
2023-04-26 更新

Auto-CARD: Efficient and Robust Codec Avatar Driving for Real-time Mobile Telepresence

Authors:Yonggan Fu, Yuecheng Li, Chenghui Li, Jason Saragih, Peizhao Zhang, Xiaoliang Dai, Yingyan Lin

Real-time and robust photorealistic avatars for telepresence in AR/VR have been highly desired for enabling immersive photorealistic telepresence. However, there still exists one key bottleneck: the considerable computational expense needed to accurately infer facial expressions captured from headset-mounted cameras with a quality level that can match the realism of the avatar’s human appearance. To this end, we propose a framework called Auto-CARD, which for the first time enables real-time and robust driving of Codec Avatars when exclusively using merely on-device computing resources. This is achieved by minimizing two sources of redundancy. First, we develop a dedicated neural architecture search technique called AVE-NAS for avatar encoding in AR/VR, which explicitly boosts both the searched architectures’ robustness in the presence of extreme facial expressions and hardware friendliness on fast evolving AR/VR headsets. Second, we leverage the temporal redundancy in consecutively captured images during continuous rendering and develop a mechanism dubbed LATEX to skip the computation of redundant frames. Specifically, we first identify an opportunity from the linearity of the latent space derived by the avatar decoder and then propose to perform adaptive latent extrapolation for redundant frames. For evaluation, we demonstrate the efficacy of our Auto-CARD framework in real-time Codec Avatar driving settings, where we achieve a 5.05x speed-up on Meta Quest 2 while maintaining a comparable or even better animation quality than state-of-the-art avatar encoder designs.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2023


PoseVocab: Learning Joint-structured Pose Embeddings for Human Avatar Modeling

Authors:Zhe Li, Zerong Zheng, Yuxiao Liu, Boyao Zhou, Yebin Liu

Creating pose-driven human avatars is about modeling the mapping from the low-frequency driving pose to high-frequency dynamic human appearances, so an effective pose encoding method that can encode high-fidelity human details is essential to human avatar modeling.To this end, we present PoseVocab, a novel pose encoding method that encourages the network to discover the optimal pose embeddings for learning the dynamic human appearance. Given multi-view RGB videos of a character, PoseVocab constructs key poses and latent embeddings based on the training poses. To achieve pose generalization and temporal consistency, we sample key rotations in $so(3)$ of each joint rather than the global pose vectors, and assign a pose embedding to each sampled key rotation. These joint-structured pose embeddings not only encode the dynamic appearances under different key poses, but also factorize the global pose embedding into joint-structured ones to better learn the appearance variation related to the motion of each joint. To improve the representation ability of the pose embedding while maintaining memory efficiency, we introduce feature lines, a compact yet effective 3D representation, to model more fine-grained details of human appearances. Furthermore, given a query pose and a spatial position, a hierarchical query strategy is introduced to interpolate pose embeddings and acquire the conditional pose feature for dynamic human synthesis. Overall, PoseVocab effectively encodes the dynamic details of human appearance and enables realistic and generalized animation under novel poses. Experiments show that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art baselines both qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of synthesis quality. Code is available at https://github.com/lizhe00/PoseVocab.
PDF Accepted by SIGGRAPH 2023 (Conference Track), Projectpage: https://lizhe00.github.io/projects/posevocab, Code: https://github.com/lizhe00/posevocab


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