2023-05-10 更新

Multi-Space Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Ze-Xin Yin, Jiaxiong Qiu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Bo Ren

Existing Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) methods suffer from the existence of reflective objects, often resulting in blurry or distorted rendering. Instead of calculating a single radiance field, we propose a multi-space neural radiance field (MS-NeRF) that represents the scene using a group of feature fields in parallel sub-spaces, which leads to a better understanding of the neural network toward the existence of reflective and refractive objects. Our multi-space scheme works as an enhancement to existing NeRF methods, with only small computational overheads needed for training and inferring the extra-space outputs. We demonstrate the superiority and compatibility of our approach using three representative NeRF-based models, i.e., NeRF, Mip-NeRF, and Mip-NeRF 360. Comparisons are performed on a novelly constructed dataset consisting of 25 synthetic scenes and 7 real captured scenes with complex reflection and refraction, all having 360-degree viewpoints. Extensive experiments show that our approach significantly outperforms the existing single-space NeRF methods for rendering high-quality scenes concerned with complex light paths through mirror-like objects. Our code and dataset will be publicly available at
PDF CVPR 2023, 10 pages, 12 figures


PET-NeuS: Positional Encoding Tri-Planes for Neural Surfaces

Authors:Yiqun Wang, Ivan Skorokhodov, Peter Wonka

A signed distance function (SDF) parametrized by an MLP is a common ingredient of neural surface reconstruction. We build on the successful recent method NeuS to extend it by three new components. The first component is to borrow the tri-plane representation from EG3D and represent signed distance fields as a mixture of tri-planes and MLPs instead of representing it with MLPs only. Using tri-planes leads to a more expressive data structure but will also introduce noise in the reconstructed surface. The second component is to use a new type of positional encoding with learnable weights to combat noise in the reconstruction process. We divide the features in the tri-plane into multiple frequency scales and modulate them with sin and cos functions of different frequencies. The third component is to use learnable convolution operations on the tri-plane features using self-attention convolution to produce features with different frequency bands. The experiments show that PET-NeuS achieves high-fidelity surface reconstruction on standard datasets. Following previous work and using the Chamfer metric as the most important way to measure surface reconstruction quality, we are able to improve upon the NeuS baseline by 57% on Nerf-synthetic (0.84 compared to 1.97) and by 15.5% on DTU (0.71 compared to 0.84). The qualitative evaluation reveals how our method can better control the interference of high-frequency noise. Code available at \url{}.
PDF CVPR 2023; 20 Pages; Project page: \url{}


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