Vision Transformer

2023-05-26 更新

Multi-Prompt with Depth Partitioned Cross-Modal Learning

Authors:Yiqi Wang, Xianda Guo, Zheng Zhu, Yingjie Tian

In recent years, soft prompt learning methods have been proposed to fine-tune large-scale vision-language pre-trained models for various downstream tasks. These methods typically combine learnable textual tokens with class tokens as input for models with frozen parameters. However, they often employ a single prompt to describe class contexts, failing to capture categories’ diverse attributes adequately. This study introduces the Partitioned Multi-modal Prompt (PMPO), a multi-modal prompting technique that extends the soft prompt from a single learnable prompt to multiple prompts. Our method divides the visual encoder depths and connects learnable prompts to the separated visual depths, enabling different prompts to capture the hierarchical contextual depths of visual representations. Furthermore, to maximize the advantages of multi-prompt learning, we incorporate prior information from manually designed templates and learnable multi-prompts, thus improving the generalization capabilities of our approach. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on three challenging tasks: new class generalization, cross-dataset evaluation, and domain generalization. For instance, our method achieves a $79.28$ harmonic mean, averaged over 11 diverse image recognition datasets ($+7.62$ compared to CoOp), demonstrating significant competitiveness compared to state-of-the-art prompting methods.


DiffCLIP: Leveraging Stable Diffusion for Language Grounded 3D Classification

Authors:Sitian Shen, Zilin Zhu, Linqian Fan, Harry Zhang, Xinxiao Wu

Large pre-trained models have had a significant impact on computer vision by enabling multi-modal learning, where the CLIP model has achieved impressive results in image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. However, the model’s performance on 3D point cloud processing tasks is limited due to the domain gap between depth maps from 3D projection and training images of CLIP. This paper proposes DiffCLIP, a new pre-training framework that incorporates stable diffusion with ControlNet to minimize the domain gap in the visual branch. Additionally, a style-prompt generation module is introduced for few-shot tasks in the textual branch. Extensive experiments on the ModelNet10, ModelNet40, and ScanObjectNN datasets show that DiffCLIP has strong abilities for 3D understanding. By using stable diffusion and style-prompt generation, DiffCLIP achieves an accuracy of 43.2\% for zero-shot classification on OBJ_BG of ScanObjectNN, which is state-of-the-art performance, and an accuracy of 80.6\% for zero-shot classification on ModelNet10, which is comparable to state-of-the-art performance.


GenerateCT: Text-Guided 3D Chest CT Generation

Authors:Ibrahim Ethem Hamamci, Sezgin Er, Enis Simsar, Alperen Tezcan, Ayse Gulnihan Simsek, Furkan Almas, Sevval Nil Esirgun, Hadrien Reynaud, Sarthak Pati, Christian Bluethgen, Bjoern Menze

Generative modeling has experienced substantial progress in recent years, particularly in text-to-image and text-to-video synthesis. However, the medical field has not yet fully exploited the potential of large-scale foundational models for synthetic data generation. In this paper, we introduce GenerateCT, the first method for text-conditional computed tomography (CT) generation, addressing the limitations in 3D medical imaging research and making our entire framework open-source. GenerateCT consists of a pre-trained large language model, a transformer-based text-conditional 3D chest CT generation architecture, and a text-conditional spatial super-resolution diffusion model. We also propose CT-ViT, which efficiently compresses CT volumes while preserving auto-regressiveness in-depth, enabling the generation of 3D CT volumes with variable numbers of axial slices. Our experiments demonstrate that GenerateCT can produce realistic, high-resolution, and high-fidelity 3D chest CT volumes consistent with medical language text prompts. We further investigate the potential of GenerateCT by training a model using generated CT volumes for multi-abnormality classification of chest CT volumes. Our contributions provide a valuable foundation for future research in text-conditional 3D medical image generation and have the potential to accelerate advancements in medical imaging research. Our code, pre-trained models, and generated data are available at


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