
2023-04-28 更新

Hint-Aug: Drawing Hints from Foundation Vision Transformers Towards Boosted Few-Shot Parameter-Efficient Tuning

Authors:Zhongzhi Yu, Shang Wu, Yonggan Fu, Shunyao Zhang, Yingyan Lin

Despite the growing demand for tuning foundation vision transformers (FViTs) on downstream tasks, fully unleashing FViTs’ potential under data-limited scenarios (e.g., few-shot tuning) remains a challenge due to FViTs’ data-hungry nature. Common data augmentation techniques fall short in this context due to the limited features contained in the few-shot tuning data. To tackle this challenge, we first identify an opportunity for FViTs in few-shot tuning: pretrained FViTs themselves have already learned highly representative features from large-scale pretraining data, which are fully preserved during widely used parameter-efficient tuning. We thus hypothesize that leveraging those learned features to augment the tuning data can boost the effectiveness of few-shot FViT tuning. To this end, we propose a framework called Hint-based Data Augmentation (Hint-Aug), which aims to boost FViT in few-shot tuning by augmenting the over-fitted parts of tuning samples with the learned features of pretrained FViTs. Specifically, Hint-Aug integrates two key enablers: (1) an Attentive Over-fitting Detector (AOD) to detect over-confident patches of foundation ViTs for potentially alleviating their over-fitting on the few-shot tuning data and (2) a Confusion-based Feature Infusion (CFI) module to infuse easy-to-confuse features from the pretrained FViTs with the over-confident patches detected by the above AOD in order to enhance the feature diversity during tuning. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on five datasets and three parameter-efficient tuning techniques consistently validate Hint-Aug’s effectiveness: 0.04% ~ 32.91% higher accuracy over the state-of-the-art (SOTA) data augmentation method under various low-shot settings. For example, on the Pet dataset, Hint-Aug achieves a 2.22% higher accuracy with 50% less training data over SOTA data augmentation methods.


ESPT: A Self-Supervised Episodic Spatial Pretext Task for Improving Few-Shot Learning

Authors:Yi Rong, Xiongbo Lu, Zhaoyang Sun, Yaxiong Chen, Shengwu Xiong

Self-supervised learning (SSL) techniques have recently been integrated into the few-shot learning (FSL) framework and have shown promising results in improving the few-shot image classification performance. However, existing SSL approaches used in FSL typically seek the supervision signals from the global embedding of every single image. Therefore, during the episodic training of FSL, these methods cannot capture and fully utilize the local visual information in image samples and the data structure information of the whole episode, which are beneficial to FSL. To this end, we propose to augment the few-shot learning objective with a novel self-supervised Episodic Spatial Pretext Task (ESPT). Specifically, for each few-shot episode, we generate its corresponding transformed episode by applying a random geometric transformation to all the images in it. Based on these, our ESPT objective is defined as maximizing the local spatial relationship consistency between the original episode and the transformed one. With this definition, the ESPT-augmented FSL objective promotes learning more transferable feature representations that capture the local spatial features of different images and their inter-relational structural information in each input episode, thus enabling the model to generalize better to new categories with only a few samples. Extensive experiments indicate that our ESPT method achieves new state-of-the-art performance for few-shot image classification on three mainstay benchmark datasets. The source code will be available at: https://github.com/Whut-YiRong/ESPT.
PDF Accepted by AAAI 2023


Text-to-Audio Generation using Instruction-Tuned LLM and Latent Diffusion Model

Authors:Deepanway Ghosal, Navonil Majumder, Ambuj Mehrish, Soujanya Poria

The immense scale of the recent large language models (LLM) allows many interesting properties, such as, instruction- and chain-of-thought-based fine-tuning, that has significantly improved zero- and few-shot performance in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Inspired by such successes, we adopt such an instruction-tuned LLM Flan-T5 as the text encoder for text-to-audio (TTA) generation — a task where the goal is to generate an audio from its textual description. The prior works on TTA either pre-trained a joint text-audio encoder or used a non-instruction-tuned model, such as, T5. Consequently, our latent diffusion model (LDM)-based approach TANGO outperforms the state-of-the-art AudioLDM on most metrics and stays comparable on the rest on AudioCaps test set, despite training the LDM on a 63 times smaller dataset and keeping the text encoder frozen. This improvement might also be attributed to the adoption of audio pressure level-based sound mixing for training set augmentation, whereas the prior methods take a random mix.
PDF https://github.com/declare-lab/tango


The Internal State of an LLM Knows When its Lying

Authors:Amos Azaria, Tom Mitchell

While Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown exceptional performance in various tasks, their (arguably) most prominent drawback is generating inaccurate or false information with a confident tone. In this paper, we hypothesize that the LLM’s internal state can be used to reveal the truthfulness of a statement. Therefore, we introduce a simple yet effective method to detect the truthfulness of LLM-generated statements, which utilizes the LLM’s hidden layer activations to determine the veracity of statements. To train and evaluate our method, we compose a dataset of true and false statements in six different topics. A classifier is trained to detect which statement is true or false based on an LLM’s activation values. Specifically, the classifier receives as input the activation values from the LLM for each of the statements in the dataset. Our experiments demonstrate that our method for detecting statement veracity significantly outperforms even few-shot prompting methods, highlighting its potential to enhance the reliability of LLM-generated content and its practical applicability in real-world scenarios.


