shot samples and using them as the context, as it helps the model decide the correct label without any gradient update in the multilingual and cross-lingual settings. We evaluate the proposed method on five natural language understanding datasets related to intent detection, question classification, sentiment analysis, and topic classification. The proposed method consistently outperforms random sampling in monolingual and cross-lingual tasks in non-English languages.
PDF 9 pages


Temporal Data Meets LLM — Explainable Financial Time Series Forecasting

Authors:Xinli Yu, Zheng Chen, Yuan Ling, Shujing Dong, Zongyi Liu, Yanbin Lu

This paper presents a novel study on harnessing Large Language Models’ (LLMs) outstanding knowledge and reasoning abilities for explainable financial time series forecasting. The application of machine learning models to financial time series comes with several challenges, including the difficulty in cross-sequence reasoning and inference, the hurdle of incorporating multi-modal signals from historical news, financial knowledge graphs, etc., and the issue of interpreting and explaining the model results. In this paper, we focus on NASDAQ-100 stocks, making use of publicly accessible historical stock price data, company metadata, and historical economic/financial news. We conduct experiments to illustrate the potential of LLMs in offering a unified solution to the aforementioned challenges. Our experiments include trying zero-shot/few-shot inference with GPT-4 and instruction-based fine-tuning with a public LLM model Open LLaMA. We demonstrate our approach outperforms a few baselines, including the widely applied classic ARMA-GARCH model and a gradient-boosting tree model. Through the performance comparison results and a few examples, we find LLMs can make a well-thought decision by reasoning over information from both textual news and price time series and extracting insights, leveraging cross-sequence information, and utilizing the inherent knowledge embedded within the LLM. Additionally, we show that a publicly available LLM such as Open-LLaMA, after fine-tuning, can comprehend the instruction to generate explainable forecasts and achieve reasonable performance, albeit relatively inferior in comparison to GPT-4.


RemoteCLIP: A Vision Language Foundation Model for Remote Sensing

Authors:Fan Liu, Delong Chen, Zhangqingyun Guan, Xiaocong Zhou, Jiale Zhu, Jun Zhou

General-purpose foundation models have become increasingly important in the field of artificial intelligence. While self-supervised learning (SSL) and Masked Image Modeling (MIM) have led to promising results in building such foundation models for remote sensing, these models primarily learn low-level features, require annotated data for fine-tuning, and not applicable for retrieval and zero-shot applications due to the lack of language understanding. In response to these limitations, we propose RemoteCLIP, the first vision-language foundation model for remote sensing that aims to learn robust visual features with rich semantics, as well as aligned text embeddings for seamless downstream application. To address the scarcity of pre-training data, we leverage data scaling, converting heterogeneous annotations based on Box-to-Caption (B2C) and Mask-to-Box (M2B) conversion, and further incorporating UAV imagery, resulting a 12xlarger pretraining dataset. RemoteCLIP can be applied to a variety of downstream tasks, including zero-shot image classification, linear probing, k-NN classification, few-shot classification, image-text retrieval, and object counting. Evaluations on 16 datasets, including a newly introduced RemoteCount benchmark to test the object counting ability, show that RemoteCLIP consistently outperforms baseline foundation models across different model scales. Impressively, RemoteCLIP outperform previous SoTA by 9.14% mean recall on RSICD dataset and by 8.92% on RSICD dataset. For zero-shot classification, our RemoteCLIP outperform CLIP baseline by up to 6.39% average accuracy on 12 downstream datasets.


Adversarial Robustness of Prompt-based Few-Shot Learning for Natural Language Understanding

Authors:Venkata Prabhakara Sarath Nookala, Gaurav Verma, Subhabrata Mukherjee, Srijan Kumar

State-of-the-art few-shot learning (FSL) methods leverage prompt-based fine-tuning to obtain remarkable results for natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. While much of the prior FSL methods focus on improving downstream task performance, there is a limited understanding of the adversarial robustness of such methods. In this work, we conduct an extensive study of several state-of-the-art FSL methods to assess their robustness to adversarial perturbations. To better understand the impact of various factors towards robustness (or the lack of it), we evaluate prompt-based FSL methods against fully fine-tuned models for aspects such as the use of unlabeled data, multiple prompts, number of few-shot examples, model size and type. Our results on six GLUE tasks indicate that compared to fully fine-tuned models, vanilla FSL methods lead to a notable relative drop in task performance (i.e., are less robust) in the face of adversarial perturbations. However, using (i) unlabeled data for prompt-based FSL and (ii) multiple prompts flip the trend. We further demonstrate that increasing the number of few-shot examples and model size lead to increased adversarial robustness of vanilla FSL methods. Broadly, our work sheds light on the adversarial robustness evaluation of prompt-based FSL methods for NLU tasks.
PDF Accepted full paper at Findings of ACL 2023; Code available at https://github.com/claws-lab/few-shot-adversarial-robustness


