2023-05-11 更新

Post-training Model Quantization Using GANs for Synthetic Data Generation

Authors:Athanasios Masouris, Mansi Sharma, Adrian Boguszewski, Alexander Kozlov, Zhuo Wu, Raymond Lo

Quantization is a widely adopted technique for deep neural networks to reduce the memory and computational resources required. However, when quantized, most models would need a suitable calibration process to keep their performance intact, which requires data from the target domain, such as a fraction of the dataset used in model training and model validation (i.e. calibration dataset). In this study, we investigate the use of synthetic data as a substitute for the calibration with real data for the quantization method. We propose a data generation method based on Generative Adversarial Networks that are trained prior to the model quantization step. We compare the performance of models quantized using data generated by StyleGAN2-ADA and our pre-trained DiStyleGAN, with quantization using real data and an alternative data generation method based on fractal images. Overall, the results of our experiments demonstrate the potential of leveraging synthetic data for calibration during the quantization process. In our experiments, the percentage of accuracy degradation of the selected models was less than 0.6%, with our best performance achieved on MobileNetV2 (0.05%). The code is available at:


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