I2I Translation

2023-05-30 更新

BIG-C: a Multimodal Multi-Purpose Dataset for Bemba

Authors:Claytone Sikasote, Eunice Mukonde, Md Mahfuz Ibn Alam, Antonios Anastasopoulos

We present BIG-C (Bemba Image Grounded Conversations), a large multimodal dataset for Bemba. While Bemba is the most populous language of Zambia, it exhibits a dearth of resources which render the development of language technologies or language processing research almost impossible. The dataset is comprised of multi-turn dialogues between Bemba speakers based on images, transcribed and translated into English. There are more than 92,000 utterances/sentences, amounting to more than 180 hours of audio data with corresponding transcriptions and English translations. We also provide baselines on speech recognition (ASR), machine translation (MT) and speech translation (ST) tasks, and sketch out other potential future multimodal uses of our dataset. We hope that by making the dataset available to the research community, this work will foster research and encourage collaboration across the language, speech, and vision communities especially for languages outside the “traditionally” used high-resourced ones. All data and code are publicly available: https://github.com/csikasote/bigc.
PDF accepted to ACL 2023


Generating Images with Multimodal Language Models

Authors:Jing Yu Koh, Daniel Fried, Ruslan Salakhutdinov

We propose a method to fuse frozen text-only large language models (LLMs) with pre-trained image encoder and decoder models, by mapping between their embedding spaces. Our model demonstrates a wide suite of multimodal capabilities: image retrieval, novel image generation, and multimodal dialogue. Ours is the first approach capable of conditioning on arbitrarily interleaved image and text inputs to generate coherent image (and text) outputs. To achieve strong performance on image generation, we propose an efficient mapping network to ground the LLM to an off-the-shelf text-to-image generation model. This mapping network translates hidden representations of text into the embedding space of the visual models, enabling us to leverage the strong text representations of the LLM for visual outputs. Our approach outperforms baseline generation models on tasks with longer and more complex language. In addition to novel image generation, our model is also capable of image retrieval from a prespecified dataset, and decides whether to retrieve or generate at inference time. This is done with a learnt decision module which conditions on the hidden representations of the LLM. Our model exhibits a wider range of capabilities compared to prior multimodal language models. It can process image-and-text inputs, and produce retrieved images, generated images, and generated text — outperforming non-LLM based generation models across several text-to-image tasks that measure context dependence.
PDF Project page: http://jykoh.com/gill


Conditional Score Guidance for Text-Driven Image-to-Image Translation

Authors:Hyunsoo Lee, Minsoo Kang, Bohyung Han

We present a novel algorithm for text-driven image-to-image translation based on a pretrained text-to-image diffusion model. Our method aims to generate a target image by selectively editing the regions of interest in a source image, defined by a modifying text, while preserving the remaining parts. In contrast to existing techniques that solely rely on a target prompt, we introduce a new score function, which considers both a source prompt and a source image, tailored to address specific translation tasks. To this end, we derive the conditional score function in a principled manner, decomposing it into a standard score and a guiding term for target image generation. For the gradient computation, we adopt a Gaussian distribution of the posterior distribution, estimating its mean and variance without requiring additional training. In addition, to enhance the conditional score guidance, we incorporate a simple yet effective mixup method. This method combines two cross-attention maps derived from the source and target latents, promoting the generation of the target image by a desirable fusion of the original parts in the source image and the edited regions aligned with the target prompt. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate that our approach achieves outstanding image-to-image translation performance on various tasks.


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