
2023-05-18 更新

UniS-MMC: Multimodal Classification via Unimodality-supervised Multimodal Contrastive Learning

Authors:Heqing Zou, Meng Shen, Chen Chen, Yuchen Hu, Deepu Rajan, Eng Siong Chng

Multimodal learning aims to imitate human beings to acquire complementary information from multiple modalities for various downstream tasks. However, traditional aggregation-based multimodal fusion methods ignore the inter-modality relationship, treat each modality equally, suffer sensor noise, and thus reduce multimodal learning performance. In this work, we propose a novel multimodal contrastive method to explore more reliable multimodal representations under the weak supervision of unimodal predicting. Specifically, we first capture task-related unimodal representations and the unimodal predictions from the introduced unimodal predicting task. Then the unimodal representations are aligned with the more effective one by the designed multimodal contrastive method under the supervision of the unimodal predictions. Experimental results with fused features on two image-text classification benchmarks UPMC-Food-101 and N24News show that our proposed Unimodality-Supervised MultiModal Contrastive UniS-MMC learning method outperforms current state-of-the-art multimodal methods. The detailed ablation study and analysis further demonstrate the advantage of our proposed method.
PDF ACL 2023 Findings


From Region to Patch: Attribute-Aware Foreground-Background Contrastive Learning for Fine-Grained Fashion Retrieval

Authors:Jianfeng Dong, Xiaoman Peng, Zhe Ma, Daizong Liu, Xiaoye Qu, Xun Yang, Jixiang Zhu, Baolong Liu

Attribute-specific fashion retrieval (ASFR) is a challenging information retrieval task, which has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Different from traditional fashion retrieval which mainly focuses on optimizing holistic similarity, the ASFR task concentrates on attribute-specific similarity, resulting in more fine-grained and interpretable retrieval results. As the attribute-specific similarity typically corresponds to the specific subtle regions of images, we propose a Region-to-Patch Framework (RPF) that consists of a region-aware branch and a patch-aware branch to extract fine-grained attribute-related visual features for precise retrieval in a coarse-to-fine manner. In particular, the region-aware branch is first to be utilized to locate the potential regions related to the semantic of the given attribute. Then, considering that the located region is coarse and still contains the background visual contents, the patch-aware branch is proposed to capture patch-wise attribute-related details from the previous amplified region. Such a hybrid architecture strikes a proper balance between region localization and feature extraction. Besides, different from previous works that solely focus on discriminating the attribute-relevant foreground visual features, we argue that the attribute-irrelevant background features are also crucial for distinguishing the detailed visual contexts in a contrastive manner. Therefore, a novel E-InfoNCE loss based on the foreground and background representations is further proposed to improve the discrimination of attribute-specific representation. Extensive experiments on three datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, and also show a decent generalization of our RPF on out-of-domain fashion images. Our source code is available at https://github.com/HuiGuanLab/RPF.
PDF This paper has been published as a full paper at SIGIR 2023


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