I2I Translation

2023-04-28 更新

Tensor Decomposition for Model Reduction in Neural Networks: A Review

Authors:Xingyi Liu, Keshab K. Parhi

Modern neural networks have revolutionized the fields of computer vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). They are widely used for solving complex CV tasks and NLP tasks such as image classification, image generation, and machine translation. Most state-of-the-art neural networks are over-parameterized and require a high computational cost. One straightforward solution is to replace the layers of the networks with their low-rank tensor approximations using different tensor decomposition methods. This paper reviews six tensor decomposition methods and illustrates their ability to compress model parameters of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and Transformers. The accuracy of some compressed models can be higher than the original versions. Evaluations indicate that tensor decompositions can achieve significant reductions in model size, run-time and energy consumption, and are well suited for implementing neural networks on edge devices.
PDF IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 2023


TR0N: Translator Networks for 0-Shot Plug-and-Play Conditional Generation

Authors:Zhaoyan Liu, Noel Vouitsis, Satya Krishna Gorti, Jimmy Ba, Gabriel Loaiza-Ganem

We propose TR0N, a highly general framework to turn pre-trained unconditional generative models, such as GANs and VAEs, into conditional models. The conditioning can be highly arbitrary, and requires only a pre-trained auxiliary model. For example, we show how to turn unconditional models into class-conditional ones with the help of a classifier, and also into text-to-image models by leveraging CLIP. TR0N learns a lightweight stochastic mapping which “translates” between the space of conditions and the latent space of the generative model, in such a way that the generated latent corresponds to a data sample satisfying the desired condition. The translated latent samples are then further improved upon through Langevin dynamics, enabling us to obtain higher-quality data samples. TR0N requires no training data nor fine-tuning, yet can achieve a zero-shot FID of 10.9 on MS-COCO, outperforming competing alternatives not only on this metric, but also in sampling speed — all while retaining a much higher level of generality. Our code is available at https://github.com/layer6ai-labs/tr0n.
PDF Accepted at ICML 2023


Rotation and Translation Invariant Representation Learning with Implicit Neural Representations

Authors:Sehyun Kwon, Joo Young Choi, Ernest K. Ryu

In many computer vision applications, images are acquired with arbitrary or random rotations and translations, and in such setups, it is desirable to obtain semantic representations disentangled from the image orientation. Examples of such applications include semiconductor wafer defect inspection, plankton microscope images, and inference on single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) micro-graphs. In this work, we propose Invariant Representation Learning with Implicit Neural Representation (IRL-INR), which uses an implicit neural representation (INR) with a hypernetwork to obtain semantic representations disentangled from the orientation of the image. We show that IRL-INR can effectively learn disentangled semantic representations on more complex images compared to those considered in prior works and show that these semantic representations synergize well with SCAN to produce state-of-the-art unsupervised clustering results.


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