Diffusion Models

2023-05-25 更新

Unsafe Diffusion: On the Generation of Unsafe Images and Hateful Memes From Text-To-Image Models

Authors:Yiting Qu, Xinyue Shen, Xinlei He, Michael Backes, Savvas Zannettou, Yang Zhang

State-of-the-art Text-to-Image models like Stable Diffusion and DALLE$\cdot$2 are revolutionizing how people generate visual content. At the same time, society has serious concerns about how adversaries can exploit such models to generate unsafe images. In this work, we focus on demystifying the generation of unsafe images and hateful memes from Text-to-Image models. We first construct a typology of unsafe images consisting of five categories (sexually explicit, violent, disturbing, hateful, and political). Then, we assess the proportion of unsafe images generated by four advanced Text-to-Image models using four prompt datasets. We find that these models can generate a substantial percentage of unsafe images; across four models and four prompt datasets, 14.56% of all generated images are unsafe. When comparing the four models, we find different risk levels, with Stable Diffusion being the most prone to generating unsafe content (18.92% of all generated images are unsafe). Given Stable Diffusion’s tendency to generate more unsafe content, we evaluate its potential to generate hateful meme variants if exploited by an adversary to attack a specific individual or community. We employ three image editing methods, DreamBooth, Textual Inversion, and SDEdit, which are supported by Stable Diffusion. Our evaluation result shows that 24% of the generated images using DreamBooth are hateful meme variants that present the features of the original hateful meme and the target individual/community; these generated images are comparable to hateful meme variants collected from the real world. Overall, our results demonstrate that the danger of large-scale generation of unsafe images is imminent. We discuss several mitigating measures, such as curating training data, regulating prompts, and implementing safety filters, and encourage better safeguard tools to be developed to prevent unsafe generation.
PDF To Appear in the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, November 26, 2023


Compositional Text-to-Image Synthesis with Attention Map Control of Diffusion Models

Authors:Ruichen Wang, Zekang Chen, Chen Chen, Jian Ma, Haonan Lu, Xiaodong Lin

Recent text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models show outstanding performance in generating high-quality images conditioned on textual prompts. However, these models fail to semantically align the generated images with the text descriptions due to their limited compositional capabilities, leading to attribute leakage, entity leakage, and missing entities. In this paper, we propose a novel attention mask control strategy based on predicted object boxes to address these three issues. In particular, we first train a BoxNet to predict a box for each entity that possesses the attribute specified in the prompt. Then, depending on the predicted boxes, unique mask control is applied to the cross- and self-attention maps. Our approach produces a more semantically accurate synthesis by constraining the attention regions of each token in the prompt to the image. In addition, the proposed method is straightforward and effective, and can be readily integrated into existing cross-attention-diffusion-based T2I generators. We compare our approach to competing methods and demonstrate that it not only faithfully conveys the semantics of the original text to the generated content, but also achieves high availability as a ready-to-use plugin.


Realistic Noise Synthesis with Diffusion Models

Authors:Qi Wu, Mingyan Han, Ting Jiang, Haoqiang Fan, Bing Zeng, Shuaicheng Liu

Deep learning-based approaches have achieved remarkable performance in single-image denoising. However, training denoising models typically requires a large amount of data, which can be difficult to obtain in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, synthetic noise used in the past has often produced significant differences compared to real-world noise due to the complexity of the latter and the poor modeling ability of noise distributions of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) models, resulting in residual noise and artifacts within denoising models. To address these challenges, we propose a novel method for synthesizing realistic noise using diffusion models. This approach enables us to generate large amounts of high-quality data for training denoising models by controlling camera settings to simulate different environmental conditions and employing guided multi-scale content information to ensure that our method is more capable of generating real noise with multi-frequency spatial correlations. In particular, we design an inversion mechanism for the setting, which extends our method to more public datasets without setting information. Based on the noise dataset we synthesized, we have conducted sufficient experiments on multiple benchmarks, and experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on multiple benchmarks and metrics, demonstrating its effectiveness in synthesizing realistic noise for training denoising models.


