Domain Adaptation

2023-06-09 更新

Towards Source-free Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation via Importance-aware and Prototype-contrast Learning

Authors:Yihong Cao, Hui Zhang, Xiao Lu, Zheng Xiao, Kailun Yang, Yaonan Wang

Domain adaptive semantic segmentation enables robust pixel-wise understanding in real-world driving scenes. Source-free domain adaptation, as a more practical technique, addresses the concerns of data privacy and storage limitations in typical unsupervised domain adaptation methods. It utilizes a well-trained source model and unlabeled target data to achieve adaptation in the target domain. However, in the absence of source data and target labels, current solutions cannot sufficiently reduce the impact of domain shift and fully leverage the information from the target data. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end source-free domain adaptation semantic segmentation method via Importance-Aware and Prototype-Contrast (IAPC) learning. The proposed IAPC framework effectively extracts domain-invariant knowledge from the well-trained source model and learns domain-specific knowledge from the unlabeled target domain. Specifically, considering the problem of domain shift in the prediction of the target domain by the source model, we put forward an importance-aware mechanism for the biased target prediction probability distribution to extract domain-invariant knowledge from the source model. We further introduce a prototype-contrast strategy, which includes a prototype-symmetric cross-entropy loss and a prototype-enhanced cross-entropy loss, to learn target intra-domain knowledge without relying on labels. A comprehensive variety of experiments on two domain adaptive semantic segmentation benchmarks demonstrates that the proposed end-to-end IAPC solution outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Code will be made publicly available at
PDF Code will be made publicly available at


Is Generative Modeling-based Stylization Necessary for Domain Adaptation in Regression Tasks?

Authors:Jinman Park, Francois Barnard, Saad Hossain, Sirisha Rambhatla, Paul Fieguth

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) aims to bridge the gap between source and target domains in the absence of target domain labels using two main techniques: input-level alignment (such as generative modeling and stylization) and feature-level alignment (which matches the distribution of the feature maps, e.g. gradient reversal layers). Motivated from the success of generative modeling for image classification, stylization-based methods were recently proposed for regression tasks, such as pose estimation. However, use of input-level alignment via generative modeling and stylization incur additional overhead and computational complexity which limit their use in real-world DA tasks. To investigate the role of input-level alignment for DA, we ask the following question: Is generative modeling-based stylization necessary for visual domain adaptation in regression? Surprisingly, we find that input-alignment has little effect on regression tasks as compared to classification. Based on these insights, we develop a non-parametric feature-level domain alignment method — Implicit Stylization (ImSty) — which results in consistent improvements over SOTA regression task, without the need for computationally intensive stylization and generative modeling. Our work conducts a critical evaluation of the role of generative modeling and stylization, at a time when these are also gaining popularity for domain generalization.


ViDA: Homeostatic Visual Domain Adapter for Continual Test Time Adaptation

Authors:Jiaming Liu, Senqiao Yang, Peidong Jia, Ming Lu, Yandong Guo, Wei Xue, Shanghang Zhang

Since real-world machine systems are running in non-stationary and continually changing environments, Continual Test-Time Adaptation (CTTA) task is proposed to adapt the pre-trained model to continually changing target domains. Recently, existing methods mainly focus on model-based adaptation, which aims to leverage a self-training manner to extract the target domain knowledge. However, pseudo labels can be noisy and the updated model parameters are uncertain under dynamic data distributions, leading to error accumulation and catastrophic forgetting in the continual adaptation process. To tackle these challenges and maintain the model plasticity, we tactfully design a Visual Domain Adapter (ViDA) for CTTA, explicitly handling both domain-specific and domain-agnostic knowledge. Specifically, we first comprehensively explore the different domain representations of the adapters with trainable high and low-rank embedding space. Then we inject ViDAs into the pre-trained model, which leverages high-rank and low-rank prototypes to adapt the current domain distribution and maintain the continual domain-shared knowledge, respectively. To adapt to the various distribution shifts of each sample in target domains, we further propose a Homeostatic Knowledge Allotment (HKA) strategy, which adaptively merges knowledge from each ViDA with different rank prototypes. Extensive experiments conducted on four widely-used benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance in both classification and segmentation CTTA tasks. In addition, our method can be regarded as a novel transfer paradigm and showcases promising results in zero-shot adaptation of foundation models to continual downstream tasks and distributions.


