Domain Adaptation

2023-05-15 更新

Exploring Zero and Few-shot Techniques for Intent Classification

Authors:Soham Parikh, Quaizar Vohra, Prashil Tumbade, Mitul Tiwari

Conversational NLU providers often need to scale to thousands of intent-classification models where new customers often face the cold-start problem. Scaling to so many customers puts a constraint on storage space as well. In this paper, we explore four different zero and few-shot intent classification approaches with this low-resource constraint: 1) domain adaptation, 2) data augmentation, 3) zero-shot intent classification using descriptions large language models (LLMs), and 4) parameter-efficient fine-tuning of instruction-finetuned language models. Our results show that all these approaches are effective to different degrees in low-resource settings. Parameter-efficient fine-tuning using T-few recipe (Liu et al., 2022) on Flan-T5 (Chang et al., 2022) yields the best performance even with just one sample per intent. We also show that the zero-shot method of prompting LLMs using intent descriptions
PDF ACL 2023 Industry Track. 8 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables


MotionBEV: Attention-Aware Online LiDAR Moving Object Segmentation with Bird’s Eye View based Appearance and Motion Features

Authors:Bo Zhou, Jiapeng Xie, Yan Pan, Jiajie Wu, Chuanzhao Lu

Identifying moving objects is an essential capability for autonomous systems, as it provides critical information for pose estimation, navigation, collision avoidance and static map construction. In this paper, we present MotionBEV, a fast and accurate framework for LiDAR moving object segmentation, which segments moving objects with appearance and motion features in bird’s eye view (BEV) domain. Our approach converts 3D LiDAR scans into 2D polar BEV representation to achieve real-time performance. Specifically, we learn appearance features with a simplified PointNet, and compute motion features through the height differences of consecutive frames of point clouds projected onto vertical columns in the polar BEV coordinate system. We employ a dual-branch network bridged by the Appearance-Motion Co-attention Module (AMCM) to adaptively fuse the spatio-temporal information from appearance and motion features. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the SemanticKITTI-MOS benchmark, with an average inference time of 23ms on an RTX 3090 GPU. Furthermore, to demonstrate the practical effectiveness of our method, we provide a LiDAR-MOS dataset recorded by a solid-state LiDAR, which features non-repetitive scanning patterns and small field of view.


Beyond invariant representation learning: linearly alignable latent spaces for efficient closed-form domain adaptation

Authors:Oliver Struckmeier, Ievgen Redko, Anton Mallasto, Karol Arndt, Markus Heinonen, Ville Kyrki

Optimal transport (OT) is a powerful geometric tool used to compare and align probability measures following the least effort principle. Among many successful applications of OT in machine learning (ML), domain adaptation (DA) — a field of study where the goal is to transfer a classifier from one labelled domain to another similar, yet different unlabelled or scarcely labelled domain — has been historically among the most investigated ones. This success is due to the ability of OT to provide both a meaningful discrepancy measure to assess the similarity of two domains’ distributions and a mapping that can project source domain data onto the target one. In this paper, we propose a principally new OT-based approach applied to DA that uses the closed-form solution of the OT problem given by an affine mapping and learns an embedding space for which this solution is optimal and computationally less complex. We show that our approach works in both homogeneous and heterogeneous DA settings and outperforms or is on par with other famous baselines based on both traditional OT and OT in incomparable spaces. Furthermore, we show that our proposed method vastly reduces computational complexity.


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