
2023-06-19 更新

Inverse Scaling: When Bigger Isn’t Better

Authors:Ian R. McKenzie, Alexander Lyzhov, Michael Pieler, Alicia Parrish, Aaron Mueller, Ameya Prabhu, Euan McLean, Aaron Kirtland, Alexis Ross, Alisa Liu, Andrew Gritsevskiy, Daniel Wurgaft, Derik Kauffman, Gabriel Recchia, Jiacheng Liu, Joe Cavanagh, Max Weiss, Sicong Huang, The Floating Droid, Tom Tseng, Tomasz Korbak, Xudong Shen, Yuhui Zhang, Zhengping Zhou, Najoung Kim, Samuel R. Bowman, Ethan Perez

Work on scaling laws has found that large language models (LMs) show predictable improvements to overall loss with increased scale (model size, training data, and compute). Here, we present evidence for the claim that LMs may show inverse scaling, or worse task performance with increased scale, e.g., due to flaws in the training objective and data. We present empirical evidence of inverse scaling on 11 datasets collected by running a public contest, the Inverse Scaling Prize, with a substantial prize pool. Through analysis of the datasets, along with other examples found in the literature, we identify four potential causes of inverse scaling: (i) preference to repeat memorized sequences over following in-context instructions, (ii) imitation of undesirable patterns in the training data, (iii) tasks containing an easy distractor task which LMs could focus on, rather than the harder real task, and (iv) correct but misleading few-shot demonstrations of the task. We release the winning datasets at https://inversescaling.com/data to allow for further investigation of inverse scaling. Our tasks have helped drive the discovery of U-shaped and inverted-U scaling trends, where an initial trend reverses, suggesting that scaling trends are less reliable at predicting the behavior of larger-scale models than previously understood. Overall, our results suggest that there are tasks for which increased model scale alone may not lead to progress, and that more careful thought needs to go into the data and objectives for training language models.


Sample-Efficient Learning of Novel Visual Concepts

Authors:Sarthak Bhagat, Simon Stepputtis, Joseph Campbell, Katia Sycara

Despite the advances made in visual object recognition, state-of-the-art deep learning models struggle to effectively recognize novel objects in a few-shot setting where only a limited number of examples are provided. Unlike humans who excel at such tasks, these models often fail to leverage known relationships between entities in order to draw conclusions about such objects. In this work, we show that incorporating a symbolic knowledge graph into a state-of-the-art recognition model enables a new approach for effective few-shot classification. In our proposed neuro-symbolic architecture and training methodology, the knowledge graph is augmented with additional relationships extracted from a small set of examples, improving its ability to recognize novel objects by considering the presence of interconnected entities. Unlike existing few-shot classifiers, we show that this enables our model to incorporate not only objects but also abstract concepts and affordances. The existence of the knowledge graph also makes this approach amenable to interpretability through analysis of the relationships contained within it. We empirically show that our approach outperforms current state-of-the-art few-shot multi-label classification methods on the COCO dataset and evaluate the addition of abstract concepts and affordances on the Visual Genome dataset.


Relation-Aware Network with Attention-Based Loss for Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors:Qiao Qiao, Yuepei Li, Kang Zhou, Qi Li

Few-shot knowledge graph completion (FKGC) task aims to predict unseen facts of a relation with few-shot reference entity pairs. Current approaches randomly select one negative sample for each reference entity pair to minimize a margin-based ranking loss, which easily leads to a zero-loss problem if the negative sample is far away from the positive sample and then out of the margin. Moreover, the entity should have a different representation under a different context. To tackle these issues, we propose a novel Relation-Aware Network with Attention-Based Loss (RANA) framework. Specifically, to better utilize the plentiful negative samples and alleviate the zero-loss issue, we strategically select relevant negative samples and design an attention-based loss function to further differentiate the importance of each negative sample. The intuition is that negative samples more similar to positive samples will contribute more to the model. Further, we design a dynamic relation-aware entity encoder for learning a context-dependent entity representation. Experiments demonstrate that RANA outperforms the state-of-the-art models on two benchmark datasets.
PDF conference PAKDD 2023


