
2023-05-12 更新

CodeIE: Large Code Generation Models are Better Few-Shot Information Extractors

Authors:Peng Li, Tianxiang Sun, Qiong Tang, Hang Yan, Yuanbin Wu, Xuanjing Huang, Xipeng Qiu

Large language models (LLMs) pre-trained on massive corpora have demonstrated impressive few-shot learning ability on many NLP tasks. A common practice is to recast the task into a text-to-text format such that generative LLMs of natural language (NL-LLMs) like GPT-3 can be prompted to solve it. However, it is nontrivial to perform information extraction (IE) tasks with NL-LLMs since the output of the IE task is usually structured and therefore is hard to be converted into plain text. In this paper, we propose to recast the structured output in the form of code instead of natural language and utilize generative LLMs of code (Code-LLMs) such as Codex to perform IE tasks, in particular, named entity recognition and relation extraction. In contrast to NL-LLMs, we show that Code-LLMs can be well-aligned with these IE tasks by designing code-style prompts and formulating these IE tasks as code generation tasks. Experiment results on seven benchmarks show that our method consistently outperforms fine-tuning moderate-size pre-trained models specially designed for IE tasks (e.g., UIE) and prompting NL-LLMs under few-shot settings. We further conduct a series of in-depth analyses to demonstrate the merits of leveraging Code-LLMs for IE tasks.
PDF Accepted to ACL 2023 (main conference). Code and data are publicly available at https://github.com/dasepli/CodeIE


Chain-of-Dictionary Prompting Elicits Translation in Large Language Models

Authors:Hongyuan Lu, Haoyang Huang, Dongdong Zhang, Haoran Yang, Wai Lam, Furu Wei

Large language models (LLMs) have shown surprisingly good performance in multilingual neural machine translation (MNMT) even when trained without parallel data. Yet, despite the fact that the amount of training data is gigantic, they still struggle with translating rare words, particularly for low-resource languages. Even worse, it is usually unrealistic to retrieve relevant demonstrations for in-context learning with low-resource languages on LLMs, which restricts the practical use of LLMs for translation — how should we mitigate this problem? To this end, we present a novel method, CoD, which augments LLMs with prior knowledge with the chains of multilingual dictionaries for a subset of input words to elicit translation abilities for LLMs. Extensive experiments indicate that augmenting ChatGPT with CoD elicits large gains by up to 13x ChrF++ points for MNMT (3.08 to 42.63 for English to Serbian written in Cyrillic script) on FLORES-200 full devtest set. We further demonstrate the importance of chaining the multilingual dictionaries, as well as the superiority of CoD to few-shot demonstration for low-resource languages.


Serial Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Continual Few-shot Relation Extraction

Authors:Xinyi Wang, Zitao Wang, Wei Hu

Continual few-shot relation extraction (RE) aims to continuously train a model for new relations with few labeled training data, of which the major challenges are the catastrophic forgetting of old relations and the overfitting caused by data sparsity. In this paper, we propose a new model, namely SCKD, to accomplish the continual few-shot RE task. Specifically, we design serial knowledge distillation to preserve the prior knowledge from previous models and conduct contrastive learning with pseudo samples to keep the representations of samples in different relations sufficiently distinguishable. Our experiments on two benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of SCKD for continual few-shot RE and its superiority in knowledge transfer and memory utilization over state-of-the-art models.
PDF Accepted in the Findings of ACL 2023


Evaluating Open-Domain Question Answering in the Era of Large Language Models

Authors:Ehsan Kamalloo, Nouha Dziri, Charles L. A. Clarke, Davood Rafiei

Lexical matching remains the de facto evaluation method for open-domain question answering (QA). Unfortunately, lexical matching fails completely when a plausible candidate answer does not appear in the list of gold answers, which is increasingly the case as we shift from extractive to generative models. The recent success of large language models (LLMs) for QA aggravates lexical matching failures since candidate answers become longer, thereby making matching with the gold answers even more challenging. Without accurate evaluation, the true progress in open-domain QA remains unknown. In this paper, we conduct a thorough analysis of various open-domain QA models, including LLMs, by manually evaluating their answers on a subset of NQ-open, a popular benchmark. Our assessments reveal that while the true performance of all models is significantly underestimated, the performance of the InstructGPT (zero-shot) LLM increases by nearly +60%, making it on par with existing top models, and the InstructGPT (few-shot) model actually achieves a new state-of-the-art on NQ-open. We also find that more than 50% of lexical matching failures are attributed to semantically equivalent answers. We further demonstrate that regex matching ranks QA models consistent with human judgments, although still suffering from unnecessary strictness. Finally, we demonstrate that automated evaluation models are a reasonable surrogate for lexical matching in some circumstances, but not for long-form answers generated by LLMs. The automated models struggle in detecting hallucinations in LLM answers and are thus unable to evaluate LLMs. At this time, there appears to be no substitute for human evaluation.
PDF ACL 2023; code and data released at https://github.com/ehsk/OpenQA-eval


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