SEEDS: Exponential SDE Solvers for Fast High-Quality Sampling from Diffusion Models

Authors:Martin Gonzalez, Nelson Fernandez, Thuy Tran, Elies Gherbi, Hatem Hajri, Nader Masmoudi

A potent class of generative models known as Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) has become prominent. A forward diffusion process adds gradually noise to data, while a model learns to gradually denoise. Sampling from pre-trained DPMs is obtained by solving differential equations (DE) defined by the learnt model, a process which has shown to be prohibitively slow. Numerous efforts on speeding-up this process have consisted on crafting powerful ODE solvers. Despite being quick, such solvers do not usually reach the optimal quality achieved by available slow SDE solvers. Our goal is to propose SDE solvers that reach optimal quality without requiring several hundreds or thousands of NFEs to achieve that goal. In this work, we propose Stochastic Exponential Derivative-free Solvers (SEEDS), improving and generalizing Exponential Integrator approaches to the stochastic case on several frameworks. After carefully analyzing the formulation of exact solutions of diffusion SDEs, we craft SEEDS to analytically compute the linear part of such solutions. Inspired by the Exponential Time-Differencing method, SEEDS uses a novel treatment of the stochastic components of solutions, enabling the analytical computation of their variance, and contains high-order terms allowing to reach optimal quality sampling $\sim3$-$5\times$ faster than previous SDE methods. We validate our approach on several image generation benchmarks, showing that SEEDS outperforms or is competitive with previous SDE solvers. Contrary to the latter, SEEDS are derivative and training free, and we fully prove strong convergence guarantees for them.
PDF 52 pages. Comments are welcome!


Diffusion Hyperfeatures: Searching Through Time and Space for Semantic Correspondence

Authors:Grace Luo, Lisa Dunlap, Dong Huk Park, Aleksander Holynski, Trevor Darrell

Diffusion models have been shown to be capable of generating high-quality images, suggesting that they could contain meaningful internal representations. Unfortunately, the feature maps that encode a diffusion model’s internal information are spread not only over layers of the network, but also over diffusion timesteps, making it challenging to extract useful descriptors. We propose Diffusion Hyperfeatures, a framework for consolidating multi-scale and multi-timestep feature maps into per-pixel feature descriptors that can be used for downstream tasks. These descriptors can be extracted for both synthetic and real images using the generation and inversion processes. We evaluate the utility of our Diffusion Hyperfeatures on the task of semantic keypoint correspondence: our method achieves superior performance on the SPair-71k real image benchmark. We also demonstrate that our method is flexible and transferable: our feature aggregation network trained on the inversion features of real image pairs can be used on the generation features of synthetic image pairs with unseen objects and compositions. Our code is available at \url{https://diffusion-hyperfeatures.github.io}.


BLIP-Diffusion: Pre-trained Subject Representation for Controllable Text-to-Image Generation and Editing

Authors:Dongxu Li, Junnan Li, Steven C. H. Hoi

Subject-driven text-to-image generation models create novel renditions of an input subject based on text prompts. Existing models suffer from lengthy fine-tuning and difficulties preserving the subject fidelity. To overcome these limitations, we introduce BLIP-Diffusion, a new subject-driven image generation model that supports multimodal control which consumes inputs of subject images and text prompts. Unlike other subject-driven generation models, BLIP-Diffusion introduces a new multimodal encoder which is pre-trained to provide subject representation. We first pre-train the multimodal encoder following BLIP-2 to produce visual representation aligned with the text. Then we design a subject representation learning task which enables a diffusion model to leverage such visual representation and generates new subject renditions. Compared with previous methods such as DreamBooth, our model enables zero-shot subject-driven generation, and efficient fine-tuning for customized subject with up to 20x speedup. We also demonstrate that BLIP-Diffusion can be flexibly combined with existing techniques such as ControlNet and prompt-to-prompt to enable novel subject-driven generation and editing applications. Code and models will be released at https://github.com/salesforce/LAVIS/tree/main/projects/blip-diffusion. Project page at https://dxli94.github.io/BLIP-Diffusion-website/.