SF-FSDA: Source-Free Few-Shot Domain Adaptive Object Detection with Efficient Labeled Data Factory

Authors:Han Sun, Rui Gong, Konrad Schindler, Luc Van Gool

Domain adaptive object detection aims to leverage the knowledge learned from a labeled source domain to improve the performance on an unlabeled target domain. Prior works typically require the access to the source domain data for adaptation, and the availability of sufficient data on the target domain. However, these assumptions may not hold due to data privacy and rare data collection. In this paper, we propose and investigate a more practical and challenging domain adaptive object detection problem under both source-free and few-shot conditions, named as SF-FSDA. To overcome this problem, we develop an efficient labeled data factory based approach. Without accessing the source domain, the data factory renders i) infinite amount of synthesized target-domain like images, under the guidance of the few-shot image samples and text description from the target domain; ii) corresponding bounding box and category annotations, only demanding minimum human effort, i.e., a few manually labeled examples. On the one hand, the synthesized images mitigate the knowledge insufficiency brought by the few-shot condition. On the other hand, compared to the popular pseudo-label technique, the generated annotations from data factory not only get rid of the reliance on the source pretrained object detection model, but also alleviate the unavoidably pseudo-label noise due to domain shift and source-free condition. The generated dataset is further utilized to adapt the source pretrained object detection model, realizing the robust object detection under SF-FSDA. The experiments on different settings showcase that our proposed approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods on SF-FSDA problem. Our codes and models will be made publicly available.


Improving Diffusion-based Image Translation using Asymmetric Gradient Guidance

Authors:Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye

Diffusion models have shown significant progress in image translation tasks recently. However, due to their stochastic nature, there’s often a trade-off between style transformation and content preservation. Current strategies aim to disentangle style and content, preserving the source image’s structure while successfully transitioning from a source to a target domain under text or one-shot image conditions. Yet, these methods often require computationally intense fine-tuning of diffusion models or additional neural networks. To address these challenges, here we present an approach that guides the reverse process of diffusion sampling by applying asymmetric gradient guidance. This results in quicker and more stable image manipulation for both text-guided and image-guided image translation. Our model’s adaptability allows it to be implemented with both image- and latent-diffusion models. Experiments show that our method outperforms various state-of-the-art models in image translation tasks.


MarineVRS: Marine Video Retrieval System with Explainability via Semantic Understanding

Authors:Tan-Sang Ha, Hai Nguyen-Truong, Tuan-Anh Vu, Sai-Kit Yeung

Building a video retrieval system that is robust and reliable, especially for the marine environment, is a challenging task due to several factors such as dealing with massive amounts of dense and repetitive data, occlusion, blurriness, low lighting conditions, and abstract queries. To address these challenges, we present MarineVRS, a novel and flexible video retrieval system designed explicitly for the marine domain. MarineVRS integrates state-of-the-art methods for visual and linguistic object representation to enable efficient and accurate search and analysis of vast volumes of underwater video data. In addition, unlike the conventional video retrieval system, which only permits users to index a collection of images or videos and search using a free-form natural language sentence, our retrieval system includes an additional Explainability module that outputs the segmentation masks of the objects that the input query referred to. This feature allows users to identify and isolate specific objects in the video footage, leading to more detailed analysis and understanding of their behavior and movements. Finally, with its adaptability, explainability, accuracy, and scalability, MarineVRS is a powerful tool for marine researchers and scientists to efficiently and accurately process vast amounts of data and gain deeper insights into the behavior and movements of marine species.
PDF Accepted to OCEANS 2023 Limerick. Website:


Revisiting Out-of-distribution Robustness in NLP: Benchmark, Analysis, and LLMs Evaluations

Authors:Lifan Yuan, Yangyi Chen, Ganqu Cui, Hongcheng Gao, Fangyuan Zou, Xingyi Cheng, Heng Ji, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

This paper reexamines the research on out-of-distribution (OOD) robustness in the field of NLP. We find that the distribution shift settings in previous studies commonly lack adequate challenges, hindering the accurate evaluation of OOD robustness. To address these issues, we propose a benchmark construction protocol that ensures clear differentiation and challenging distribution shifts. Then we introduce BOSS, a Benchmark suite for Out-of-distribution robustneSS evaluation covering 5 tasks and 20 datasets. Based on BOSS, we conduct a series of experiments on pre-trained language models for analysis and evaluation of OOD robustness. First, for vanilla fine-tuning, we examine the relationship between in-distribution (ID) and OOD performance. We identify three typical types that unveil the inner learning mechanism, which could potentially facilitate the forecasting of OOD robustness, correlating with the advancements on ID datasets. Then, we evaluate 5 classic methods on BOSS and find that, despite exhibiting some effectiveness in specific cases, they do not offer significant improvement compared to vanilla fine-tuning. Further, we evaluate 5 LLMs with various adaptation paradigms and find that when sufficient ID data is available, fine-tuning domain-specific models outperform LLMs on ID examples significantly. However, in the case of OOD instances, prioritizing LLMs with in-context learning yields better results. We identify that both fine-tuned small models and LLMs face challenges in effectively addressing downstream tasks. The code is public at \url{}.
PDF Code is available at \url{}


