Diffusion Models

2023-05-03 更新

SceneGenie: Scene Graph Guided Diffusion Models for Image Synthesis

Authors:Azade Farshad, Yousef Yeganeh, Yu Chi, Chengzhi Shen, Björn Ommer, Nassir Navab

Text-conditioned image generation has made significant progress in recent years with generative adversarial networks and more recently, diffusion models. While diffusion models conditioned on text prompts have produced impressive and high-quality images, accurately representing complex text prompts such as the number of instances of a specific object remains challenging. To address this limitation, we propose a novel guidance approach for the sampling process in the diffusion model that leverages bounding box and segmentation map information at inference time without additional training data. Through a novel loss in the sampling process, our approach guides the model with semantic features from CLIP embeddings and enforces geometric constraints, leading to high-resolution images that accurately represent the scene. To obtain bounding box and segmentation map information, we structure the text prompt as a scene graph and enrich the nodes with CLIP embeddings. Our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance on two public benchmarks for image generation from scene graphs, surpassing both scene graph to image and text-based diffusion models in various metrics. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of incorporating bounding box and segmentation map guidance in the diffusion model sampling process for more accurate text-to-image generation.


Class-Balancing Diffusion Models

Authors:Yiming Qin, Huangjie Zheng, Jiangchao Yao, Mingyuan Zhou, Ya Zhang

Diffusion-based models have shown the merits of generating high-quality visual data while preserving better diversity in recent studies. However, such observation is only justified with curated data distribution, where the data samples are nicely pre-processed to be uniformly distributed in terms of their labels. In practice, a long-tailed data distribution appears more common and how diffusion models perform on such class-imbalanced data remains unknown. In this work, we first investigate this problem and observe significant degradation in both diversity and fidelity when the diffusion model is trained on datasets with class-imbalanced distributions. Especially in tail classes, the generations largely lose diversity and we observe severe mode-collapse issues. To tackle this problem, we set from the hypothesis that the data distribution is not class-balanced, and propose Class-Balancing Diffusion Models (CBDM) that are trained with a distribution adjustment regularizer as a solution. Experiments show that images generated by CBDM exhibit higher diversity and quality in both quantitative and qualitative ways. Our method benchmarked the generation results on CIFAR100/CIFAR100LT dataset and shows outstanding performance on the downstream recognition task.
PDF Accepted by CVPR2023


In-Context Learning Unlocked for Diffusion Models

Authors:Zhendong Wang, Yifan Jiang, Yadong Lu, Yelong Shen, Pengcheng He, Weizhu Chen, Zhangyang Wang, Mingyuan Zhou

We present Prompt Diffusion, a framework for enabling in-context learning in diffusion-based generative models. Given a pair of task-specific example images, such as depth from/to image and scribble from/to image, and a text guidance, our model automatically understands the underlying task and performs the same task on a new query image following the text guidance. To achieve this, we propose a vision-language prompt that can model a wide range of vision-language tasks and a diffusion model that takes it as input. The diffusion model is trained jointly over six different tasks using these prompts. The resulting Prompt Diffusion model is the first diffusion-based vision-language foundation model capable of in-context learning. It demonstrates high-quality in-context generation on the trained tasks and generalizes effectively to new, unseen vision tasks with their respective prompts. Our model also shows compelling text-guided image editing results. Our framework, with code publicly available at https://github.com/Zhendong-Wang/Prompt-Diffusion, aims to facilitate research into in-context learning for computer vision.


Geometric Latent Diffusion Models for 3D Molecule Generation

Authors:Minkai Xu, Alexander Powers, Ron Dror, Stefano Ermon, Jure Leskovec

Generative models, especially diffusion models (DMs), have achieved promising results for generating feature-rich geometries and advancing foundational science problems such as molecule design. Inspired by the recent huge success of Stable (latent) Diffusion models, we propose a novel and principled method for 3D molecule generation named Geometric Latent Diffusion Models (GeoLDM). GeoLDM is the first latent DM model for the molecular geometry domain, composed of autoencoders encoding structures into continuous latent codes and DMs operating in the latent space. Our key innovation is that for modeling the 3D molecular geometries, we capture its critical roto-translational equivariance constraints by building a point-structured latent space with both invariant scalars and equivariant tensors. Extensive experiments demonstrate that GeoLDM can consistently achieve better performance on multiple molecule generation benchmarks, with up to 7\% improvement for the valid percentage of large biomolecules. Results also demonstrate GeoLDM’s higher capacity for controllable generation thanks to the latent modeling. Code is provided at \url{https://github.com/MinkaiXu/GeoLDM}.
PDF Published at ICML 2023


Solving Inverse Problems with Score-Based Generative Priors learned from Noisy Data

Authors:Asad Aali, Marius Arvinte, Sidharth Kumar, Jonathan I. Tamir

We present SURE-Score: an approach for learning score-based generative models using training samples corrupted by additive Gaussian noise. When a large training set of clean samples is available, solving inverse problems via score-based (diffusion) generative models trained on the underlying fully-sampled data distribution has recently been shown to outperform end-to-end supervised deep learning. In practice, such a large collection of training data may be prohibitively expensive to acquire in the first place. In this work, we present an approach for approximately learning a score-based generative model of the clean distribution, from noisy training data. We formulate and justify a novel loss function that leverages Stein’s unbiased risk estimate to jointly denoise the data and learn the score function via denoising score matching, while using only the noisy samples. We demonstrate the generality of SURE-Score by learning priors and applying posterior sampling to ill-posed inverse problems in two practical applications from different domains: compressive wireless multiple-input multiple-output channel estimation and accelerated 2D multi-coil magnetic resonance imaging reconstruction, where we demonstrate competitive reconstruction performance when learning at signal-to-noise ratio values of 0 and 10 dB, respectively.


DreamPaint: Few-Shot Inpainting of E-Commerce Items for Virtual Try-On without 3D Modeling

Authors:Mehmet Saygin Seyfioglu, Karim Bouyarmane, Suren Kumar, Amir Tavanaei, Ismail B. Tutar

We introduce DreamPaint, a framework to intelligently inpaint any e-commerce product on any user-provided context image. The context image can be, for example, the user’s own image for virtual try-on of clothes from the e-commerce catalog on themselves, the user’s room image for virtual try-on of a piece of furniture from the e-commerce catalog in their room, etc. As opposed to previous augmented-reality (AR)-based virtual try-on methods, DreamPaint does not use, nor does it require, 3D modeling of neither the e-commerce product nor the user context. Instead, it directly uses 2D images of the product as available in product catalog database, and a 2D picture of the context, for example taken from the user’s phone camera. The method relies on few-shot fine tuning a pre-trained diffusion model with the masked latents (e.g., Masked DreamBooth) of the catalog images per item, whose weights are then loaded on a pre-trained inpainting module that is capable of preserving the characteristics of the context image. DreamPaint allows to preserve both the product image and the context (environment/user) image without requiring text guidance to describe the missing part (product/context). DreamPaint also allows to intelligently infer the best 3D angle of the product to place at the desired location on the user context, even if that angle was previously unseen in the product’s reference 2D images. We compare our results against both text-guided and image-guided inpainting modules and show that DreamPaint yields superior performance in both subjective human study and quantitative metrics.


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