FewSAR: A Few-shot SAR Image Classification Benchmark

Authors:Rui Zhang, Ziqi Wang, Yang Li, Jiabao Wang, Zhiteng Wang

Few-shot learning (FSL) is one of the significant and hard problems in the field of image classification. However, in contrast to the rapid development of the visible light dataset, the progress in SAR target image classification is much slower. The lack of unified benchmark is a key reason for this phenomenon, which may be severely overlooked by the current literature. The researchers of SAR target image classification always report their new results on their own datasets and experimental setup. It leads to inefficiency in result comparison and impedes the further progress of this area. Motivated by this observation, we propose a novel few-shot SAR image classification benchmark (FewSAR) to address this issue. FewSAR consists of an open-source Python code library of 15 classic methods in three categories for few-shot SAR image classification. It provides an accessible and customizable testbed for different few-shot SAR image classification task. To further understanding the performance of different few-shot methods, we establish evaluation protocols and conduct extensive experiments within the benchmark. By analyzing the quantitative results and runtime under the same setting, we observe that the accuracy of metric learning methods can achieve the best results. Meta-learning methods and fine-tuning methods perform poorly on few-shot SAR images, which is primarily due to the bias of existing datasets. We believe that FewSAR will open up a new avenue for future research and development, on real-world challenges at the intersection of SAR image classification and few-shot deep learning. We will provide our code for the proposed FewSAR at https://github.com/solarlee/FewSAR.
PDF 7 pages, 4 figures


Clickbait Detection via Large Language Models

Authors:Yi Zhu, Han Wang, Ye Wang, Yun Li, Yunhao Yuan, Jipeng Qiang

Clickbait, which aims to induce users with some surprising and even thrilling headlines for increasing click-through rates, permeates almost all online content publishers, such as news portals and social media. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a powerful instrument and achieved tremendous success in a serious of NLP downstream tasks. However, it is not yet known whether LLMs can be served as a high-quality clickbait detection system. In this paper, we analyze the performance of LLMs in the few-shot scenarios on a number of English and Chinese benchmark datasets. Experimental results show that LLMs cannot achieve the best results compared to the state-of-the-art deep and fine-tuning PLMs methods. Different from the human intuition, the experiments demonstrated that LLMs cannot make satisfied clickbait detection just by the headlines.


A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Deep Few-Shot Meta Learning

Authors:Minyoung Kim, Timothy Hospedales

We propose a novel hierarchical Bayesian model for learning with a large (possibly infinite) number of tasks/episodes, which suits well the few-shot meta learning problem. We consider episode-wise random variables to model episode-specific target generative processes, where these local random variables are governed by a higher-level global random variate. The global variable helps memorize the important information from historic episodes while controlling how much the model needs to be adapted to new episodes in a principled Bayesian manner. Within our model framework, the prediction on a novel episode/task can be seen as a Bayesian inference problem. However, a main obstacle in learning with a large/infinite number of local random variables in online nature, is that one is not allowed to store the posterior distribution of the current local random variable for frequent future updates, typical in conventional variational inference. We need to be able to treat each local variable as a one-time iterate in the optimization. We propose a Normal-Inverse-Wishart model, for which we show that this one-time iterate optimization becomes feasible due to the approximate closed-form solutions for the local posterior distributions. The resulting algorithm is more attractive than the MAML in that it is not required to maintain computational graphs for the whole gradient optimization steps per episode. Our approach is also different from existing Bayesian meta learning methods in that unlike dealing with a single random variable for the whole episodes, our approach has a hierarchical structure that allows one-time episodic optimization, desirable for principled Bayesian learning with many/infinite tasks. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/minyoungkim21/niwmeta}.


文章作者: 木子已
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