Vision Transformer

2023-05-18 更新

Transfer Learning for Fine-grained Classification Using Semi-supervised Learning and Visual Transformers

Authors:Manuel Lagunas, Brayan Impata, Victor Martinez, Virginia Fernandez, Christos Georgakis, Sofia Braun, Felipe Bertrand

Fine-grained classification is a challenging task that involves identifying subtle differences between objects within the same category. This task is particularly challenging in scenarios where data is scarce. Visual transformers (ViT) have recently emerged as a powerful tool for image classification, due to their ability to learn highly expressive representations of visual data using self-attention mechanisms. In this work, we explore Semi-ViT, a ViT model fine tuned using semi-supervised learning techniques, suitable for situations where we have lack of annotated data. This is particularly common in e-commerce, where images are readily available but labels are noisy, nonexistent, or expensive to obtain. Our results demonstrate that Semi-ViT outperforms traditional convolutional neural networks (CNN) and ViTs, even when fine-tuned with limited annotated data. These findings indicate that Semi-ViTs hold significant promise for applications that require precise and fine-grained classification of visual data.
PDF 6 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables


Towards Object Re-Identification from Point Clouds for 3D MOT

Authors:Benjamin Thérien, Chengjie Huang, Adrian Chow, Krzysztof Czarnecki

In this work, we study the problem of object re-identification (ReID) in a 3D multi-object tracking (MOT) context, by learning to match pairs of objects from cropped (e.g., using their predicted 3D bounding boxes) point cloud observations. We are not concerned with SOTA performance for 3D MOT, however. Instead, we seek to answer the following question: In a realistic tracking by-detection context, how does object ReID from point clouds perform relative to ReID from images? To enable such a study, we propose a lightweight matching head that can be concatenated to any set or sequence processing backbone (e.g., PointNet or ViT), creating a family of comparable object ReID networks for both modalities. Run in siamese style, our proposed point-cloud ReID networks can make thousands of pairwise comparisons in real-time (10 hz). Our findings demonstrate that their performance increases with higher sensor resolution and approaches that of image ReID when observations are sufficiently dense. Additionally, we investigate our network’s ability to enhance 3D multi-object tracking (MOT), showing that our point-cloud ReID networks can successfully re-identify objects which led a strong motion-based tracker into error. To our knowledge, we are the first to study real-time object re-identification from point clouds in a 3D multi-object tracking context.


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