
2023-04-28 更新

Detection of Adversarial Physical Attacks in Time-Series Image Data

Authors:Ramneet Kaur, Yiannis Kantaros, Wenwen Si, James Weimer, Insup Lee

Deep neural networks (DNN) have become a common sensing modality in autonomous systems as they allow for semantically perceiving the ambient environment given input images. Nevertheless, DNN models have proven to be vulnerable to adversarial digital and physical attacks. To mitigate this issue, several detection frameworks have been proposed to detect whether a single input image has been manipulated by adversarial digital noise or not. In our prior work, we proposed a real-time detector, called VisionGuard (VG), for adversarial physical attacks against single input images to DNN models. Building upon that work, we propose VisionGuard (VG), which couples VG with majority-vote methods, to detect adversarial physical attacks in time-series image data, e.g., videos. This is motivated by autonomous systems applications where images are collected over time using onboard sensors for decision-making purposes. We emphasize that majority-vote mechanisms are quite common in autonomous system applications (among many other applications), as e.g., in autonomous driving stacks for object detection. In this paper, we investigate, both theoretically and experimentally, how this widely used mechanism can be leveraged to enhance the performance of adversarial detectors. We have evaluated VG on videos of both clean and physically attacked traffic signs generated by a state-of-the-art robust physical attack. We provide extensive comparative experiments against detectors that have been designed originally for out-of-distribution data and digitally attacked images.


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