ChatFace: Chat-Guided Real Face Editing via Diffusion Latent Space Manipulation

Authors:Dongxu Yue, Qin Guo, Munan Ning, Jiaxi Cui, Yuesheng Zhu, Li Yuan

Editing real facial images is a crucial task in computer vision with significant demand in various real-world applications. While GAN-based methods have showed potential in manipulating images especially when combined with CLIP, these methods are limited in their ability to reconstruct real images due to challenging GAN inversion capability. Despite the successful image reconstruction achieved by diffusion-based methods, there are still challenges in effectively manipulating fine-gained facial attributes with textual instructions.To address these issues and facilitate convenient manipulation of real facial images, we propose a novel approach that conduct text-driven image editing in the semantic latent space of diffusion model. By aligning the temporal feature of the diffusion model with the semantic condition at generative process, we introduce a stable manipulation strategy, which perform precise zero-shot manipulation effectively. Furthermore, we develop an interactive system named ChatFace, which combines the zero-shot reasoning ability of large language models to perform efficient manipulations in diffusion semantic latent space. This system enables users to perform complex multi-attribute manipulations through dialogue, opening up new possibilities for interactive image editing. Extensive experiments confirmed that our approach outperforms previous methods and enables precise editing of real facial images, making it a promising candidate for real-world applications. Project page: https://dongxuyue.github.io/chatface/


DuDGAN: Improving Class-Conditional GANs via Dual-Diffusion

Authors:Taesun Yeom, Minhyeok Lee

Class-conditional image generation using generative adversarial networks (GANs) has been investigated through various techniques; however, it continues to face challenges such as mode collapse, training instability, and low-quality output in cases of datasets with high intra-class variation. Furthermore, most GANs often converge in larger iterations, resulting in poor iteration efficacy in training procedures. While Diffusion-GAN has shown potential in generating realistic samples, it has a critical limitation in generating class-conditional samples. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel approach for class-conditional image generation using GANs called DuDGAN, which incorporates a dual diffusion-based noise injection process. Our method consists of three unique networks: a discriminator, a generator, and a classifier. During the training process, Gaussian-mixture noises are injected into the two noise-aware networks, the discriminator and the classifier, in distinct ways. This noisy data helps to prevent overfitting by gradually introducing more challenging tasks, leading to improved model performance. As a result, our method outperforms state-of-the-art conditional GAN models for image generation in terms of performance. We evaluated our method using the AFHQ, Food-101, and CIFAR-10 datasets and observed superior results across metrics such as FID, KID, Precision, and Recall score compared with comparison models, highlighting the effectiveness of our approach.


Dior-CVAE: Diffusion Priors in Variational Dialog Generation

Authors:Tianyu Yang, Thy Thy Tran, Iryna Gurevych

Conditional variational autoencoders (CVAEs) have been used recently for diverse response generation, by introducing latent variables to represent the relationship between a dialog context and its potential responses. However, the diversity of the generated responses brought by a CVAE model is limited due to the oversimplified assumption of the isotropic Gaussian prior. We propose, Dior-CVAE, a hierarchical CVAE model with an informative prior produced by a diffusion model. Dior-CVAE derives a series of layer-wise latent variables using attention mechanism and infusing them into decoder layers accordingly. We propose memory dropout in the latent infusion to alleviate posterior collapse. The prior distribution of the latent variables is parameterized by a diffusion model to introduce a multimodal distribution. Overall, experiments on two popular open-domain dialog datasets indicate the advantages of our approach over previous Transformer-based variational dialog models in dialog response generation. We publicly release the code for reproducing Dior-CVAE and all baselines at https://github.com/SkyFishMoon/Latent-Diffusion-Response-Generation.


Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation via Neural Schrödinger Bridge

Authors:Beomsu Kim, Gihyun Kwon, Kwanyoung Kim, Jong Chul Ye

Diffusion models are a powerful class of generative models which simulate stochastic differential equations (SDEs) to generate data from noise. Although diffusion models have achieved remarkable progress in recent years, they have limitations in the unpaired image-to-image translation tasks due to the Gaussian prior assumption. Schr\”odinger Bridge (SB), which learns an SDE to translate between two arbitrary distributions, have risen as an attractive solution to this problem. However, none of SB models so far have been successful at unpaired translation between high-resolution images. In this work, we propose the Unpaired Neural Schr\”odinger Bridge (UNSB), which combines SB with adversarial training and regularization to learn a SB between unpaired data. We demonstrate that UNSB is scalable, and that it successfully solves various unpaired image-to-image translation tasks. Code: \url{https://github.com/cyclomon/UNSB}


Robust Classification via a Single Diffusion Model

Authors:Huanran Chen, Yinpeng Dong, Zhengyi Wang, Xiao Yang, Chengqi Duan, Hang Su, Jun Zhu