Prompter: Zero-shot Adaptive Prefixes for Dialogue State Tracking Domain Adaptation

Authors:Taha Aksu, Min-Yen Kan, Nancy F. Chen

A challenge in the Dialogue State Tracking (DST) field is adapting models to new domains without using any supervised data, zero-shot domain adaptation. Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning (PETL) has the potential to address this problem due to its robustness. However, it has yet to be applied to the zero-shot scenarios, as it is not clear how to apply it unsupervisedly. Our method, Prompter, uses descriptions of target domain slots to generate dynamic prefixes that are concatenated to the key and values at each layer’s self-attention mechanism. This allows for the use of prefix-tuning in zero-shot. Prompter outperforms previous methods on both the MultiWOZ and SGD benchmarks. In generating prefixes, our analyses find that Prompter not only utilizes the semantics of slot descriptions but also how often the slots appear together in conversation. Moreover, Prompter’s gains are due to its improved ability to distinguish “none”-valued dialogue slots, compared against baselines.
PDF Accepted to ACL 2023


Unsupervised Cross-Domain Soft Sensor Modelling via A Deep Bayesian Particle Flow Framework

Authors:Junn Yong Loo, Ze Yang Ding, Surya G. Nurzaman, Chee-Ming Ting, Vishnu Monn Baskaran, Chee Pin Tan

Data-driven soft sensors are essential for achieving accurate perception through reliable state inference. However, developing representative soft sensor models is challenged by issues such as missing labels, domain adaptability, and temporal coherence in data. To address these challenges, we propose a deep Particle Flow Bayes (DPFB) framework for cross-domain soft sensor modeling in the absence of target state labels. In particular, a sequential Bayes objective is first formulated to perform the maximum likelihood estimation underlying the cross-domain soft sensing problem. At the core of the framework, we incorporate a physics-inspired particle flow that optimizes the sequential Bayes objective to perform an exact Bayes update of the model extracted latent and hidden features. As a result, these contributions enable the proposed framework to learn a cohesive approximate posterior feature representation capable of characterizing complex cross-domain system dynamics and performing effective time series unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). Finally, we validate the framework on a complex industrial multiphase flow process system with complex dynamics and multiple operating conditions. The results demonstrate that the DPFB framework achieves superior unsupervised cross-domain soft sensing performance, outperforming state-of-the-art deep UDA and normalizing flow approaches.


CoCo: A Coupled Contrastive Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Graph Classification

Authors:Nan Yin, Li Shen, Mengzhu Wang, Long Lan, Zeyu Ma, Chong Chen, Xian-Sheng Hua, Xiao Luo

Although graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved impressive achievements in graph classification, they often need abundant task-specific labels, which could be extensively costly to acquire. A credible solution is to explore additional labeled graphs to enhance unsupervised learning on the target domain. However, how to apply GNNs to domain adaptation remains unsolved owing to the insufficient exploration of graph topology and the significant domain discrepancy. In this paper, we propose \underline{Co}upled \underline{Co}ntrastive Graph Representation Learning (\method{}), which extracts the topological information from coupled learning branches and reduces the domain discrepancy with coupled contrastive learning. \method{} contains a graph convolutional network branch and a hierarchical graph kernel network branch, which explore graph topology in implicit and explicit manners. Besides, we incorporate coupled branches into a holistic multi-view contrastive learning framework, which not only incorporates graph representations learned from complementary views for enhanced understanding, but also encourages the similarity between cross-domain example pairs with the same semantics for domain alignment. Extensive experiments on various popular datasets show that \method{} outperforms these competing baselines by 5.7\% to 21.0\% generally.


