
2023-05-25 更新

Content-based Unrestricted Adversarial Attack

Authors:Zhaoyu Chen, Bo Li, Shuang Wu, Kaixun Jiang, Shouhong Ding, Wenqiang Zhang

Unrestricted adversarial attacks typically manipulate the semantic content of an image (e.g., color or texture) to create adversarial examples that are both effective and photorealistic, demonstrating their ability to deceive human perception and deep neural networks with stealth and success. However, current works usually sacrifice unrestricted degrees and subjectively select some image content to guarantee the photorealism of unrestricted adversarial examples, which limits its attack performance. To ensure the photorealism of adversarial examples and boost attack performance, we propose a novel unrestricted attack framework called Content-based Unrestricted Adversarial Attack. By leveraging a low-dimensional manifold that represents natural images, we map the images onto the manifold and optimize them along its adversarial direction. Therefore, within this framework, we implement Adversarial Content Attack based on Stable Diffusion and can generate high transferable unrestricted adversarial examples with various adversarial contents. Extensive experimentation and visualization demonstrate the efficacy of ACA, particularly in surpassing state-of-the-art attacks by an average of 13.3-50.4% and 16.8-48.0% in normally trained models and defense methods, respectively.


Uncertainty-based Detection of Adversarial Attacks in Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Kira Maag, Asja Fischer

State-of-the-art deep neural networks have proven to be highly powerful in a broad range of tasks, including semantic image segmentation. However, these networks are vulnerable against adversarial attacks, i.e., non-perceptible perturbations added to the input image causing incorrect predictions, which is hazardous in safety-critical applications like automated driving. Adversarial examples and defense strategies are well studied for the image classification task, while there has been limited research in the context of semantic segmentation. First works however show that the segmentation outcome can be severely distorted by adversarial attacks. In this work, we introduce an uncertainty-based method for the detection of adversarial attacks in semantic segmentation. We observe that uncertainty as for example captured by the entropy of the output distribution behaves differently on clean and perturbed images using this property to distinguish between the two cases. Our method works in a light-weight and post-processing manner, i.e., we do not modify the model or need knowledge of the process used for generating adversarial examples. In a thorough empirical analysis, we demonstrate the ability of our approach to detect perturbed images across multiple types of adversarial attacks.


Iterative Adversarial Attack on Image-guided Story Ending Generation

Authors:Youze Wang, Wenbo Hu, Richang Hong

Multimodal learning involves developing models that can integrate information from various sources like images and texts. In this field, multimodal text generation is a crucial aspect that involves processing data from multiple modalities and outputting text. The image-guided story ending generation (IgSEG) is a particularly significant task, targeting on an understanding of complex relationships between text and image data with a complete story text ending. Unfortunately, deep neural networks, which are the backbone of recent IgSEG models, are vulnerable to adversarial samples. Current adversarial attack methods mainly focus on single-modality data and do not analyze adversarial attacks for multimodal text generation tasks that use cross-modal information. To this end, we propose an iterative adversarial attack method (Iterative-attack) that fuses image and text modality attacks, allowing for an attack search for adversarial text and image in an more effective iterative way. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing single-modal and non-iterative multimodal attack methods, indicating the potential for improving the adversarial robustness of multimodal text generation models, such as multimodal machine translation, multimodal question answering, etc.


DiffProtect: Generate Adversarial Examples with Diffusion Models for Facial Privacy Protection

Authors:Jiang Liu, Chun Pong Lau, Rama Chellappa

The increasingly pervasive facial recognition (FR) systems raise serious concerns about personal privacy, especially for billions of users who have publicly shared their photos on social media. Several attempts have been made to protect individuals from being identified by unauthorized FR systems utilizing adversarial attacks to generate encrypted face images. However, existing methods suffer from poor visual quality or low attack success rates, which limit their utility. Recently, diffusion models have achieved tremendous success in image generation. In this work, we ask: can diffusion models be used to generate adversarial examples to improve both visual quality and attack performance? We propose DiffProtect, which utilizes a diffusion autoencoder to generate semantically meaningful perturbations on FR systems. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DiffProtect produces more natural-looking encrypted images than state-of-the-art methods while achieving significantly higher attack success rates, e.g., 24.5% and 25.1% absolute improvements on the CelebA-HQ and FFHQ datasets.


The Best Defense is a Good Offense: Adversarial Augmentation against Adversarial Attacks

Authors:Iuri Frosio, Jan Kautz

Many defenses against adversarial attacks (\eg robust classifiers, randomization, or image purification) use countermeasures put to work only after the attack has been crafted. We adopt a different perspective to introduce $A^5$ (Adversarial Augmentation Against Adversarial Attacks), a novel framework including the first certified preemptive defense against adversarial attacks. The main idea is to craft a defensive perturbation to guarantee that any attack (up to a given magnitude) towards the input in hand will fail. To this aim, we leverage existing automatic perturbation analysis tools for neural networks. We study the conditions to apply $A^5$ effectively, analyze the importance of the robustness of the to-be-defended classifier, and inspect the appearance of the robustified images. We show effective on-the-fly defensive augmentation with a robustifier network that ignores the ground truth label, and demonstrate the benefits of robustifier and classifier co-training. In our tests, $A^5$ consistently beats state of the art certified defenses on MNIST, CIFAR10, FashionMNIST and Tinyimagenet. We also show how to apply $A^5$ to create certifiably robust physical objects. Our code at https://github.com/NVlabs/A5 allows experimenting on a wide range of scenarios beyond the man-in-the-middle attack tested here, including the case of physical attacks.


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