
2023-06-01 更新

Exploiting Explainability to Design Adversarial Attacks and Evaluate Attack Resilience in Hate-Speech Detection Models

Authors:Pranath Reddy Kumbam, Sohaib Uddin Syed, Prashanth Thamminedi, Suhas Harish, Ian Perera, Bonnie J. Dorr

The advent of social media has given rise to numerous ethical challenges, with hate speech among the most significant concerns. Researchers are attempting to tackle this problem by leveraging hate-speech detection and employing language models to automatically moderate content and promote civil discourse. Unfortunately, recent studies have revealed that hate-speech detection systems can be misled by adversarial attacks, raising concerns about their resilience. While previous research has separately addressed the robustness of these models under adversarial attacks and their interpretability, there has been no comprehensive study exploring their intersection. The novelty of our work lies in combining these two critical aspects, leveraging interpretability to identify potential vulnerabilities and enabling the design of targeted adversarial attacks. We present a comprehensive and comparative analysis of adversarial robustness exhibited by various hate-speech detection models. Our study evaluates the resilience of these models against adversarial attacks using explainability techniques. To gain insights into the models’ decision-making processes, we employ the Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME) framework. Based on the explainability results obtained by LIME, we devise and execute targeted attacks on the text by leveraging the TextAttack tool. Our findings enhance the understanding of the vulnerabilities and strengths exhibited by state-of-the-art hate-speech detection models. This work underscores the importance of incorporating explainability in the development and evaluation of such models to enhance their resilience against adversarial attacks. Ultimately, this work paves the way for creating more robust and reliable hate-speech detection systems, fostering safer online environments and promoting ethical discourse on social media platforms.


Transforming the Embeddings: A Lightweight Technique for Speech Emotion Recognition Tasks

Authors:Orchid Chetia Phukan, Arun Balaji Buduru, Rajesh Sharma

Speech emotion recognition (SER) is a field that has drawn a lot of attention due to its applications in diverse fields. A current trend in methods used for SER is to leverage embeddings from pre-trained models (PTMs) as input features to downstream models. However, the use of embeddings from speaker recognition PTMs hasn’t garnered much focus in comparison to other PTM embeddings. To fill this gap and in order to understand the efficacy of speaker recognition PTM embeddings, we perform a comparative analysis of five PTM embeddings. Among all, x-vector embeddings performed the best possibly due to its training for speaker recognition leading to capturing various components of speech such as tone, pitch, etc. Our modeling approach which utilizes x-vector embeddings and mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) as input features is the most lightweight approach while achieving comparable accuracy to previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods in the CREMA-D benchmark.
PDF Accepted to Interspeech 2023


Adapting Multi-Lingual ASR Models for Handling Multiple Talkers

Authors:Chenda Li, Yao Qian, Zhuo Chen, Naoyuki Kanda, Dongmei Wang, Takuya Yoshioka, Yanmin Qian, Michael Zeng

State-of-the-art large-scale universal speech models (USMs) show a decent automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance across multiple domains and languages. However, it remains a challenge for these models to recognize overlapped speech, which is often seen in meeting conversations. We propose an approach to adapt USMs for multi-talker ASR. We first develop an enhanced version of serialized output training to jointly perform multi-talker ASR and utterance timestamp prediction. That is, we predict the ASR hypotheses for all speakers, count the speakers, and estimate the utterance timestamps at the same time. We further introduce a lightweight adapter module to maintain the multilingual property of the USMs even when we perform the adaptation with only a single language. Experimental results obtained using the AMI and AliMeeting corpora show that our proposed approach effectively transfers the USMs to a strong multilingual multi-talker ASR model with timestamp prediction capability.
PDF Accepted by Interspeech 2023


STT4SG-350: A Speech Corpus for All Swiss German Dialect Regions

Authors:Michel Plüss, Jan Deriu, Yanick Schraner, Claudio Paonessa, Julia Hartmann, Larissa Schmidt, Christian Scheller, Manuela Hürlimann, Tanja Samardžić, Manfred Vogel, Mark Cieliebak

We present STT4SG-350 (Speech-to-Text for Swiss German), a corpus of Swiss German speech, annotated with Standard German text at the sentence level. The data is collected using a web app in which the speakers are shown Standard German sentences, which they translate to Swiss German and record. We make the corpus publicly available. It contains 343 hours of speech from all dialect regions and is the largest public speech corpus for Swiss German to date. Application areas include automatic speech recognition (ASR), text-to-speech, dialect identification, and speaker recognition. Dialect information, age group, and gender of the 316 speakers are provided. Genders are equally represented and the corpus includes speakers of all ages. Roughly the same amount of speech is provided per dialect region, which makes the corpus ideally suited for experiments with speech technology for different dialects. We provide training, validation, and test splits of the data. The test set consists of the same spoken sentences for each dialect region and allows a fair evaluation of the quality of speech technologies in different dialects. We train an ASR model on the training set and achieve an average BLEU score of 74.7 on the test set. The model beats the best published BLEU scores on 2 other Swiss German ASR test sets, demonstrating the quality of the corpus.


