Domain Adaptation

2023-06-14 更新

CoCo: A Coupled Contrastive Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Graph Classification

Authors:Nan Yin, Li Shen, Mengzhu Wang, Long Lan, Zeyu Ma, Chong Chen, Xian-Sheng Hua, Xiao Luo

Although graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved impressive achievements in graph classification, they often need abundant task-specific labels, which could be extensively costly to acquire. A credible solution is to explore additional labeled graphs to enhance unsupervised learning on the target domain. However, how to apply GNNs to domain adaptation remains unsolved owing to the insufficient exploration of graph topology and the significant domain discrepancy. In this paper, we propose Coupled Contrastive Graph Representation Learning (CoCo), which extracts the topological information from coupled learning branches and reduces the domain discrepancy with coupled contrastive learning. CoCo contains a graph convolutional network branch and a hierarchical graph kernel network branch, which explore graph topology in implicit and explicit manners. Besides, we incorporate coupled branches into a holistic multi-view contrastive learning framework, which not only incorporates graph representations learned from complementary views for enhanced understanding, but also encourages the similarity between cross-domain example pairs with the same semantics for domain alignment. Extensive experiments on popular datasets show that our CoCo outperforms these competing baselines in different settings generally.


Partial Identifiability for Domain Adaptation

Authors:Lingjing Kong, Shaoan Xie, Weiran Yao, Yujia Zheng, Guangyi Chen, Petar Stojanov, Victor Akinwande, Kun Zhang

Unsupervised domain adaptation is critical to many real-world applications where label information is unavailable in the target domain. In general, without further assumptions, the joint distribution of the features and the label is not identifiable in the target domain. To address this issue, we rely on the property of minimal changes of causal mechanisms across domains to minimize unnecessary influences of distribution shifts. To encode this property, we first formulate the data-generating process using a latent variable model with two partitioned latent subspaces: invariant components whose distributions stay the same across domains and sparse changing components that vary across domains. We further constrain the domain shift to have a restrictive influence on the changing components. Under mild conditions, we show that the latent variables are partially identifiable, from which it follows that the joint distribution of data and labels in the target domain is also identifiable. Given the theoretical insights, we propose a practical domain adaptation framework called iMSDA. Extensive experimental results reveal that iMSDA outperforms state-of-the-art domain adaptation algorithms on benchmark datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of our framework.


Self-Enhancement Improves Text-Image Retrieval in Foundation Visual-Language Models

Authors:Yuguang Yang, Yiming Wang, Shupeng Geng, Runqi Wang, Yimi Wang, Sheng Wu, Baochang Zhang

The emergence of cross-modal foundation models has introduced numerous approaches grounded in text-image retrieval. However, on some domain-specific retrieval tasks, these models fail to focus on the key attributes required. To address this issue, we propose a self-enhancement framework, A^{3}R, based on the CLIP-ViT/G-14, one of the largest cross-modal models. First, we perform an Attribute Augmentation strategy to enrich the textual description for fine-grained representation before model learning. Then, we propose an Adaption Re-ranking method to unify the representation space of textual query and candidate images and re-rank candidate images relying on the adapted query after model learning. The proposed framework is validated to achieve a salient improvement over the baseline and other teams’ solutions in the cross-modal image retrieval track of the 1st foundation model challenge without introducing any additional samples. The code is available at \url{}.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2023 Workshop


Weakly supervised information extraction from inscrutable handwritten document images

Authors:Sujoy Paul, Gagan Madan, Akankshya Mishra, Narayan Hegde, Pradeep Kumar, Gaurav Aggarwal

State-of-the-art information extraction methods are limited by OCR errors. They work well for printed text in form-like documents, but unstructured, handwritten documents still remain a challenge. Adapting existing models to domain-specific training data is quite expensive, because of two factors, 1) limited availability of the domain-specific documents (such as handwritten prescriptions, lab notes, etc.), and 2) annotations become even more challenging as one needs domain-specific knowledge to decode inscrutable handwritten document images. In this work, we focus on the complex problem of extracting medicine names from handwritten prescriptions using only weakly labeled data. The data consists of images along with the list of medicine names in it, but not their location in the image. We solve the problem by first identifying the regions of interest, i.e., medicine lines from just weak labels and then injecting a domain-specific medicine language model learned using only synthetically generated data. Compared to off-the-shelf state-of-the-art methods, our approach performs >2.5x better in medicine names extraction from prescriptions.
PDF Accepted at ICDAR 2023


Coupled Attention Networks for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection

Authors:Feng Xia, Xin Chen, Shuo Yu, Mingliang Hou, Mujie Liu, Linlin You

Multivariate time series anomaly detection (MTAD) plays a vital role in a wide variety of real-world application domains. Over the past few years, MTAD has attracted rapidly increasing attention from both academia and industry. Many deep learning and graph learning models have been developed for effective anomaly detection in multivariate time series data, which enable advanced applications such as smart surveillance and risk management with unprecedented capabilities. Nevertheless, MTAD is facing critical challenges deriving from the dependencies among sensors and variables, which often change over time. To address this issue, we propose a coupled attention-based neural network framework (CAN) for anomaly detection in multivariate time series data featuring dynamic variable relationships. We combine adaptive graph learning methods with graph attention to generate a global-local graph that can represent both global correlations and dynamic local correlations among sensors. To capture inter-sensor relationships and temporal dependencies, a convolutional neural network based on the global-local graph is integrated with a temporal self-attention module to construct a coupled attention module. In addition, we develop a multilevel encoder-decoder architecture that accommodates reconstruction and prediction tasks to better characterize multivariate time series data. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets have been conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed CAN approach, and the results show that CAN significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines.


UOD: Universal One-shot Detection of Anatomical Landmarks

Authors:Heqin Zhu, Quan Quan, Qingsong Yao, Zaiyi Liu, S. kevin Zhou

One-shot medical landmark detection gains much attention and achieves great success for its label-efficient training process. However, existing one-shot learning methods are highly specialized in a single domain and suffer domain preference heavily in the situation of multi-domain unlabeled data. Moreover, one-shot learning is not robust that it faces performance drop when annotating a sub-optimal image. To tackle these issues, we resort to developing a domain-adaptive one-shot landmark detection framework for handling multi-domain medical images, named Universal One-shot Detection (UOD). UOD consists of two stages and two corresponding universal models which are designed as combinations of domain-specific modules and domain-shared modules. In the first stage, a domain-adaptive convolution model is self-supervised learned to generate pseudo landmark labels. In the second stage, we design a domain-adaptive transformer to eliminate domain preference and build the global context for multi-domain data. Even though only one annotated sample from each domain is available for training, the domain-shared modules help UOD aggregate all one-shot samples to detect more robust and accurate landmarks. We investigated both qualitatively and quantitatively the proposed UOD on three widely-used public X-ray datasets in different anatomical domains (i.e., head, hand, chest) and obtained state-of-the-art performances in each domain.
PDF Eealy accepted by MICCAI 2023. 11pages, 4 figures, 2 tables


Taxonomy-Structured Domain Adaptation

Authors:Tianyi Liu, Zihao Xu, Hao He, Guang-Yuan Hao, Guang-He Lee, Hao Wang

Domain adaptation aims to mitigate distribution shifts among different domains. However, traditional formulations are mostly limited to categorical domains, greatly simplifying nuanced domain relationships in the real world. In this work, we tackle a generalization with taxonomy-structured domains, which formalizes domains with nested, hierarchical similarity structures such as animal species and product catalogs. We build on the classic adversarial framework and introduce a novel taxonomist, which competes with the adversarial discriminator to preserve the taxonomy information. The equilibrium recovers the classic adversarial domain adaptation’s solution if given a non-informative domain taxonomy (e.g., a flat taxonomy where all leaf nodes connect to the root node) while yielding non-trivial results with other taxonomies. Empirically, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on both synthetic and real-world datasets with successful adaptation. Code is available at
PDF Accepted by ICML 2023


One-for-All: Generalized LoRA for Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning

Authors:Arnav Chavan, Zhuang Liu, Deepak Gupta, Eric Xing, Zhiqiang Shen

We present Generalized LoRA (GLoRA), an advanced approach for universal parameter-efficient fine-tuning tasks. Enhancing Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), GLoRA employs a generalized prompt module to optimize pre-trained model weights and adjust intermediate activations, providing more flexibility and capability across diverse tasks and datasets. Moreover, GLoRA facilitates efficient parameter adaptation by employing a scalable, modular, layer-wise structure search that learns individual adapter of each layer. Originating from a unified mathematical formulation, GLoRA exhibits strong transfer learning, few-shot learning and domain generalization abilities, as it adjusts to new tasks through additional dimensions on weights and activations. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that GLoRA outperforms all previous methods in natural, specialized, and structured benchmarks, achieving superior accuracy with fewer parameters and computations on various datasets. Furthermore, our structural re-parameterization design ensures that GLoRA incurs no extra inference cost, rendering it a practical solution for resource-limited applications. Code is available at:
PDF Technical report


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