Multi-Party Chat: Conversational Agents in Group Settings with Humans and Models

Authors:Jimmy Wei, Kurt Shuster, Arthur Szlam, Jason Weston, Jack Urbanek, Mojtaba Komeili

Current dialogue research primarily studies pairwise (two-party) conversations, and does not address the everyday setting where more than two speakers converse together. In this work, we both collect and evaluate multi-party conversations to study this more general case. We use the LIGHT environment to construct grounded conversations, where each participant has an assigned character to role-play. We thus evaluate the ability of language models to act as one or more characters in such conversations. Models require two skills that pairwise-trained models appear to lack: (1) being able to decide when to talk; (2) producing coherent utterances grounded on multiple characters. We compare models trained on our new dataset to existing pairwise-trained dialogue models, as well as large language models with few-shot prompting. We find that our new dataset, MultiLIGHT, which we will publicly release, can help bring significant improvements in the group setting.


Transferring Procedural Knowledge across Commonsense Tasks

Authors:Yifan Jiang, Filip Ilievski, Kaixin Ma

Stories about everyday situations are an essential part of human communication, motivating the need to develop AI agents that can reliably understand these stories. Despite the long list of supervised methods for story completion and procedural understanding, current AI has no mechanisms to automatically track and explain procedures in unseen stories. To bridge this gap, we study the ability of AI models to transfer procedural knowledge to novel narrative tasks in a transparent manner. We design LEAP: a comprehensive framework that integrates state-of-the-art modeling architectures, training regimes, and augmentation strategies based on both natural and synthetic stories. To address the lack of densely annotated training data, we devise a robust automatic labeler based on few-shot prompting to enhance the augmented data. Our experiments with in- and out-of-domain tasks reveal insights into the interplay of different architectures, training regimes, and augmentation strategies. LEAP’s labeler has a clear positive impact on out-of-domain datasets, while the resulting dense annotation provides native explainability.


Adaptive manifold for imbalanced transductive few-shot learning

Authors:Michalis Lazarou, Yannis Avrithis, Tania Stathaki

Transductive few-shot learning algorithms have showed substantially superior performance over their inductive counterparts by leveraging the unlabeled queries. However, the vast majority of such methods are evaluated on perfectly class-balanced benchmarks. It has been shown that they undergo remarkable drop in performance under a more realistic, imbalanced setting. To this end, we propose a novel algorithm to address imbalanced transductive few-shot learning, named Adaptive Manifold. Our method exploits the underlying manifold of the labeled support examples and unlabeled queries by using manifold similarity to predict the class probability distribution per query. It is parameterized by one centroid per class as well as a set of graph-specific parameters that determine the manifold. All parameters are optimized through a loss function that can be tuned towards class-balanced or imbalanced distributions. The manifold similarity shows substantial improvement over Euclidean distance, especially in the 1-shot setting. Our algorithm outperforms or is on par with other state of the art methods in three benchmark datasets, namely miniImageNet, tieredImageNet and CUB, and three different backbones, namely ResNet-18, WideResNet-28-10 and DenseNet-121. In certain cases, our algorithm outperforms the previous state of the art by as much as 4.2%.


Analogy-Forming Transformers for Few-Shot 3D Parsing

Authors:Nikolaos Gkanatsios, Mayank Singh, Zhaoyuan Fang, Shubham Tulsiani, Katerina Fragkiadaki

We present Analogical Networks, a model that encodes domain knowledge explicitly, in a collection of structured labelled 3D scenes, in addition to implicitly, as model parameters, and segments 3D object scenes with analogical reasoning: instead of mapping a scene to part segments directly, our model first retrieves related scenes from memory and their corresponding part structures, and then predicts analogous part structures for the input scene, via an end-to-end learnable modulation mechanism. By conditioning on more than one retrieved memories, compositions of structures are predicted, that mix and match parts across the retrieved memories. One-shot, few-shot or many-shot learning are treated uniformly in Analogical Networks, by conditioning on the appropriate set of memories, whether taken from a single, few or many memory exemplars, and inferring analogous parses. We show Analogical Networks are competitive with state-of-the-art 3D segmentation transformers in many-shot settings, and outperform them, as well as existing paradigms of meta-learning and few-shot learning, in few-shot settings. Analogical Networks successfully segment instances of novel object categories simply by expanding their memory, without any weight updates. Our code and models are publicly available in the project webpage: http://analogicalnets.github.io/.


ActorsNeRF: Animatable Few-shot Human Rendering with Generalizable NeRFs

Authors:Jiteng Mu, Shen Sang, Nuno Vasconcelos, Xiaolong Wang

While NeRF-based human representations have shown impressive novel view synthesis results, most methods still rely on a large number of images / views for training. In this work, we propose a novel animatable NeRF called ActorsNeRF. It is first pre-trained on diverse human subjects, and then adapted with few-shot monocular video frames for a new actor with unseen poses. Building on previous generalizable NeRFs with parameter sharing using a ConvNet encoder, ActorsNeRF further adopts two human priors to capture the large human appearance, shape, and pose variations. Specifically, in the encoded feature space, we will first align different human subjects in a category-level canonical space, and then align the same human from different frames in an instance-level canonical space for rendering. We quantitatively and qualitatively demonstrate that ActorsNeRF significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-art on few-shot generalization to new people and poses on multiple datasets. Project Page: https://jitengmu.github.io/ActorsNeRF/
PDF Project Page : https://jitengmu.github.io/ActorsNeRF/


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