Recently, diffusion models have been successfully applied to improving adversarial robustness of image classifiers by purifying the adversarial noises or generating realistic data for adversarial training. However, the diffusion-based purification can be evaded by stronger adaptive attacks while adversarial training does not perform well under unseen threats, exhibiting inevitable limitations of these methods. To better harness the expressive power of diffusion models, in this paper we propose Robust Diffusion Classifier (RDC), a generative classifier that is constructed from a pre-trained diffusion model to be adversarially robust. Our method first maximizes the data likelihood of a given input and then predicts the class probabilities of the optimized input using the conditional likelihood of the diffusion model through Bayes’ theorem. Since our method does not require training on particular adversarial attacks, we demonstrate that it is more generalizable to defend against multiple unseen threats. In particular, RDC achieves $73.24\%$ robust accuracy against $\ell\infty$ norm-bounded perturbations with $\epsilon\infty=8/255$ on CIFAR-10, surpassing the previous state-of-the-art adversarial training models by $+2.34\%$. The findings highlight the potential of generative classifiers by employing diffusion models for adversarial robustness compared with the commonly studied discriminative classifiers.


Diffusion-Based Audio Inpainting

Authors:Eloi Moliner, Vesa Välimäki

Audio inpainting aims to reconstruct missing segments in corrupted recordings. Previous methods produce plausible reconstructions when the gap length is shorter than about 100\;ms, but the quality decreases for longer gaps. This paper explores recent advancements in deep learning and, particularly, diffusion models, for the task of audio inpainting. The proposed method uses an unconditionally trained generative model, which can be conditioned in a zero-shot fashion for audio inpainting, offering high flexibility to regenerate gaps of arbitrary length. An improved deep neural network architecture based on the constant-Q transform, which allows the model to exploit pitch-equivariant symmetries in audio, is also presented. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated through objective and subjective metrics for the task of reconstructing short to mid-sized gaps. The results of a formal listening test show that the proposed method delivers a comparable performance against state-of-the-art for short gaps, while retaining a good audio quality and outperforming the baselines for the longest gap lengths tested, 150\;ms and 200\;ms. This work helps improve the restoration of sound recordings having fairly long local disturbances or dropouts, which must be reconstructed.
PDF Submitted for publication to the Journal of Audio Engineering Society on January 30th, 2023


Training on Thin Air: Improve Image Classification with Generated Data

Authors:Yongchao Zhou, Hshmat Sahak, Jimmy Ba

Acquiring high-quality data for training discriminative models is a crucial yet challenging aspect of building effective predictive systems. In this paper, we present Diffusion Inversion, a simple yet effective method that leverages the pre-trained generative model, Stable Diffusion, to generate diverse, high-quality training data for image classification. Our approach captures the original data distribution and ensures data coverage by inverting images to the latent space of Stable Diffusion, and generates diverse novel training images by conditioning the generative model on noisy versions of these vectors. We identify three key components that allow our generated images to successfully supplant the original dataset, leading to a 2-3x enhancement in sample complexity and a 6.5x decrease in sampling time. Moreover, our approach consistently outperforms generic prompt-based steering methods and KNN retrieval baseline across a wide range of datasets. Additionally, we demonstrate the compatibility of our approach with widely-used data augmentation techniques, as well as the reliability of the generated data in supporting various neural architectures and enhancing few-shot learning.


A Tale of Two Features: Stable Diffusion Complements DINO for Zero-Shot Semantic Correspondence

Authors:Junyi Zhang, Charles Herrmann, Junhwa Hur, Luisa Polania Cabrera, Varun Jampani, Deqing Sun, Ming-Hsuan Yang

Text-to-image diffusion models have made significant advances in generating and editing high-quality images. As a result, numerous approaches have explored the ability of diffusion model features to understand and process single images for downstream tasks, e.g., classification, semantic segmentation, and stylization. However, significantly less is known about what these features reveal across multiple, different images and objects. In this work, we exploit Stable Diffusion (SD) features for semantic and dense correspondence and discover that with simple post-processing, SD features can perform quantitatively similar to SOTA representations. Interestingly, the qualitative analysis reveals that SD features have very different properties compared to existing representation learning features, such as the recently released DINOv2: while DINOv2 provides sparse but accurate matches, SD features provide high-quality spatial information but sometimes inaccurate semantic matches. We demonstrate that a simple fusion of these two features works surprisingly well, and a zero-shot evaluation using nearest neighbors on these fused features provides a significant performance gain over state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets, e.g., SPair-71k, PF-Pascal, and TSS. We also show that these correspondences can enable interesting applications such as instance swapping in two images.
PDF Project page: https://sd-complements-dino.github.io/


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