2023-05-25 更新

Adversarially-Guided Portrait Matting

Authors:Sergej Chicherin, Karen Efremyan

We present a method for generating alpha mattes using a limited data source. We pretrain a novel transformerbased model (StyleMatte) on portrait datasets. We utilize this model to provide image-mask pairs for the StyleGAN3-based network (StyleMatteGAN). This network is trained unsupervisedly and generates previously unseen imagemask training pairs that are fed back to StyleMatte. We demonstrate that the performance of the matte pulling network improves during this cycle and obtains top results on the human portraits and state-of-the-art metrics on animals dataset. Furthermore, StyleMatteGAN provides high-resolution, privacy-preserving portraits with alpha mattes, making it suitable for various image composition tasks. Our code is available at


Learning Pose Image Manifolds Using Geometry-Preserving GANs and Elasticae

Authors:Shenyuan Liang, Pavan Turaga, Anuj Srivastava

This paper investigates the challenge of learning image manifolds, specifically pose manifolds, of 3D objects using limited training data. It proposes a DNN approach to manifold learning and for predicting images of objects for novel, continuous 3D rotations. The approach uses two distinct concepts: (1) Geometric Style-GAN (Geom-SGAN), which maps images to low-dimensional latent representations and maintains the (first-order) manifold geometry. That is, it seeks to preserve the pairwise distances between base points and their tangent spaces, and (2) uses Euler’s elastica to smoothly interpolate between directed points (points + tangent directions) in the low-dimensional latent space. When mapped back to the larger image space, the resulting interpolations resemble videos of rotating objects. Extensive experiments establish the superiority of this framework in learning paths on rotation manifolds, both visually and quantitatively, relative to state-of-the-art GANs and VAEs.


Progressive Learning of 3D Reconstruction Network from 2D GAN Data

Authors:Aysegul Dundar, Jun Gao, Andrew Tao, Bryan Catanzaro

This paper presents a method to reconstruct high-quality textured 3D models from single images. Current methods rely on datasets with expensive annotations; multi-view images and their camera parameters. Our method relies on GAN generated multi-view image datasets which have a negligible annotation cost. However, they are not strictly multi-view consistent and sometimes GANs output distorted images. This results in degraded reconstruction qualities. In this work, to overcome these limitations of generated datasets, we have two main contributions which lead us to achieve state-of-the-art results on challenging objects: 1) A robust multi-stage learning scheme that gradually relies more on the models own predictions when calculating losses, 2) A novel adversarial learning pipeline with online pseudo-ground truth generations to achieve fine details. Our work provides a bridge from 2D supervisions of GAN models to 3D reconstruction models and removes the expensive annotation efforts. We show significant improvements over previous methods whether they were trained on GAN generated multi-view images or on real images with expensive annotations. Please visit our web-page for 3D visuals:
PDF Web-page: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.09362


JoIN: Joint GANs Inversion for Intrinsic Image Decomposition

Authors:Viraj Shah, Svetlana Lazebnik, Julien Philip

In this work, we propose to solve ill-posed inverse imaging problems using a bank of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) as a prior and apply our method to the case of Intrinsic Image Decomposition for faces and materials. Our method builds on the demonstrated success of GANs to capture complex image distributions. At the core of our approach is the idea that the latent space of a GAN is a well-suited optimization domain to solve inverse problems. Given an input image, we propose to jointly inverse the latent codes of a set of GANs and combine their outputs to reproduce the input. Contrary to most GAN inversion methods which are limited to inverting only a single GAN, we demonstrate that it is possible to maintain distribution priors while inverting several GANs jointly. We show that our approach is modular, allowing various forward imaging models, that it can successfully decompose both synthetic and real images, and provides additional advantages such as leveraging properties of GAN latent space for image relighting.
PDF Project webpage is available at


