Domain Adaptation

2023-06-01 更新

Conditional Support Alignment for Domain Adaptation with Label Shift

Authors:Anh T Nguyen, Lam Tran, Anh Tong, Tuan-Duy H. Nguyen, Toan Tran

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) refers to a domain adaptation framework in which a learning model is trained based on the labeled samples on the source domain and unlabelled ones in the target domain. The dominant existing methods in the field that rely on the classical covariate shift assumption to learn domain-invariant feature representation have yielded suboptimal performance under the label distribution shift between source and target domains. In this paper, we propose a novel conditional adversarial support alignment (CASA) whose aim is to minimize the conditional symmetric support divergence between the source’s and target domain’s feature representation distributions, aiming at a more helpful representation for the classification task. We also introduce a novel theoretical target risk bound, which justifies the merits of aligning the supports of conditional feature distributions compared to the existing marginal support alignment approach in the UDA settings. We then provide a complete training process for learning in which the objective optimization functions are precisely based on the proposed target risk bound. Our empirical results demonstrate that CASA outperforms other state-of-the-art methods on different UDA benchmark tasks under label shift conditions.


Adapting Multi-Lingual ASR Models for Handling Multiple Talkers

Authors:Chenda Li, Yao Qian, Zhuo Chen, Naoyuki Kanda, Dongmei Wang, Takuya Yoshioka, Yanmin Qian, Michael Zeng

State-of-the-art large-scale universal speech models (USMs) show a decent automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance across multiple domains and languages. However, it remains a challenge for these models to recognize overlapped speech, which is often seen in meeting conversations. We propose an approach to adapt USMs for multi-talker ASR. We first develop an enhanced version of serialized output training to jointly perform multi-talker ASR and utterance timestamp prediction. That is, we predict the ASR hypotheses for all speakers, count the speakers, and estimate the utterance timestamps at the same time. We further introduce a lightweight adapter module to maintain the multilingual property of the USMs even when we perform the adaptation with only a single language. Experimental results obtained using the AMI and AliMeeting corpora show that our proposed approach effectively transfers the USMs to a strong multilingual multi-talker ASR model with timestamp prediction capability.
PDF Accepted by Interspeech 2023


DEPLAIN: A German Parallel Corpus with Intralingual Translations into Plain Language for Sentence and Document Simplification

Authors:Regina Stodden, Omar Momen, Laura Kallmeyer

Text simplification is an intralingual translation task in which documents, or sentences of a complex source text are simplified for a target audience. The success of automatic text simplification systems is highly dependent on the quality of parallel data used for training and evaluation. To advance sentence simplification and document simplification in German, this paper presents DEplain, a new dataset of parallel, professionally written and manually aligned simplifications in plain German (“plain DE” or in German: “Einfache Sprache”). DEplain consists of a news domain (approx. 500 document pairs, approx. 13k sentence pairs) and a web-domain corpus (approx. 150 aligned documents, approx. 2k aligned sentence pairs). In addition, we are building a web harvester and experimenting with automatic alignment methods to facilitate the integration of non-aligned and to be published parallel documents. Using this approach, we are dynamically increasing the web domain corpus, so it is currently extended to approx. 750 document pairs and approx. 3.5k aligned sentence pairs. We show that using DEplain to train a transformer-based seq2seq text simplification model can achieve promising results. We make available the corpus, the adapted alignment methods for German, the web harvester and the trained models here:
PDF Accepted to ACL 2023


A Recipe for Efficient SBIR Models: Combining Relative Triplet Loss with Batch Normalization and Knowledge Distillation

Authors:Omar Seddati, Nathan Hubens, Stéphane Dupont, Thierry Dutoit

Sketch-Based Image Retrieval (SBIR) is a crucial task in multimedia retrieval, where the goal is to retrieve a set of images that match a given sketch query. Researchers have already proposed several well-performing solutions for this task, but most focus on enhancing embedding through different approaches such as triplet loss, quadruplet loss, adding data augmentation, and using edge extraction. In this work, we tackle the problem from various angles. We start by examining the training data quality and show some of its limitations. Then, we introduce a Relative Triplet Loss (RTL), an adapted triplet loss to overcome those limitations through loss weighting based on anchors similarity. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate that replacing a triplet loss with RTL outperforms previous state-of-the-art without the need for any data augmentation. In addition, we demonstrate why batch normalization is more suited for SBIR embeddings than l2-normalization and show that it improves significantly the performance of our models. We further investigate the capacity of models required for the photo and sketch domains and demonstrate that the photo encoder requires a higher capacity than the sketch encoder, which validates the hypothesis formulated in [34]. Then, we propose a straightforward approach to train small models, such as ShuffleNetv2 [22] efficiently with a marginal loss of accuracy through knowledge distillation. The same approach used with larger models enabled us to outperform previous state-of-the-art results and achieve a recall of 62.38% at k = 1 on The Sketchy Database [30].


文章作者: 木子已
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