Devil is in Channels: Contrastive Single Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors:Shishuai Hu, Zehui Liao, Yong Xia

Deep learning-based medical image segmentation models suffer from performance degradation when deployed to a new healthcare center. To address this issue, unsupervised domain adaptation and multi-source domain generalization methods have been proposed, which, however, are less favorable for clinical practice due to the cost of acquiring target-domain data and the privacy concerns associated with redistributing the data from multiple source domains. In this paper, we propose a \textbf{C}hannel-level \textbf{C}ontrastive \textbf{S}ingle \textbf{D}omain \textbf{G}eneralization (\textbf{C$^2$SDG}) model for medical image segmentation. In C$^2$SDG, the shallower features of each image and its style-augmented counterpart are extracted and used for contrastive training, resulting in the disentangled style representations and structure representations. The segmentation is performed based solely on the structure representations. Our method is novel in the contrastive perspective that enables channel-wise feature disentanglement using a single source domain. We evaluated C$^2$SDG against six SDG methods on a multi-domain joint optic cup and optic disc segmentation benchmark. Our results suggest the effectiveness of each module in C$^2$SDG and also indicate that C$^2$SDG outperforms the baseline and all competing methods with a large margin. The code will be available at \url{}.
PDF 12 pages, 5 figures


KIT’s Multilingual Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2023

Authors:Danni Liu, Thai Binh Nguyen, Sai Koneru, Enes Yavuz Ugan, Ngoc-Quan Pham, Tuan-Nam Nguyen, Tu Anh Dinh, Carlos Mullov, Alexander Waibel, Jan Niehues

Many existing speech translation benchmarks focus on native-English speech in high-quality recording conditions, which often do not match the conditions in real-life use-cases. In this paper, we describe our speech translation system for the multilingual track of IWSLT 2023, which focuses on the translation of scientific conference talks. The test condition features accented input speech and terminology-dense contents. The tasks requires translation into 10 languages of varying amounts of resources. In absence of training data from the target domain, we use a retrieval-based approach (kNN-MT) for effective adaptation (+0.8 BLEU for speech translation). We also use adapters to easily integrate incremental training data from data augmentation, and show that it matches the performance of re-training. We observe that cascaded systems are more easily adaptable towards specific target domains, due to their separate modules. Our cascaded speech system substantially outperforms its end-to-end counterpart on scientific talk translation, although their performance remains similar on TED talks.


Mixture-of-Domain-Adapters: Decoupling and Injecting Domain Knowledge to Pre-trained Language Models Memories

Authors:Shizhe Diao, Tianyang Xu, Ruijia Xu, Jiawei Wang, Tong Zhang

Pre-trained language models (PLMs) demonstrate excellent abilities to understand texts in the generic domain while struggling in a specific domain. Although continued pre-training on a large domain-specific corpus is effective, it is costly to tune all the parameters on the domain. In this paper, we investigate whether we can adapt PLMs both effectively and efficiently by only tuning a few parameters. Specifically, we decouple the feed-forward networks (FFNs) of the Transformer architecture into two parts: the original pre-trained FFNs to maintain the old-domain knowledge and our novel domain-specific adapters to inject domain-specific knowledge in parallel. Then we adopt a mixture-of-adapters gate to fuse the knowledge from different domain adapters dynamically. Our proposed Mixture-of-Domain-Adapters (MixDA) employs a two-stage adapter-tuning strategy that leverages both unlabeled data and labeled data to help the domain adaptation: i) domain-specific adapter on unlabeled data; followed by ii) the task-specific adapter on labeled data. MixDA can be seamlessly plugged into the pretraining-finetuning paradigm and our experiments demonstrate that MixDA achieves superior performance on in-domain tasks (GLUE), out-of-domain tasks (ChemProt, RCT, IMDB, Amazon), and knowledge-intensive tasks (KILT). Further analyses demonstrate the reliability, scalability, and efficiency of our method. The code is available at
PDF ACL 2023


Background Prompting for Improved Object Depth

Authors:Manel Baradad, Yuanzhen Li, Forrester Cole, Michael Rubinstein, Antonio Torralba, William T. Freeman, Varun Jampani

Estimating the depth of objects from a single image is a valuable task for many vision, robotics, and graphics applications. However, current methods often fail to produce accurate depth for objects in diverse scenes. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective Background Prompting strategy that adapts the input object image with a learned background. We learn the background prompts only using small-scale synthetic object datasets. To infer object depth on a real image, we place the segmented object into the learned background prompt and run off-the-shelf depth networks. Background Prompting helps the depth networks focus on the foreground object, as they are made invariant to background variations. Moreover, Background Prompting minimizes the domain gap between synthetic and real object images, leading to better sim2real generalization than simple finetuning. Results on multiple synthetic and real datasets demonstrate consistent improvements in real object depths for a variety of existing depth networks. Code and optimized background prompts can be found at:


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