ReDirTrans: Latent-to-Latent Translation for Gaze and Head Redirection

Authors:Shiwei Jin, Zhen Wang, Lei Wang, Ning Bi, Truong Nguyen

Learning-based gaze estimation methods require large amounts of training data with accurate gaze annotations. Facing such demanding requirements of gaze data collection and annotation, several image synthesis methods were proposed, which successfully redirected gaze directions precisely given the assigned conditions. However, these methods focused on changing gaze directions of the images that only include eyes or restricted ranges of faces with low resolution (less than $128\times128$) to largely reduce interference from other attributes such as hairs, which limits application scenarios. To cope with this limitation, we proposed a portable network, called ReDirTrans, achieving latent-to-latent translation for redirecting gaze directions and head orientations in an interpretable manner. ReDirTrans projects input latent vectors into aimed-attribute embeddings only and redirects these embeddings with assigned pitch and yaw values. Then both the initial and edited embeddings are projected back (deprojected) to the initial latent space as residuals to modify the input latent vectors by subtraction and addition, representing old status removal and new status addition. The projection of aimed attributes only and subtraction-addition operations for status replacement essentially mitigate impacts on other attributes and the distribution of latent vectors. Thus, by combining ReDirTrans with a pretrained fixed e4e-StyleGAN pair, we created ReDirTrans-GAN, which enables accurately redirecting gaze in full-face images with $1024\times1024$ resolution while preserving other attributes such as identity, expression, and hairstyle. Furthermore, we presented improvements for the downstream learning-based gaze estimation task, using redirected samples as dataset augmentation.


LLM Itself Can Read and Generate CXR Images

Authors:Suhyeon Lee, Won Jun Kim, Jong Chul Ye

Building on the recent remarkable development of large language models (LLMs), active attempts are being made to extend the utility of LLMs to multimodal tasks. There have been previous efforts to link language and visual information, and attempts to add visual capabilities to LLMs are ongoing as well. However, existing attempts use LLMs only as image decoders and no attempt has been made to generate images in the same line as the natural language. By adopting a VQ-GAN framework in which latent representations of images are treated as a kind of text tokens, we present a novel method to fine-tune a pre-trained LLM to read and generate images like text without any structural changes, extra training objectives, or the need for training an ad-hoc network while still preserving the of the instruction-following capability of the LLM. We apply this framework to chest X-ray (CXR) image and report generation tasks as it is a domain in which translation of complex information between visual and language domains is important. The code is available at
PDF 17 pages, 7 figures


Attribute-Guided Encryption with Facial Texture Masking

Authors:Chun Pong Lau, Jiang Liu, Rama Chellappa

The increasingly pervasive facial recognition (FR) systems raise serious concerns about personal privacy, especially for billions of users who have publicly shared their photos on social media. Several attempts have been made to protect individuals from unauthorized FR systems utilizing adversarial attacks to generate encrypted face images to protect users from being identified by FR systems. However, existing methods suffer from poor visual quality or low attack success rates, which limit their usability in practice. In this paper, we propose Attribute Guided Encryption with Facial Texture Masking (AGE-FTM) that performs a dual manifold adversarial attack on FR systems to achieve both good visual quality and high black box attack success rates. In particular, AGE-FTM utilizes a high fidelity generative adversarial network (GAN) to generate natural on-manifold adversarial samples by modifying facial attributes, and performs the facial texture masking attack to generate imperceptible off-manifold adversarial samples. Extensive experiments on the CelebA-HQ dataset demonstrate that our proposed method produces more natural-looking encrypted images than state-of-the-art methods while achieving competitive attack performance. We further evaluate the effectiveness of AGE-FTM in the real world using a commercial FR API and validate its usefulness in practice through an user study.


Generalizable Synthetic Image Detection via Language-guided Contrastive Learning

Authors:Haiwei Wu, Jiantao Zhou, Shile Zhang

The heightened realism of AI-generated images can be attributed to the rapid development of synthetic models, including generative adversarial networks (GANs) and diffusion models (DMs). The malevolent use of synthetic images, such as the dissemination of fake news or the creation of fake profiles, however, raises significant concerns regarding the authenticity of images. Though many forensic algorithms have been developed for detecting synthetic images, their performance, especially the generalization capability, is still far from being adequate to cope with the increasing number of synthetic models. In this work, we propose a simple yet very effective synthetic image detection method via a language-guided contrastive learning and a new formulation of the detection problem. We first augment the training images with carefully-designed textual labels, enabling us to use a joint image-text contrastive learning for the forensic feature extraction. In addition, we formulate the synthetic image detection as an identification problem, which is vastly different from the traditional classification-based approaches. It is shown that our proposed LanguAge-guided SynThEsis Detection (LASTED) model achieves much improved generalizability to unseen image generation models and delivers promising performance that far exceeds state-of-the-art competitors by +22.66% accuracy and +15.24% AUC. The code is available at