Perception and Semantic Aware Regularization for Sequential Confidence Calibration

Authors:Zhenghua Peng, Yu Luo, Tianshui Chen, Keke Xu, Shuangping Huang

Deep sequence recognition (DSR) models receive increasing attention due to their superior application to various applications. Most DSR models use merely the target sequences as supervision without considering other related sequences, leading to over-confidence in their predictions. The DSR models trained with label smoothing regularize labels by equally and independently smoothing each token, reallocating a small value to other tokens for mitigating overconfidence. However, they do not consider tokens/sequences correlations that may provide more effective information to regularize training and thus lead to sub-optimal performance. In this work, we find tokens/sequences with high perception and semantic correlations with the target ones contain more correlated and effective information and thus facilitate more effective regularization. To this end, we propose a Perception and Semantic aware Sequence Regularization framework, which explore perceptively and semantically correlated tokens/sequences as regularization. Specifically, we introduce a semantic context-free recognition and a language model to acquire similar sequences with high perceptive similarities and semantic correlation, respectively. Moreover, over-confidence degree varies across samples according to their difficulties. Thus, we further design an adaptive calibration intensity module to compute a difficulty score for each samples to obtain finer-grained regularization. Extensive experiments on canonical sequence recognition tasks, including scene text and speech recognition, demonstrate that our method sets novel state-of-the-art results. Code is available at https://github.com/husterpzh/PSSR.


Accurate and Structured Pruning for Efficient Automatic Speech Recognition

Authors:Huiqiang Jiang, Li Lyna Zhang, Yuang Li, Yu Wu, Shijie Cao, Ting Cao, Yuqing Yang, Jinyu Li, Mao Yang, Lili Qiu

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has seen remarkable advancements with deep neural networks, such as Transformer and Conformer. However, these models typically have large model sizes and high inference costs, posing a challenge to deploy on resource-limited devices. In this paper, we propose a novel compression strategy that leverages structured pruning and knowledge distillation to reduce the model size and inference cost of the Conformer model while preserving high recognition performance. Our approach utilizes a set of binary masks to indicate whether to retain or prune each Conformer module, and employs L0 regularization to learn the optimal mask values. To further enhance pruning performance, we use a layerwise distillation strategy to transfer knowledge from unpruned to pruned models. Our method outperforms all pruning baselines on the widely used LibriSpeech benchmark, achieving a 50% reduction in model size and a 28% reduction in inference cost with minimal performance loss.
PDF Accepted at INTERSPEECH 2023


Simple yet Effective Code-Switching Language Identification with Multitask Pre-Training and Transfer Learning

Authors:Shuyue Stella Li, Cihan Xiao, Tianjian Li, Bismarck Odoom

Code-switching, also called code-mixing, is the linguistics phenomenon where in casual settings, multilingual speakers mix words from different languages in one utterance. Due to its spontaneous nature, code-switching is extremely low-resource, which makes it a challenging problem for language and speech processing tasks. In such contexts, Code-Switching Language Identification (CSLID) becomes a difficult but necessary task if we want to maximally leverage existing monolingual tools for other tasks. In this work, we propose two novel approaches toward improving language identification accuracy on an English-Mandarin child-directed speech dataset. Our methods include a stacked Residual CNN+GRU model and a multitask pre-training approach to use Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) as an auxiliary task for CSLID. Due to the low-resource nature of code-switching, we also employ careful silver data creation using monolingual corpora in both languages and up-sampling as data augmentation. We focus on English-Mandarin code-switched data, but our method works on any language pair. Our best model achieves a balanced accuracy of 0.781 on a real English-Mandarin code-switching child-directed speech corpus and outperforms the previous baseline by 55.3%.
PDF 8 pages, 3 figures, 7 tables


A Global Context Mechanism for Sequence Labeling

Authors:Conglei Xu, Kun Shen, Hongguang Sun

Sequential labeling tasks necessitate the computation of sentence representations for each word within a given sentence. With the advent of advanced pretrained language models; one common approach involves incorporating a BiLSTM layer to bolster the sequence structure information at the output level. Nevertheless, it has been empirically demonstrated (P.-H. Li et al., 2020) that the potential of BiLSTM for generating sentence representations for sequence labeling tasks is constrained, primarily due to the amalgamation of fragments form past and future sentence representations to form a complete sentence representation. In this study, we discovered that strategically integrating the whole sentence representation, which existing in the first cell and last cell of BiLSTM, into sentence representation of ecah cell, could markedly enhance the F1 score and accuracy. Using BERT embedded within BiLSTM as illustration, we conducted exhaustive experiments on nine datasets for sequence labeling tasks, encompassing named entity recognition (NER), part of speech (POS) tagging and End-to-End Aspect-Based sentiment analysis (E2E-ABSA). We noted significant improvements in F1 scores and accuracy across all examined datasets .


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