Democratizing LLMs for Low-Resource Languages by Leveraging their English Dominant Abilities with Linguistically-Diverse Prompts

Authors:Xuan-Phi Nguyen, Sharifah Mahani Aljunied, Shafiq Joty, Lidong Bing

Large language models (LLMs) are known to effectively perform tasks by simply observing few exemplars. However, in low-resource languages, obtaining such hand-picked exemplars can still be challenging, where unsupervised techniques may be necessary. Moreover, competent generative capabilities of LLMs are observed only in high-resource languages, while their performances among under-represented languages fall behind due to pre-training data imbalance. To elicit LLMs’ ability onto low-resource languages without any supervised data, we propose to assemble synthetic exemplars from a diverse set of high-resource languages to prompt the LLMs to translate from any language into English. These prompts are then used to create intra-lingual exemplars to perform tasks in the target languages. Our unsupervised prompting method performs on par with supervised few-shot learning in LLMs of different sizes for translations between English and 13 Indic and 21 African low-resource languages. We also show that fine-tuning a 7B model on data generated from our method helps it perform competitively with a 175B model. In non-English translation tasks, our method even outperforms supervised prompting by up to 3 chrF++ in many low-resource languages. When evaluated on zero-shot multilingual summarization, our method surpasses other English-pivoting baselines by up to 4 ROUGE-L and is also favored by GPT-4.
PDF Pre-print


MuDPT: Multi-modal Deep-symphysis Prompt Tuning for Large Pre-trained Vision-Language Models

Authors:Yongzhu Miao, Shasha Li, Jintao Tang, Ting Wang

Prompt tuning, like CoOp, has recently shown promising vision recognizing and transfer learning ability on various downstream tasks with the emergence of large pre-trained vision-language models like CLIP. However, we identify that existing uni-modal prompt tuning approaches may result in sub-optimal performance since this uni-modal design breaks the original alignment of textual and visual representations in the pre-trained model. Inspired by the nature of pre-trained vision-language models, we aim to achieve completeness in prompt tuning and propose a novel approach called Multi-modal Deep-symphysis Prompt Tuning, dubbed as MuDPT, which extends independent multi-modal prompt tuning by additionally learning a model-agnostic transformative network to allow deep hierarchical bi-directional prompt fusion. We evaluate the effectiveness of MuDPT on few-shot vision recognition and out-of-domain generalization tasks. Compared with the state-of-the-art methods, MuDPT achieves better recognition and generalization ability with an apparent margin thanks to synergistic alignment of textual and visual representations. Our code is available at: https://github.com/Mechrev0/MuDPT.
PDF The paper has been accepted by ICME 2023


NeuroCLIP: Neuromorphic Data Understanding by CLIP and SNN

Authors:Yufei Guo, Yuanpei Chen

Recently, the neuromorphic vision sensor has received more and more interest. However, the neuromorphic data consists of asynchronous event spikes, which is not natural and difficult to construct a benchmark, thus limiting the neuromorphic data understanding for “unseen” objects by deep learning. Zero-shot and few-shot learning via Contrastive Vision-Language Pre-training (CLIP) have shown inspirational performance in 2D frame image recognition. To handle “unseen” recognition for the neuromorphic data, in this paper, we propose NeuroCLIP, which transfers the CLIP’s 2D pre-trained knowledge to event spikes. To improve the few-shot performance, we also provide an inter-timestep adapter based on a spiking neural network. Our code is open-sourced at https://github.com/yfguo91/NeuroCLIP.git.


Solving and Generating NPR Sunday Puzzles with Large Language Models

Authors:Jingmiao Zhao, Carolyn Jane Anderson

We explore the ability of large language models to solve and generate puzzles from the NPR Sunday Puzzle game show using PUZZLEQA, a dataset comprising 15 years of on-air puzzles. We evaluate four large language models using PUZZLEQA, in both multiple choice and free response formats, and explore two prompt engineering techniques to improve free response performance: chain-of-thought reasoning and prompt summarization. We find that state-of-the-art large language models can solve many PUZZLEQA puzzles: the best model, GPT-3.5, achieves 50.2% loose accuracy. However, in our few-shot puzzle generation experiment, we find no evidence that models can generate puzzles: GPT-3.5 generates puzzles with answers that do not conform to the generated rules. Puzzle generation remains a challenging task for future work.
PDF To appear in the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC)


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