Realistic Noise Synthesis with Diffusion Models

Authors:Qi Wu, Mingyan Han, Ting Jiang, Haoqiang Fan, Bing Zeng, Shuaicheng Liu

Deep learning-based approaches have achieved remarkable performance in single-image denoising. However, training denoising models typically requires a large amount of data, which can be difficult to obtain in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, synthetic noise used in the past has often produced significant differences compared to real-world noise due to the complexity of the latter and the poor modeling ability of noise distributions of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) models, resulting in residual noise and artifacts within denoising models. To address these challenges, we propose a novel method for synthesizing realistic noise using diffusion models. This approach enables us to generate large amounts of high-quality data for training denoising models by controlling camera settings to simulate different environmental conditions and employing guided multi-scale content information to ensure that our method is more capable of generating real noise with multi-frequency spatial correlations. In particular, we design an inversion mechanism for the setting, which extends our method to more public datasets without setting information. Based on the noise dataset we synthesized, we have conducted sufficient experiments on multiple benchmarks, and experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on multiple benchmarks and metrics, demonstrating its effectiveness in synthesizing realistic noise for training denoising models.


Exploring Semantic Variations in GAN Latent Spaces via Matrix Factorization

Authors:Andrey Palaev, Rustam A. Lukmanov, Adil Khan

Controlled data generation with GANs is desirable but challenging due to the nonlinearity and high dimensionality of their latent spaces. In this work, we explore image manipulations learned by GANSpace, a state-of-the-art method based on PCA. Through quantitative and qualitative assessments we show: (a) GANSpace produces a wide range of high-quality image manipulations, but they can be highly entangled, limiting potential use cases; (b) Replacing PCA with ICA improves the quality and disentanglement of manipulations; (c) The quality of the generated images can be sensitive to the size of GANs, but regardless of their complexity, fundamental controlling directions can be observed in their latent spaces.
PDF Accepted at ICLR 2023 Tiny Papers


ChatFace: Chat-Guided Real Face Editing via Diffusion Latent Space Manipulation

Authors:Dongxu Yue, Qin Guo, Munan Ning, Jiaxi Cui, Yuesheng Zhu, Li Yuan

Editing real facial images is a crucial task in computer vision with significant demand in various real-world applications. While GAN-based methods have showed potential in manipulating images especially when combined with CLIP, these methods are limited in their ability to reconstruct real images due to challenging GAN inversion capability. Despite the successful image reconstruction achieved by diffusion-based methods, there are still challenges in effectively manipulating fine-gained facial attributes with textual instructions.To address these issues and facilitate convenient manipulation of real facial images, we propose a novel approach that conduct text-driven image editing in the semantic latent space of diffusion model. By aligning the temporal feature of the diffusion model with the semantic condition at generative process, we introduce a stable manipulation strategy, which perform precise zero-shot manipulation effectively. Furthermore, we develop an interactive system named ChatFace, which combines the zero-shot reasoning ability of large language models to perform efficient manipulations in diffusion semantic latent space. This system enables users to perform complex multi-attribute manipulations through dialogue, opening up new possibilities for interactive image editing. Extensive experiments confirmed that our approach outperforms previous methods and enables precise editing of real facial images, making it a promising candidate for real-world applications. Project page:


DuDGAN: Improving Class-Conditional GANs via Dual-Diffusion

Authors:Taesun Yeom, Minhyeok Lee

Class-conditional image generation using generative adversarial networks (GANs) has been investigated through various techniques; however, it continues to face challenges such as mode collapse, training instability, and low-quality output in cases of datasets with high intra-class variation. Furthermore, most GANs often converge in larger iterations, resulting in poor iteration efficacy in training procedures. While Diffusion-GAN has shown potential in generating realistic samples, it has a critical limitation in generating class-conditional samples. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel approach for class-conditional image generation using GANs called DuDGAN, which incorporates a dual diffusion-based noise injection process. Our method consists of three unique networks: a discriminator, a generator, and a classifier. During the training process, Gaussian-mixture noises are injected into the two noise-aware networks, the discriminator and the classifier, in distinct ways. This noisy data helps to prevent overfitting by gradually introducing more challenging tasks, leading to improved model performance. As a result, our method outperforms state-of-the-art conditional GAN models for image generation in terms of performance. We evaluated our method using the AFHQ, Food-101, and CIFAR-10 datasets and observed superior results across metrics such as FID, KID, Precision, and Recall score compared with comparison models, highlighting the effectiveness of our approach.


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