
2023-05-18 更新

Cross-Modal Global Interaction and Local Alignment for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

Authors:Yuchen Hu, Ruizhe Li, Chen Chen, Heqing Zou, Qiushi Zhu, Eng Siong Chng

Audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR) research has gained a great success recently by improving the noise-robustness of audio-only automatic speech recognition (ASR) with noise-invariant visual information. However, most existing AVSR approaches simply fuse the audio and visual features by concatenation, without explicit interactions to capture the deep correlations between them, which results in sub-optimal multimodal representations for downstream speech recognition task. In this paper, we propose a cross-modal global interaction and local alignment (GILA) approach for AVSR, which captures the deep audio-visual (A-V) correlations from both global and local perspectives. Specifically, we design a global interaction model to capture the A-V complementary relationship on modality level, as well as a local alignment approach to model the A-V temporal consistency on frame level. Such a holistic view of cross-modal correlations enable better multimodal representations for AVSR. Experiments on public benchmarks LRS3 and LRS2 show that our GILA outperforms the supervised learning state-of-the-art.
PDF 12 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by IJCAI 2023


BASEN: Time-Domain Brain-Assisted Speech Enhancement Network with Convolutional Cross Attention in Multi-talker Conditions

Authors:Jie Zhang, Qing-Tian Xu, Qiu-Shi Zhu, Zhen-Hua Ling

Time-domain single-channel speech enhancement (SE) still remains challenging to extract the target speaker without any prior information on multi-talker conditions. It has been shown via auditory attention decoding that the brain activity of the listener contains the auditory information of the attended speaker. In this paper, we thus propose a novel time-domain brain-assisted SE network (BASEN) incorporating electroencephalography (EEG) signals recorded from the listener for extracting the target speaker from monaural speech mixtures. The proposed BASEN is based on the fully-convolutional time-domain audio separation network. In order to fully leverage the complementary information contained in the EEG signals, we further propose a convolutional multi-layer cross attention module to fuse the dual-branch features. Experimental results on a public dataset show that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art method in several evaluation metrics. The reproducible code is available at https://github.com/jzhangU/Basen.git.
PDF Submitted to ISCA Interspeech 2023


Fusion-S2iGan: An Efficient and Effective Single-Stage Framework for Speech-to-Image Generation

Authors:Zhenxing Zhang, Lambert Schomaker

The goal of a speech-to-image transform is to produce a photo-realistic picture directly from a speech signal. Recently, various studies have focused on this task and have achieved promising performance. However, current speech-to-image approaches are based on a stacked modular framework that suffers from three vital issues: 1) Training separate networks is time-consuming as well as inefficient and the convergence of the final generative model strongly depends on the previous generators; 2) The quality of precursor images is ignored by this architecture; 3) Multiple discriminator networks are required to be trained. To this end, we propose an efficient and effective single-stage framework called Fusion-S2iGan to yield perceptually plausible and semantically consistent image samples on the basis of given spoken descriptions. Fusion-S2iGan introduces a visual+speech fusion module (VSFM), constructed with a pixel-attention module (PAM), a speech-modulation module (SMM) and a weighted-fusion module (WFM), to inject the speech embedding from a speech encoder into the generator while improving the quality of synthesized pictures. Fusion-S2iGan spreads the bimodal information over all layers of the generator network to reinforce the visual feature maps at various hierarchical levels in the architecture. We conduct a series of experiments on four benchmark data sets, i.e., CUB birds, Oxford-102, Flickr8k and Places-subset. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the presented Fusion-S2iGan compared to the state-of-the-art models with a multi-stage architecture and a performance level that is close to traditional text-to-image approaches.


文章作者: 木子已
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